
Ride Or Die With Me

Story is deleted! New Account: Moon7

Eshal_Shahnawaz · ファンタジー
124 Chs

Park Naeun Or Agent 007? (2)

After hearing Naeun's answer, he grabbed her hand and went near a black limo standing. Opening the door, he entered and made her sit on the seat in front of him. When the limo started moving, then Nauen got to scan her savior from top to bottom.

He looked very rich from his clothes and was indeed handsome. He had big doe-eyes, a sharp cute nose, a sharp jawline, and black, shaggy hair making him look quite attractive.

At least he's handsome...

"Done staring at me?"

Naeun got startled at his sudden voice and found him staring at her already.

"What's your name?" she asked to break the awkward silence.

"Jeon Jungwoo."

"Aren't you the gangster? Leader of the Bulletproof gang?"

"That's good that you already know me."

Naeun wasn't scared. She had seen him appear many times in the news, and she also knew that if he hated someone, he killed them and if he didn't, then that person was lucky to be on his nice list.

They reached his mansion soon, and as Naeun stepped out, Jungwoo grabbed her hand, intertwining it with his. The mansion was huge and beautiful, and after entering it, he took her with him to a room. Naeun stepped in, and Jungwoo closed the door at once. She noticed a pair of handcuffs on the bed and took them in her hands.

"Handcuffs?" She asked, looking around to face him.

Jungwoo tilted his face, raising his eyebrows.

"Oh, right, you're a criminal."

Jungwoo came close to her, back hugging her and sniffed in her scent, but the next second, Naeun pushed him back. He stared at her and started walking towards her but stopped midway when he couldn't walk further. Looking back, his hand was handcuffed to the side table near the bed.

"Mission Accomplished," said Naeun to her earpiece.

"Who are you?" Jungwoo asked.

"I am Agent 007 from KIA, also known as Korean Intelligence Agency."

Jungwoo scoffed. "So it's you, the one who's giving my men trouble from the past few weeks."

"Well, I was tired of fighting those little pesks and low lives."

"Are you talking about my man?" He asked angrily.

He advanced towards her dangerously but Naeun only smirked and stayed in her place. She dug her sharp heel in his right toe making him fall with a scream.

Naeun bent down to his height and ruffled up his hair.

"Oh silly me! I forgot that you were one of those pesks. No different really. Did you really think I would let you do anything to me? I don't give a damn about your help. You also should have known that the money you steal from banks and innocent people's houses' is nothing to me."

Naeun straightened up and Jungwoo reached out to grab his gun from his waist. Once again Naeun dug her heals, not in his foot but right on his hand.

"Don't even try. All hope is lost. Your empire will fall."

He tried to bear the pain and screams trying to break out from his tongue. The heel Naeun was digging into his hand was just like a knife piercing through his skin.

"You don't know anything!"

Suddenly the door opened and the police started swarming in but there was a man, leaning against the wall staring at Naeun and Jungwoo.

"Well this is the end of your gang Mr. Jeon," Naeun said smirking at Jungwoo who was bursting with anger.

The police grabbed him by his arms and took him from the room but before leaving he shot the last smirk to Nauen making her scoff.

"Oh right, you're a criminal." imitated the guy leaning against the wall who now walked towards Naeun.

"Shut up, Agent 002."

This guy was Agent 002 also known as Lee Jihoon. He knew how the game would be played before it even started. He was at a very high post as Agent 002 and the guy who was Agent 001 was hidden and never seen as he was to busy in the very big missions.

"Well, you finally captured the guy you were after for 2 months. Congratulations."

Naeun noticed that he was speaking forcefully and she felt something wrong too.

They walked out of the mansion and got in the car and Jihoon started driving.

"Something doesn't feel right."

Jihoon glanced sideways at Naeun.

"What do you mean?" he asked.

"Wasn't this too easy? Like he is the biggest mafia in the whole of Asia and he couldn't get out of a pair of handcuffs. Isn't that strange?"

"Maybe. You should talk to the chief about that. I'm headed there."


And the whole ride went in silence until they reached the company.

Seoul Kimbap House, 6 p.m.

A guy covered fully from top to bottom in black walked out from the shop with a parcel of Kimbap. He took out his phone hearing it ring and answered it.

"Hello boss?"

"What is it?" the man asked.

"Boss, Jungwoo Sir got arrested by KIA."

The guy hummed in response. "Really? How?"

"Sir the CCTV camera's show a girl walking with him in his house up to his room but her face is hidden."

"He probably got seduced and fell for her tricks. Doesn't matter."

"Boss should we take him out of prison?"

"No. He'll come out himself soon. We have other matters to worry about. Are the others ready?"

"Yes Boss."

"Good. The game has just begun. Pawn no. 1 has played his move and now it's my turn."

He turned off his phone and walked off to his car and drove away.