
Revenge Of The Fallen Warrior

I was hailed as the greatest warrior of all time, a legend of unmatched strength. My journey was a thrilling saga of transformation, encountering friends turned foes and rediscovering lost loved ones along the way. Devoted to protecting others, I never expected doubts from those I risked my life for. Shockingly, the ruler I faithfully served plotted my demise, even endangering my beloved companions. Yet, amidst the trials and triumphs, it was my unyielding spirit that captured hearts. My legend lives on, inspiring awe and reflection, weaving a mesmerizing tale of heroism and betrayal.

Anime_Sensei_ · ファンタジー
6 Chs

Chapter 01 : The One Who Wields A Mighty Sword

It all had started on that day when news had reached our kingdom that a marvelous sword had been discovered. I had come to know that the sword, rumored to have fallen from the sky with the power of lightning, had remained elusive to anyone who had sought to possess it.

Whoever would acquire it was destined to become a great warrior. Upon hearing this news, the king had summoned me and said, "Alex, take some of our soldiers and retrieve that sword." I had obeyed the king's command, and the next morning, I had embarked on the journey with three soldiers, Jack, Drake, and Morgan, to reach the mountain where the sword was said to be located.

After an arduous three-day journey, we had finally arrived at the mountain peak where the sword was rumored to rest. It had already been evening, so we had decided to rest and spend the night there, planning to search for the sword the next day.

The following morning, Drake had woken me up, urging us to continue our expedition. "It's time to move, Alex. Let's venture inside the cave within the mountain," they had exclaimed. After walking for a while and defeating some monsters along the way, we had caught a glimpse of the sword.

As soon as Jack had attempted to reach for it, his head had swiftly been severed. Witnessing this horrific sight, Drake and Morgan had let out terrified screams.

A chilling silence had enveloped the chamber as we had confronted the grim reality of the sword's defense. It had become evident that whoever had dared to lay their hands upon the sword had met a gruesome fate. The magnitude of our mission had weighed heavily upon us, and we had understood that proceeding required unwavering courage and unyielding determination. Our quest had merely begun, and the trials that had awaited us had tested not only our skills but also the depths of our souls.

In that moment, I had beheld the darkness behind the sword parting, revealing the figure of a predator. Its hands had been stained with the color of blood.

Predator was a large lizard-like monster that used its pheromones to deceive other monsters into believing that it was one of them. It would then prey on those monsters to become bigger and more powerful.

I told Morgan and Drake to take their positions. I didn't think this was an ordinary predator, judging by its size. It seemed to be at the level of a general or king, but it was something different. It felt like it wasn't just a predator, but my most formidable enemy yet.

I attempted to attack, but the predator swiftly moved around me and headed towards Morgan and Drake. It launched such a swift attack that they couldn't even defend themselves. In an instant, both of them met their demise. Angered, I surged forward to kill the predator.

"Aaaaaa, I won't let you live! I will surely avenge my companions!" I shouted. The predator laughed and said, "Ha ha ha, you foolish human. Your attempts are in vain. I have encountered many monsters in my life but it was the first predator who can talk and can use magic attacks.

Who are you?" Laughing, it replied, "Ha ha ha, you don't need to know. Just die. I can't even withstand his single attack my body feels like it would shatterd any moment. I must find another way. Ah, yes, that sword. Now, this sword alone can save me." It then threw me towards the wall, but by luck, I fell right beside the sword. I extracted the sword from the stones and stood up.

"Ha ha ha, you ignorant mortal. Mortals cannot wield this sword, hnnn! it's impossible. You, human, what's your name?" "Alexander," I replied. "Alexander, this is your end. Silence, you fool. You have killed my companions, but now it's my turn. After taking this sword into my hands, I feel invigorated. This is your end, monster!"

Let's see whose life ends in this battle."

Exhausted, I realized I needed to concentrate my energy. My strength was diminishing, and the poison was spreading through my body. I had to end this battle with a single strike. I exclaimed, "Huff... I need to focus my energy... I don't have much strength left. I will end this in a single strike Emperorrrr Crashhhhhh! Aaaaahhhh"

"How can this be? How can I ''Zephyr'' the one who serves the strongest can be defeated by an ordinary human,?

Ahhh, that fuc*er was extremely strong I barely have any energy left in my body it seems this is my end. The poison is consuming my body. I have no control over it." I'm losing my consciousness. Hmph i wish i would have atlest told my feelings to her."