
RWBY: Remnant On Earth

It was the final battle between the forces of Salem and Ozpin until the Brother Gods decided enough was enough, And sent them to Earth. But for Mason B. Rose, This changed his life forever. [Mini-Harem]

PXL_B_Death · TV
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Chapter 3: Explanation

Mason's House


Cinder: "HOW!?"

Ozpin: "Well this is interesting..."

Mason: "Calm down everyone, Sit down & I can explain!"

Cinder: "How can we just calm down!"

Mason: "Look I know you guys have had some problems-"

Salem: "Some!? Do you realize and know what she has done! To my forces"

Mason: "To be honest you are the bad guys so... I know just let me explain."

Salem: "...Fine but if anything happens you know what will happen." Glaring at Mason

Mason: "Fair enough."

As they proceed to sit down, Lean on something, Or just stand, Summer stays near Mason considering that Salem's inner circle doesn't trust her.

Summer: "Before we start, Mason can I go to the room?"

Mason: "Sure, Just don't wreck the PC like last time."

Summer: "It wasn't that bad."

Mason: "You destroyed the PC, To the where I had to replace the whole thing because you were beaten by a 13-year-old."

Summer: "Fair enough."

Salem's inner circle: "You were beaten by a 13-year-old??"

Summer: "Don't ask..." Summer walks into Mason's room looking depressed.

Roman: "Wait kid isn't that your room?"

Mason: "Ok 1. Stop calling me kid I'm 17, 2. Summer has a secret room in mine."

Roman: "Wait really?"

Mason: "Yeah."

Emerald: "We went in there but there was no other door?"

Mason: "Why did you go in my room."

Cinder: "Just exploring."

Mason: "Fair enough, well the bookshelf in the corner of the room is actually a door."

As he says that so casually, Salem and her Inner Circle's eyes widen, realizing that the random bookshelf in the corner of the room is a door.

Mason: "Anyways where should I start."

Tai: "How did you meet her?"

Mason: "Good start, Ok this might take a while."

Salem: "Go ahead, We have nowhere else to go."

Yang: "Literally."

Mason: "Fair enough, we started to when I was walking home from school."

Flashback brought to by mini Ruby & Summer talking


We can see a 14-year-old Mason walking down the street.

Mason: "I decided to stop by the 7-Eleven that was a block down from the school."

Ruby: "What's that?"

Mason: "A convenience store."

Ruby: "OK continue."

Mason: "Hey wassup Luna, Luke, Jake, And Sasha"

We see Mason's 20-year-old sister Sasha turn around smiling.

A/N: If you are wondering why she is 20 and with Mason's friends, She usually meets up and hangs out with them at the 7-Eleven.

Jake: "Nothing much, you?"

Mason: "Same."

Luna: "So, what now?"

Luna/Sasha: "You guys wanna go to the Mall?"

Mason: "Sure I could get some new PC parts and other stuff."

As they walk outside Logan begins to talk.

Jake: "Right, let's go to the ma-"

As he was talking, They heard and saw, A small lightning strike in the alley next to the store.

Mason: "WHOA!"

Luke: "What was that!? There're no clouds in the sky, And the sun is still fuckin BLINDIN MY ASS!"

Sasha: "Calm down, And just don't look at the sun idiot."

Jake: "Whatever."

Mason: "When we walked into the alley, We saw Summer with 4 slash wounds on the chest a pool of blood around her, And what appeared a broken leg."

Ruby and Yang looked sad at what happened to their mom.

Mason remembered something in the process.

Mason: "Ah crap baskets." If Summer was here that means.


Ruby: "SWEAR!" Ruby pulled out the legendary swear jar.

Mason: "We don't have Lien here Ruby."

Ruby: "Aw fine, continue" As she put it away, She allowed him to continue.

Mason: With his eyes widening I can only mumble. "What the hell...





Luke: "NO TIME NOW PUT HER ON!" Bending down to let Summer on.

Jake: "ALRIGHT FINE!" As he grabs Summer, Summer proceeds to gain a little consciousness.

Summer: "What the... what are you..." As he was regaining her consciousness, She realized what was happening.

Luke: "No time we are getting you to a hospital!"

Summer: "W-why?" As she questioned why they were helping her soon got her answer.

Mason: "Look just because we don't know you doesn't mean we can't help you!"

Sasha: "NOW GO JAKE! WE WILL BE RIGHT BEHIND" She shouted out, As she worried for the seemingly innocent girl.

Jake ran towards the nearest hospital, which was conveniently only 3 blocks away.

After 15 minutes of running. We then arrive at the hospital.


Nurse: "Sir what is the issue- OH MY GOD, I NEED HELP OVER HERE!"

After calling for help we see a doctor and 2 nurses run out with a stretcher as they take Summer from Luke.

Luke: "Nurse what's gonna happen to her?"

Nurse: "We don't know yet." Rushing off to help with Summer.

After a minute Mason, Jake, Luna, And Sasha arrive to see Luke looking at his blood-covered clothes.

Mason: "God *pant* *pant* I forgot how fast you were." Mason then bends down putting his hands on his legs.

Jake: "So what happened to that girl?"

Luke: "They are trying to look at what happened to her fully."


Weiss: "So I'm guessing they were able to help her."

Mason: "Yeah they were able to help her leg but left 4 scars on chest her."

Ozpin looking a little guilty asks Mason to continue, And he complies.


After 3 and 1/2 hours the doctors came out and gave the 5 a report on Summer.

Doctor: "Well we were able to sew up the chest stabs, But she will have 4 scars, And she needs to rest with some ice for his leg Since the leg injury wasn't that bad."

Luke: "I can take her to my place."

Doctor: "If you insist, what is your name kid?"

Luke: "Luke Stark."

Doctor: "Nice to meet you." Forwards his hand for a handshake.

Luke grabs his hand & shakes it.

As the door to Summer's room opens up, She looks to see the Doctor, Mason, Jake, Luke, Luna, And lastly Sasha.

As Summer saw Mason walk in guess what happened... She surprisingly blushed at the sight...

Summer: "H-hello."

Doctor: "Hello Mrs.?"

Summer: "Rose."

Doctor: "Thank you, Mrs. Rose, Anyways Mr.Stark offered to watch over you at his house."

Summer: "Luke and how can I trust him?" with a harsh tone in her voice, Questioning who are people helping her, The still thing she remembers is a white-haired woman.

Summer: "I would have the man over there, Watch me than anybody else in here."

Mason: "Wait, why me? And I'm 14"

Summer: And I'm… She looks down 16 or 17? With a little blush on his face, Summer responds, "N-no reason." 'Oum damnit stop blushing!'

Mason: "I mean I guess she could stay with me since I just moved to my new house."

Doctor: "Aren't you 14?"

Sasha: "Don't ask." 'Is this Rose girl blushing? TO MY BROTHER TOO!'

Doctor: "Wha- I- Sure I guess."

Summer: "Can I leave? I don't really like laying around…"

Doctor: "Oh sure."

After 5 minutes of doing paperwork the 5 leave.

Summer turns to Mason "So I guess I'm living with you now...

Mason with a little smile on his face, "Yup I guess you can take one of my new rooms, Since the old house owners left some of the furniture."

Summer: "Alright then." The 2 begin to walk off into the distance, to Mason's house.

Luna/Jake: "D-did they just forget us..."

Luke: "I guess so?"

Sasha: "Welp I'm heading home then cya."

Luna/Jake/Luke: "Bye…"

They all proceed to walk home.


Ruby: "Is that it?"

Mason: "Yeah but turns out my sister thinks Me and Summer were getting... too close...

Tai: "What do you mean..?"

Mason: "Yeah, Uh well... After about 1 year and a few months of hanging out with her, I learned that she thinks me and Summer are dating."

Mason put his hands on his ears preparing for a loud noise.




Everyone: "WHAT!?!?!!"

When they finished yelling, Mason removed his hands from his ears and gave a little chuckle.

Mason: "Yeah you see, When she saw her again, She so was happy that, They both were gone for 4 & half months traveling the country."

Weiss: "W-which would also mean...

Mason: "Yup my sisters here..." As they were about to continue, Mason remembered something.

Mason: "You guys wondering about this world's military?"

Winter: "Yes?" Wondering why he brings this up now.

Mason: "Well a military silent drill is going to appear at my school, Or well after school, Like two hours after."

Ozpin: "What is it about?"

Mason: "It's just to show the professionalism of our Marine Corps, You won't get much but you know."

Ozpin: "I guess we could go, We do need to see the outdoors."

Qrow: "I guess they might not be like those Atlas sellouts."

Winter: "Shut it Qrow."

Qrow: "Whatever." He really didn't care.


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