
Hair Day

While Merlin chilling in one of his 'Presidential suites' literally, he had his window open, and was launching fireballs and ice lances every now and then. Following the spells, which were travelling almost at the speed of sound, one would see the spells split up into hundreds of smaller versions of what they originally were, and move even faster and each min-spell accurately killed a single Tier 2. For the Tier 3s, many of the mini-spells attacked the target from all directions, making them porcupines and Swiss cheese at the same time.

After finishing giving some more orders to Phillip on how to manage the already recovering Cayden, which was in ruins merely hours ago, Merlin stood up.

'Now, onto the next, and most important order of business, my beard!'

Merlin had lived for 10 years on Tsundere plane, and had grown quite the beard. However, although he liked the feeling of having a beard, this one was too unkempt. Being nearly 5 inches ling, with tangles everywhere, it was a mess. And since all Merlin knew to do was fight, even in his previous life, he had someone to keep his grooming proper to as to not impede his battles.

He called over one of Phillip's doppelgangers, and asked quietly in his mind as though he was trying to keep it a secret within Phillip's mind as well,

'Do you know how to trim someone's beard?'

Phillip's virtual body flickered slightly as he pondered for some time before looking straight at Merlin's face, making Merlin feel as though Phillip was seeing through him completely.

'Y- You see, as the leader of this nation, I cannot simply go to the nearest barber shop. I have a reputation to uphold. Also, I'm pretty sure no-one is still trying to keep their shops open as of now.'

Merlin added stutteringly, before realising Phillip was his own creation, and his back straightened once more with strict pride.

'So? Can you?'

'Of course Master! Just let me bring over the perfect puppet for the job! It will take but a moment.'

However, Phillip just remained unmoving in his place, which would have felt awkward for most others, but Merlin was used to this situation. Phillip did not need to move his projection to carry-out tasks, and so it would just remain floating in mid-air, covered in blue binary.

A few seconds later, a weird-looking puppet came in through the door.

Seeing this abomination, Merlin was reminded of a certain scene from a certain Marvel movie as he exclaimed as a subconscious reaction,

"Don't cut my hair! Stan Lee!!!"

Realising how loudly he had screamed, it was likely that a few floors below would have heard what he just said, and not above since he lived on the penthouse.

Merlin swiftly thought of a solution and used a peak Tier 3 spell to tamper with their souls very precisely and remove the memories of exactly 12 seconds ago till now, using nearly half his mana in the process.

Once he finished that, he sighed and began gathering mana whilst remembering to launch a few spells now and then.

Calming down, Merlin sat back in his seat and waited for the puppet to do its magic.

Almost 10 minutes later, the puppet disintegrated, leaving Merlin's beard and hair an even greater mess.

"Fine, I'll do it myself!" Merlin said as he created a gauntlet using pure mana stones, with a few rainbow coloured glowing stones in it which were rapidly absorbing his ¾ recovered mana.

"Shit!" he quickly destroyed the monstrous creation, vowing to never create something like this, and also rebuking the author for allowing such a thing to be created. Merlin did not want to die after using that thing once.

Instead, he used other bag of mana stones to create an incredibly sharp blade, and slowly began chopping slicing his long locks into jagged edged spikes, and his messy beard into a bush.


In the end, Merlin gave up and called for Alex and Jack, who were technically his only friends for a long time.


Ack, I was only trying to add som comedy into this chapter, since it had been too unemtional for too long, but When I added the hair cutting part, and remembered the scene from ragnorok, I remembered that Stan Lee had passed away some time back.

Damn It!!!

No more Cameos!!!



I feel like those depressed mc who are at the lowest point in their lives, and will soon get the superpower that will help them out of the gutter.


Shadow_Maguscreators' thoughts