
When will you marry

Jesse's POV

“Beautiful “.he muttered out, 

I froze by his words and nervously pull away from him.

We walk back home with an awkward silence until I got to my apartment, 

“We are here “.

He nods his head and stared at me for a moment before turning around and walk back to their apartment.

I released a soft sigh and opened the door of my apartment.

I check the wall clock and saw that it was pass 11 pm, I hissed softly and pull off my clothes. I changed into my night wears and lay on my bed.

I tried to close my eyes, but Benson's words keeps ringing in my head.

He called me beautiful, he glanced into my eyes and called me beautiful.

I giggled happily and spin around on the bed.

I kept on playing the scenario that happen in my head and wished it would last forever.

I was awoken by my alarm the next morning, I groaned tiredly and got out from the bed.

I went to take my bath and put on some clothes before eating breakfast.

I left my apartment and walk to the dancing hall.

When I got there, few children were already there.

“Good morning Miss Jesse”.they all greeted happily

How was your night “. I smiled at them and raffles their head 

“It was fine “.they all chorused

“Alright, go change up while we wait for others to arrive”

They all left my side and went to change their clothes.

I heard footsteps and turn around only to see Lilly and her grandmother, I left what I was doing and walk up to them 

“Good morning ma'am”. I greeted

“Morning Jesse”.she replied with smiles all over her face 

“Good morning Miss Jesse”. Lilly hug me before running inside the hall, 

Mrs Sonia chuckled softly before returning her gaze on me 

“How are you Jesse”.

“I'm fine ma'am”

“That's good to hear “.

“Why are you the one bringing Lilly to practice”. I asked

“Benson was really tired and couldn't get out from the bed early, so I decided to save him the stress and bring her instead”

“That's so thoughtful of you "

“It's nothing, Lilly is my granddaughter”. She chuckled softly

“Alright ma'am, I will see you later "

“Alright”. She stared at me for a while before walking away.

I went back to the room hall and saw that the kids have already changed their clothes.

“Alright, let start”. I put on the music and we started rehearsal.

Few hours we were done with rehearsal and I discharged the children.

“Lilly, come with me, we will walk home together”.

She giggled happily and took hold of my hand in her.

We left the hall and walk back home

“Miss Jesse”. Lilly called out

“Yes, Lilly “.

“Don't you want to have a baby “.she asked innocently

I chuckled at her question and roughly raffles her hair 

“I would love to have a baby, but firstly, I have to get married “. I replied her 

She kept quiet and thought for a while before speaking 

“Then why don't you get married”.she asked 

I hissed softly because I couldn't tell her the answer to her question.

How will I tell a four years old kid that I couldn't get married because I was so in love with her dad and couldn't picture myself spending my life with another man, 

“Miss Jesse”. Her voice brought me back from my thought.

I hissed softly and stared at her, 

“When are you getting married “.she asked so innocently 

“Very soon “. I lied to her, 

She nods her head, and we kept on walking.

Few minutes we were in their apartment.

“Thanks for bringing her back “. Mrs Sonia met us at the door.

“ It's nothing”.

I search around and couldn't see any glimpse of Benson, this was so unlike him.

“Where is Daddy “. Lilly spoke up

“Your dad is still asleep, and need some rest. He isn't feeling too fine, and we shouldn't disturb him okay?”.she smiled at Lilly and gently stroke her hair, 


Lilly left us and ran off to her room, 

“Is Benson okay “. I asked with worried 

“Yes, he just has a little headache”.she spoke up 

“Headache”. I asked worriedly

“Don't worry he is fine”.she smiled at me, 

I smiled back at her and walk away.

I got to my apartment and was restless, how can a headache just make Benson stay in bed all day.

I pick up my phone and wanted to call, but then I decided to just text 

I bite my lips nervously and thought of a way to start the message.

“HY”. I texted 

But got no reply

“Hope you are doing okay “. I texted again and this time I got a reply

“I'm okay, why do you ask”. He texted back, 

I bite my lips and sat on my bed, 

“Mrs Sonia said you weren't too strong”. I texted 

“She is just overeating, I'm fine “.he texted back 

“That is nice to hear “. I texted back, 

“Thanks for caring”. He texted back, 

I smiled and texted back 

“You are welcome”.

The message click sent and seen, but I did not get any reply from him.

I hissed softly and kept the phone on the bed and was about drifting to sleep when my phone beeped indicating I have a new message.

I quickly went for my phone and click on the message 

“Can I see you “.he texted.