
Revenge of the Strongest Deus

Louts is an immortal who lost memories of his past. In the past, on one fateful day he lost his mom who cherished him, his cute adorable sister whom he adored so much and his revered father who enjoyed his every activity. He didn't care about his lost past though. He is living a simple peaceful life. How is he going to remember the millennium old vindictiveness? How is he going to remember the millennium old misery? How is he going to remember the millennium old treachery? Will he be able to take revenge for his family???

Sutol · ファンタジー
10 Chs

Chapter 001

"Don't leave a single one out alive."

Said a hoarse voice.

"Aahhhh.... Aaaaaahhh.... Aaaaaahhh"

There are voices everywhere.

"Please... Brother… Te..Take him.....away."

There is this familiar voice. Then, another child's sniveling voice.

"Oh brother, fire!! fire!! Please, please helppp…. me!!"

I'm hearing voices and death cries echoing my ears everywhere. As far as my eyes can see, there is fire in black colour that is even darker than the darkness itself. It even burns the air around it to cause some distortion in my view.


There were bodies of people and monsters which could not be possible to recognize them which were chattered black lying on the ground. There were bodies without eyes and some bodies' eyes were clinging out of their sockets. Damaged teeth. Severed limbs and wings. Some were evaporating in thin air. Chattered smell assaulting the nose. There is nothing common among the bodies lying there except for one thing. All of their faces are full of despair. But truth to be told, they're still fortunate to have the sudden peaceful death without knowing what caused their death. Truly unfortunate ones are the ones who survived this onslaught. There is utter despair around me. I don't know what or who caused this blitz. But my mind doesn't even falter in this situation. All I'm thinking now was to reach that person in my mind whose face I don't know clearly. That person has the most beautiful heartwarming smile I can think of.  But my heart knows one thing, if you don't save that person now, you'll never see that person again. As I start to turn around and start to reach that person, there is a hand at my back wrapped around my chest, which I don't recognize whose it is. As I move my head to look up who it is, there is an eerie sound from a creature indicating unenduring pain it was experiencing.



Oh, it's the same dream again. Who is that person I'm trying to reach?

There're two drops of tears ready to flow from my eyes. As I wandered on my thoughts my nose started to pick a nice tea aroma which'll induce everyone to at least try the tea even if it makes them die afterwards.

Such a pleasant aroma

I won't tell that to the person who is having that tea in front of me while sitting on my bed. It'll make him fuller of himself. He is my fighting tutor, Ravula. He is a skilled fighter whom I'm trying to reach his level. His eye is looking directly at me without any emotions on his face while sipping tea in his mouth elegantly. One has to study hard all their life to attain this kind of perfectness even though there is no guarantee you'll attain this level. It is hard to imagine, this kind of elegance comes naturally to him.

"Same dream again?"


I don't even remember how many times I had this bitter dream.

"I hope at least today you happens to find out who that person is?" Ravula is not the talkative type. He always says, "Actions speak much louder than words. It can even reach the deaf."

Hmph. Useless. How many times have I asked him? This moron only says there is fire and dead bodies everywhere. With this description there are multiple occurrences of events in multiple places around the universe. It is like finding a needle in a haystack with this information. I need more information to act. Well today I'll summon a powerful demon this planet can accommodate. If he was cornered then maybe I can obtain some more information.

"Nah, every time when I try to see that person's face some good for nothing a*shole ruins everything."

"Is this the way a student talks to his master? Not that I care about it anyway."

He stood up from my bed and walked towards the doors that seemed neither slow nor fast. Then he tilted his head slightly, and said with a serious tone, "Well, for today's training we'll enter Perillo forest. I'll see Keesa if there is a powerful monster to apply the skills you've learned so far. Meet me at the city gate."

After Ravula left the room, I started to do my routine exercise regime. Me and Ravula are both bounty hunters. We have been doing this job for almost 2 years. I'm 16 years old now. We're one of the small bounty hunters group out there. In our group only me and Ravula. Our group name is Hashasin. Not fancy name though just some random bogus out of whim.

After finishing my routine exercise, I took the towel from a nearby table. I stood in front of the mirror and I began wondering with a hand on my chin. Does anyone out there comparable to me. How am I so handsome?  It's not baloney to say that I have well-built body muscles with zero percent excess fat. I have short deep dark red hair, that I didn't even comb from the day I was born, I think. It's so messy. For some reason my hair doesn't grow. I don't why? Probably it's part of my charm. I have black eyes with no differentiation between sclera, iris or even retina. My eye only has black like a blackhole. You cannot find anyone with this type of eye anywhere. At least that's what I think. Scarless face with no moustache or beard. 

Hell damn. Why won't it grow? Damn, those small pesky little brats living in the area boasting about how cool it is to have a beard and all. How come these brats know anything about being cool? 


I shouldn't get furious about these small matters. I should always keep my head cool.

I wore simple black suite attire which was so cool. I had an intricately designed lucky ring on my left ring finger. I tied a black band covering my eyes.

Upon wearing my clothes, I'm started leaving in the direction of the west city gate.