
RWBY: Remnant On Earth

It was the final battle between the forces of Salem and Ozpin until the Brother Gods decided enough was enough, And sent them to Earth. But for Mason B. Rose, This changed his life forever. [Mini-Harem]

PXL_B_Death · TV
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8 Chs

Chapter 2.5: The House Exploration

When the students & more Mason left for the mall, Let's see how the rest of the RWBY cast reacted to being in a new world.

Salem: "Well then with your students gone, What do we do now?"

Ozpin: "I say we learn how this world functions without Aura, Grimm, Semblances, or Hunters/Huntresses."

Willow: "Well all we know so far is that there is a war. Though since they don't have any Aura it's most likely it is as brutal as the Great War."

Goodwitch: "It is possible, But we don't know how this world fights."

Qrow: "Well I saw behind that reporter from earlier, Those military guys had some type of rifle."

Winter: "Well that interests me the most."

Ozpin: "What would that be Winter?"

Winter: "How does this world's military compare to Atlas, And from the tactics, And technology from what I saw on the news as they followed those soldiers, They aren't that advanced."

Ozpin: "We shouldn't underestimate those Armies, Tactics & Technology don't always make an army powerful. The will and mind can make an army powerful."

Winter: "Of course."

Qrow: "Finally using your brain huh Snowfla-."

Winter: "Don't start with me Qrow." Growling in the process

Ozpin: "Qrow, Winter please don't fight here. We just arrived in this new world."

Winter/Qrow: "Right, Sorry Ozpin/Fine."

Meanwhile with Salem & her forces.

Cinder: "What do we do now Master?" Still in shock that her master looked... normal.

Salem: "Well since I am human again, I can't control any Grimm as they don't exist, I say we live normal lives."

Roman: "Now THAT, Is something I can agree with. We can walk in the streets like nothing is wrong, why? NO CRIMINAL RECORD."

Neo appeared out of nowhere looking happy & celebrating.

Cinder: "Hmm, Well we should explore the house then."

Emerald: "Yeah." 'Wonder what I can take?'

As the group walks & explores the house while Ozpin's inner circle talks, They arrive in Mason's room.

Roman: "So this is where that kid sleeps in huh?"

Neo: (Taps Cinder's shoulder) Sign Language: "What do you think this outfit is for?"

Cinder and Neo look at the stand with Gaz's clothing & armor

Cinder: "If I had to take a guess, I would say it's related to a military uniform, And whatever that patch is (pointing at the British flag) must be its military flag."

Emerald: "But why would a teenager, Or a kid have this?"

Salem: "We won't know until we ask him."

Emerald: "Ohh these look nice."

Cinder, Emerald, and Neo see a Dual Glock

Cinder: "Don't touch that, we don't know how it works, or if it's important to him.

Neo: Sign Language: "Since when did you care?"

Cinder: "Look, He's letting us live with him, And didn't try to shoot us on sight with those. The least we could do is not mess with it.

Neo: Sign Language: "Fine."

Emerald: "Also why's there a random bookshelf here?"

Cinder: "Who knows?"

Neo: Sign Language: "So are we going to ignore the pictures of Reds tea-."

Emerald: "Woah, What do you think he does here?"

Cinder: "No idea... You think he's a hacker of some sort?"

Neo: Sign Language: "It is a possibility, But we can't confirm on suspicion."

Salem: "You are correct, & I can't believe I'm about to say this, but let's see what Ozpin's group is doing."

As they proceed to leave the room, Emerald looks back thinking 'When I learn what he likes the most here I'm taking it.'

Salem: "Ozpin, What did you learn about this world?

Ozpin: "Well Winter insisted we learn about the military, All we have learned is... I should make a list; This might take a while."

Salem: "If you insist."

While we wait for Ozpin to make a list.

{10 Minutes Later}

Ozpin lays the list on the table, With it reading.

A/N: You can skip this if you want, this is just military facts.

This world/Earth's military/militaries.

1. This world contains 195 countries/nations, with 172 of them with an active military.

2. The 'country' we are in is the most powerful in the world, even though they rank 7th in most active personnel, but with an 816.7 billion budget for the military, being the most advanced.

3. They have participated in 12 wars. (Listed In Order) Revolutionary, Mexican, Civil, Spanish-American, World War I, II, Korean, Vietnam, Persian Gulf, Afghanistan, Iraq, And Cold War.

4. The U.S.A/The United States of America military is divided into 6 branches, The Army, which is the ground forces, Air Force, Which is self-explanatory, the Navy which focuses on the sea, Coast Guard which is a type of Navy division that protects the water around the country, and Marines, They focus the land, And sea and are the best of the best. Lastly, The National Guard which is the military that is posted here in the U.S. is essentially their homeland defense.

5. The military has no AK-like drones, But UAVs, or Unmanned Ariel Vehicles.

6. The U.S. uses tanks which are armored fighting vehicles intended as a primary offensive weapon in front-line ground combat. Tank designs are a balance of heavy firepower, strong armor, and good battlefield mobility provided by tracks and a powerful engine; usually, their main armament is mounted in a turret.

7. They also use A.P.C's or Armored Personnel Carriers, It is a broad type of armored, Military vehicle designed to transport personnel and equipment in combat zones. They also have I.F.V or Infantry Fighting Vehicles, The fundamental difference between an APC and an IFV, is the role they are designed to serve. The stipulates an infantry fighting vehicle is an APC with a cannon in excess of 20 mm, And with this additional firepower, The vehicle is more involved in combat, Providing fire support to dismounted infantry.

8. The last main vehicle they use is an LA.V, or Light Armored Vehicle, The main vehicle used is a Humvee a family of light four-wheel drive military trucks, And utility vehicles.

A/N: This is getting too long and I'm getting tired since it's 12 Ima cut it down a bit. Most of these might not be true either.

9. The Air Force uses 3 main vehicles, The F-35 for basic use and attack, The A-10 Thunderbolt is used for close air support, And the AC-130 is used for close air support, But also air interdiction, Armed reconnaissance, And force protection.

10. The Navy uses 4 main types of vehicles, An Aircraft Carrier which is also self-explanatory, And submarines which are vehicles used to go underwater and perform strikes. Cruisers are used for bombarding shores and air defense. Destroyers are used to escort larger vessels in a fleet, convoy, or battle group and defend them against powerful short-range attackers.

11. Lastly, there are different alliances besides the UN, but these are for militaries, the main ones are NATO, or the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, The EU or European Union, CSTO, or Collective Security Treaty Organization. Lastly, BRICS is an abbreviation of 5 countries in an alliance.

Winter: "With all of this information we have gathered, I believe Atlas would've never stood a chance, After all, We don't even know if their bullets can pierce Aura."

Qrow: "We also don't know the weapons they carry as well."

Neo: Sign Language: "So are we allowed to fig-."

Winter: "With this, I suggest we don't start any fight."

Neo: 'Damnit'

Salem: "Considering my entire change, I can't confirm this, But I might have lost my immortality."

Cinder: "It would also seem this country has been through a lot."

Qrow: "That's for sure." Taking a swig of the cup of beer he poured.

Emerald: "We may be in another world with powers they don't have, But we still need to be careful."

Goodwitch: "That is true because we have also learned that America has a free right to bear arms, In other words, Citizens can own guns, Mostly for self-defense."

Taiyang, Willow, Whitney, And other family members of the students were just sitting on the couch listening to more of the news until

They suddenly hear a loud noise next to the house and talk outside, As they look at the door closest to the noise, They see Mason, The students, And Summer walk in…


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