
Revenge Of The Fallen Warrior

I was hailed as the greatest warrior of all time, a legend of unmatched strength. My journey was a thrilling saga of transformation, encountering friends turned foes and rediscovering lost loved ones along the way. Devoted to protecting others, I never expected doubts from those I risked my life for. Shockingly, the ruler I faithfully served plotted my demise, even endangering my beloved companions. Yet, amidst the trials and triumphs, it was my unyielding spirit that captured hearts. My legend lives on, inspiring awe and reflection, weaving a mesmerizing tale of heroism and betrayal.

Anime_Sensei_ · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Chapter 02 : The Royal Banquet

When Alexander opens his eyes, he finds himself in an unfamiliar room. Huh I'm alive Ugh! my head is hurting. what's this unfamiliar ceiling?

As Alexander gets up from the bed, he feels his body is very light. He looks at himself in the mirror and shouts holy crap! my body looks much better than before. I mean, my body was already fine, but now it's even better.

The king enters the room, "Oh my! It seems all your wounds have healed" the king said. "This is the outcome of your treatment. I am thankful to you my king. You did me a great favor."

But how did I ended up here? The king answers, "When I didn't receive any news from you for a week, I sent some people to check on you. They found you unconscious inside the cave, and they brought you here. I'm truly amazed at how quickly you recovered."

Should I tell the king what happened inside the cave? Alexander thinks to himself, "No, this is not the right moment. I should forget about what happened."

"Oh, I have come here to invite you to tonight's celebration Alexander "What is the celebration for?" "It is a celebration of the success of our mission. I have organized a special event, and I would be honored if you could join us the king said."

"It would be my pleasure, my lord. I will definitely come," Alexander assures him. "Okay, I'll meet you at the Royal Capital tonight."

"I believe I have finally made a full recovery," he exclaimed with excitement. "Let's seize the moment and engage in some sword practice before I head to the party.

With renewed confidence, he picked up his sword, ready to demonstrate his prowess. As he began his training session, the slashing of blades echoed through the air, fueling his anticipation for the upcoming festivities.

As the sun began its descent, Alexander realized he needed to hasten his steps to reach the royal capital.

Alexander sat in his carriage, marveling at the picturesque scenery of the forest and mountains along the path to the royal capital. The lush greenery and majestic peaks filled him with a sense of awe.

"Nature's beauty never fails to amaze me. The vibrant colors of the trees and the towering mountains evoke a sense of tranquility" said Alex.

He leaned back, taking in the fresh air and relishing the peaceful journey.

Taehyung glanced out the window of his carriage, observing the opulent carriages passing by, filled with elegantly dressed individuals.

"Wow, look at them. So rich and adorned in luxury. Their carriages gleaming with extravagance."

"It's incredible how wealth can manifest itself in such grandeur. The stark contrast between their lives and mine is undeniable."

He pondered the stark divide between the privileged and the less fortunate, reflecting on the unfairness of the world.

"But it's not just about material possessions. It's the power and influence they hold, the doors that open effortlessly for them. It's a reminder of how cruel this world can be to those who are deemed weak."

Later that day, as the event unfolded....

The royal guards proclaimed, "All hail to the king!"

As the king joined the event, all eyes turned to him, captivated by his presence.

"Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for gracing us with your presence tonight. It is an honor to stand before such esteemed guests."

"Long live the king! May his reign bring prosperity and peace."

"I extend my gratitude for your kind words. Tonight, we celebrate not only our accomplishments but also the bright future that lies ahead."

"To King and the prosperity of our kingdom!"

"To King!"

Alex exclaimed in awe, "Just look at him! His mere presence is enough to grant them such power."