

This story of young witch named Judith. She was happy with her mother once and good family they are once but one day tragedy strikes and now we have to see her darker path, where she will goes

32 Chs


"Some kind of misery will make you hate the world,but some make you hate yourself".

Here we are going to find out what kind of misery Sam is experiencing.

Heartbroken and filled with grief, Sam clutches the ashes of her mother, tears streaming down her face. As she steps towards the town, her pain intensifies when she overhears a chilling conversation among the townspeople. They openly discuss the murder of a witch and make plans to kill the witch's daughter next. Sam's eyes widened in disbelief,pain cannot comprehend why they would target her innocent mother.

She questions inside "What they had done wrong, Emphasising that she and her mother had never harmed a single soul in their Entire lives. They had always lived in Fear, keeping their distance from people to avoid any potential harm. Yet, despite their caution, tragedy had found them."

[ In that devastating moment, Sam realises the cruel reality of being a witch in this world. She comes to understand that no matter how much they try to stay away and avoid people, the world will always be cruel to them. The mere fact of being a witch seems to invite unwarranted hatred and destruction.]

[Filled with a burning desire for revenge, Sam still remains unaware that Edward has already exposed her mother as a witch. However, she dismisses the significance of his actions, recognizing that the real monsters are the townspeople themselves, who have treated her and her mother like animals. They unjustly blamed her and her mother for every terrible event, simply because they possessed magical abilities.]

Sam on belief "What goes around comes around." Repeating on low voice

Eyes filled with aggression clenching fist inner voice." Irrational and brutal act of killing her mother will have consequences. She acknowledges that some may view her desire for revenge as extreme, but she contends that the townspeople must accept the fact that when they burned someone's home, they were inviting war upon themselves.``

[ Sam's heart grows darker as she embraces her newfound purpose: to seek vengeance and make the townspeople pay for their heinous crimes. The path of revenge stretches out before her, and she is ready to unleash her powers and show the world the consequences of their actions. The town, once a place of solace and refuge, has transformed into a battleground as Sam prepares to confront the very people who destroyed her world.]

With determination burning in her eyes, Sam whispers to herself, "You burned my home and now you will face the consequences. Prepare yourselves for the war you have brought upon your own heads."

("Some of you may think Sam was wrong and Extreme but you have to accept the fact that when you burned someone's home never forget you invited them for war ".)

Haunted by the memories of her mother's ashes, Sam finds no solace or peace in her uncle's house in Paris. The voices of the townspeople, their cruel words and actions, echo in her mind, tormenting her day and night. The vivid images of her mother being burned, the sound of stones hitting her fragile body, replay in her nightmares. Sam cannot escape the overwhelming pain and suffering her mother endured before her tragic end. Sleep eludes her, and each breath feels like a suffocating reminder of the injustice that was inflicted upon her family.

Weeks turn into months, and Sam's desire for vengeance only grows stronger. The memories of that fateful day fuel her every thought and action. She knows deep within her heart that she can never truly move on from such a horrific event. The pain and hatred she feels consume her, leaving no room for forgiveness or healing.

With a resolute determination, Sam makes the decision to return to Rousilluon, the place where her mother's life was stolen from her. She understands that seeking revenge is not an easy path, but it is the only way she can find some semblance of justice for her mother's death. Sam knows that she cannot let the perpetrators of such heinous acts escape the consequences of their actions.

As she journeys back to Rousilluon, Sam's mind is filled with thoughts of retribution. She envisions herself standing tall amidst the ruins of her former home, her powers unleashed in a fury of vengeance. She is prepared to face the darkness head-on, to confront those who caused her mother's suffering, and to make them pay for their crimes.

The road ahead is treacherous, but Sam's resolve remains unyielding. She knows that the path of revenge is a dangerous one, fraught with its own perils. But for her mother's sake, she is willing to face any obstacle, to endure any pain. The fire of vengeance burns within her, fueling her every step.

Sam's return to Rousilluon marks the beginning of a new chapter in her life - one filled with darkness, vengeance, and the pursuit of justice. She is ready to confront the demons of her past, to avenge her mother's death, and to bring about a reckoning that will forever alter the lives of those who had once thought themselves untouchable.

****"Yeah that's true because this is not something which can go away even by time too.when you experienced tragedy for no reason and unfairness that moment hate on your heart burn like volcano to melt the whole world".*****

Sam stood towards her uncle, biting teeth, clenching fist "Uncle thank you for taking care of me all those years like I am your own daughter. I will never forget you, my dear uncle. My mom would have appreciated you."

Her uncle, turned head down tearing

"As a powerful warlock, I am the one who is supposed to bring the town to my sister's death but I'm afraid of leaving my daughter's orphan. They already lost their mother."

Sam placing hand on uncle shoulders pleasant voice

"There is nothing more me and mom would have expected from you because you already took care of her daughter as your own.Your sister and my mother would be so proud of you."

She stepping out of the house her uncle expresses his concern

"Be careful and return home safe."

Sam assures him that she will do everything in her power to ensure her own survival, but she is resolute in her determination to make the town suffer and pay for their crimes.

She stepped towards out her uncle

'Hey! Sam i remember something your mother got two friends one is Indian friend practitioner of black magic another Russian or American witch idk about her name clearly but you can found her in your mom locker her secret book".

Sam smiles,"Thank you uncle."


"Return home Sam ,I will be waiting for you."

Sam on unsure voice

"Idk about returning or things will ever change but i promise that town will suffers hell."

[With a renewed sense of purpose, Sam sets off on her journey, her heart filled with determination and vengeance.

The road ahead is dangerous and filled with uncertainty, but Sam is willing to face any challenge, confront any enemy, and make sure that the town that took her mother's life will suffer and descend into the depths of darkness.]

As she takes her first steps towards her destiny, Sam whispers to herself," I will avenge my mother's death and no one will escape the wrath of a witch scorned. This town will know the meaning of wrath and bloodshed."

Some Times world cruelty will make you cruel in general you are kindest soul too. That's something we need to understand or accept

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