
Resident Evil Virus Master

what would happen if Spencer started a second project alongside the Wesker project and even abducted a small boy to use as an experiment due to his ability to defy death despite his terminal illness that should have long killed the boy causing Spencer to use the boy even injecting him with the unmodified Progenitor virus unlike the Wesker children who have been injected with a modified version after all the years of suffering despite him now being in his early twenties he is still trapped in the clutches of umbrella however an incident in the facility that he resides has caused many to be infected with the T-Virus causing Spencer to send Albert and his expendable S.T.A.R.S unit into what can only be described as hell in order to retrieve the boy however things do not go as expected and from this many disastrous consequences cauing many to suffer but it all starts in that mansion. -------------------- do note this is a test if you guys like it I will continue it on since the first volume of my Spartan that became a god is coming to an end I thought I would see if this kind of story is interesting for you guys since that one is in first person and the next volume of that will require some 3rd person but as i said if this gets enough likes i will continue it do note in what i plan it will cover the events of resident evil 1 and if the likes are enough I will continue it onto the events that happen after that its entirely upto you guys. for those who want to support and read chapters before those on webnovel you can support me on patreon. patreon.com/LuciferDark324

LuciferDark · ゲーム
8 Chs

Chapter 1 Arklay Mountains and Mansion Start

What if the Wesker project was not the only project that Spencer started and another on was done using a small boy who was suffering from a terminal illness but strangely enough the boy who was suppose to die due to this illness did not no matter what the doctors said he refused to die seeing this Spencer took the boy in hopes the boy holds the key to using the progenitor virus to achieve immortality to ensure that no one would intervene he took the boy and faked the boys death and ordered the experiments on the boy while simultaneously having the Wesker project continue.

Many years have passed since than and many things have happened with the Wesker project considered a failure with only two survivors one sent to spy the other sent to monitor experiments by Spencer and the boy taking time to adapt to the progenitor virus and being stored in a facility in the arklay mountains however things did not go as planned the facility had a containment failure causing a virus that was derived from the progenitor virus to leak in the facility this virus although not as potent as the progenitor virus and caused those infected to become the undead this virus was designed to repair damaged tissue but did something unexpected the lucky ones were just turned to zombies the ones that were not mutated the scientists at the facility were aware of this and still experimented with it creating many abominations all leading to the creation of the Tyrant this virus was call the T-Virus.

Shortly after the contamination Spencer sent instructions to one of the survivors of the Wesker project Albert Wesker to go to the facility and retrieve the boy and bring him to the hospital in Racoon City where Sergi will be waiting to take the boy inorder to facilitate this mission Spencer had Umbrella issue instructions to police chief Irons to send S.T.A.R.S to investigate the disappearances in the arklay mountains as a cover Albert was also told to destroy the facility to hind any evidence of Umbrella's involvement in this incident it did not take long for S.T.A.R.S to be mobilised first sending bravo team however for unknown reasons they lost communication with Bravo team forcing the deployment of Alpha team of which Albert Wesker was incharge of unknown to the rest of the members of Alpha this mission will be devastating to them losing many close friends all to keep Umbrellas and Albert's secret.

It did not take Alpha team to get ready for the mission packing everything they needed onto the helicopter as they were Albert was talking to Police chief Irons about the mission while Jill and Chris were checking their guns in the background Barry is polishing his magnum making sure it's not got any problems before the mission while ignoring his surroundings after about 10 minutes Albert come over to the team and speaks " ready every the mission is to locate Bravo team and aid them in finding what's causing the disappearences that have been happening in the arklay mountains so be prepared for anything" Chris and Jill just nod at this and make their way into the helicopter on the helipad as the whole of Alpha team get into the helicopter Brad starts up the rotor blades and takes of the helipad increase his altitude before heading in the direction of the arklay mountains.

After what seem like a long journey in silence where no one talked and just made their last minute preparation for landing making sure they have ammo to use if need while observing the forest below them as they make way to a place to land and luckily for Alpha team it did not take long for them to find an area to semi land due to the amount of trees its impossible to actually land so relying on ropes and the helicopter being as close to the ground as possible the entirety of alpha team exits the helicopter sliding down the ropes and landing on the ground and being their search not long after they begin their search the helicopter begins to leave cauing some members of alpha team to curse brad for leaving them here but instead of cursing Albert just issues the order to continue the search.

It did not take long for Alpha team to find Bravo teams helicopter that had crashed and upon seeing the state at which the pilot was in looking as if he has been mauled at seeing this scene some members of alpha team were frightened only Albert, Barry,Chris and Jill did not show any signs of being frightened " we need to find Bravo team and be aware of what's around us to avoid being attacked by whatever did this to the pilot let's go and everyone remember observe your surroundings" Alberts words brought all the frightened members back to their senses and followed the instructions continuing the search for Bravo team in hopes that they knew what the hell was going on.

As the search continues some of alpha teams members discovered a mansion causing everyone to shift their search area closer to it assuming that bravo team will have also found the mansion and made their way to it thinking it had some clues however as they were making their way to the mansion the members that had discovered it had lost contact with the rest of the team the rest just thought that the the mansion had something that was interfearing with the signal but unbeknownst to them they were being hunted by members of the canine family however these canines were not normal they had rotten flesh and some even had their skeletons exposed and as the mansion cam into view Alpha team was attacked by the canines noticing that no mater how many bullets were shot into the body's of these mosters they still kept attacking quickly dwindling down the members of alpha team "head for the mansion" hearing Albert everyone made a every effort that they could to get to the mansion as they got their only 3 members were able to enter the mansion before they had to close it to stoo the canines from getting to them these were Albert, Chris and Jill "what the hell are those things" Jill's comment was exactly what she would imagine what they were all thinking " no idea but this explains the disappearances" of course Albert knew what they were but he had to make it seem as if he did not as to make things convincing luckily Jill and Chris nodded in agreement " Chris you go investigate the room to the left while me and Jill make sure this room is secure" Chris just nods at this before heading through the double door on the left of the entrance room.

As Chris enters the room he notices that it looks like a dining room with a second floor that as he was looking around he see that there is another door at the other side of the room on the right not thinking much he makes his way towards the door and opens it revealing a hallway as he enters the hallway he hears a noise coming from the left side and decides to see what it is as he makes his way to the end of the hallway on the left side which ooens up into a small area as he gets there he sees a man lying on the floor in a familiar uniform with a another man kneeling over him doing what appears to be biting or rather doing what one does when they eat a chicken drumstick just as Chris was about to do something the kneeling man stops and moves his head to look directly at Chris seeing the mans face that looks like its decaying chris steps back in shock as the man begins to stands up and turns to chris before running at him in slight fear of what he just saw Chris points his gun before teling the man to stop but the man ignores him and continues running at Chris just as he is about to reach chris a gun firing is heared chris had pulled the trigger and due to how close the man was the bullet hit the man straight in the head after the bullet hit the man fell to the ground unmoving.

Not wanting to stay he runs back to the door leading to the dining room and entering closing the door behind him in hopes that if that thing gets back up the door will stop it than made his way to the only other door on the ground floor of the dining room which leads to the main hall where Albert and Jill are waiting however as he opens the double door he sees the main hall completely empty no sign of Albert or Jill seeing this Chris quickly begins looking around the room worrying something has happend however no matter wher he looks they were nowher to be found" should I continue to look around the mansion or should I stay here no I need to find Jill and Albert to make sure they are alright since they are the only members of my team I know are alive since Barry disappeared during our escape from those things outside right that confirms my decision" after Chris finished convincing himself he should look around to find where Albert and Jill are in hopes they are ok he makes his way to some of the doors only to find some locked only leaving the room he came from and two on the second floor one leading to the second floor of the dining room making a decision he takes this root since it's possible the most likely since the other rooms on the ground floor are locked using some sort of puzzle mechanisms.

A/N do be aware this chapter covers how Chris is in the mansion Chris in not the MC and the prospective will shift to him in the next chapter and due to how this go this will include a few hour time skip as MC is in the lab under the Mansion in a special pod that keeps the person or monster I suspended sleep basically Making them unaware of what's happening thanks for reading