
Unpacking gifts

Benson's POV 

I angrily left her apartment.

How dare, she thinks I will take advantage of her in her drunken state.

“Ungrateful human ". I murmured to myself and open the door to our apartment.

"Daddy ". Lilly jumps out of Derrick's laps and ran to me.

"My princess ". I lifted her up and placed kisses on her face.

"Merry Christmas, daddy ".she giggled happily.

"Merry Christmas princess, how are you ".

"Very well, dad ".she giggled happily.

I kissed her forehead and kept her down.

"Merry Christmas Benson". Smith walked into the sitting room with a big grin on his face.

"I believe your night was splendid".he expressed those words with a mischievous smile on his face.

I roll my eyes at him and look away.

"We've been waiting for you, we should start unpacking the gifts". Mrs Sonia spoke up.

"Give me a minute, I'll be back ". I left them in the sitting room and walked to my room.

I got to my room and pull off my clothes, I walked to the bathroom and step on the shower.

I hissed in relief when the cold water fell on me. I tried to take Jesse out of my thought,, but I kept on seeing her sleeping face, and it frustrated me.

Since I lost charity two years ago, Lilly has been the first person wishing me a merry Christmas, but today she stole it from her.

I hissed and step out of the shower.

I dried my body with a towel and put on a black jean and a red turtle-neck red long sleeve. I neatly combed my hair and left my room.

I walk into the sitting room and met everyone sitting around the Christmas tree, I walk to them and sat beside Lilly.

"Let's open our gift, yeah ".she giggled, happy.

Everyone chuckled softly and each pick a gift that has their name.

"This is beautiful ". Smith murmured those words and smiled at me.

"I'm glad you like it ".

"Thanks Benson". Derick waved his gift at me.

"It's nothing". I murmured

"I love this ". Samuel spoke up, 

"I'm glad you love it ". I replied.

I pick up a gift that has my name and opened it.

"This is good ". I stared at the wristwatch in my hand, 

"I'm glad you like it ". Derrick responded 


I opened the next gift that has my name and realized it was a pack of ties with different colors, and they were up to twenty 

"I love this ".i muttered out those words to Smith.

"I'm glad you like it ".he responded.

I went for the next gift and saw that it was a gift from Samuel, I opened it and saw that it was Jim and Jack collection of perfume .one of the most expensive perfumes in the country.

"Wow, thanks Samuel, this is good ". I murmured and inhale the fragrance of the perfume, and it was perfect.

I pick up another gift and noticed it was from Mrs Sonia, I opened the gift and saw that it was a picture frame of I holding newborn Lilly in my arms.

"This is beautiful "I murmured in half tears when I remembered that day. 

"I thought you have everything, so I decided to gift you this ". Mrs Sonia replied.

"Thank you, I love it ". I smiled at her.

I picked another gift and saw that it was from Lilly. 

"So my princess brought me a gift "

"Yes Dad, through the help of grandma".she giggled happily.

I smiled at her before opening the gift. I open the gift and saw that it was a T-shirt with my favorite color

"Do you like it ".she asked with wild eyes.

"Of course I do ". I kissed her forehead 

"Thanks princess"

"You are welcome ".she giggled happily.

"It's my turn to open my gifts". Lilly spoke happily and pick up a gift that has her name. She open the gift and smiled and Samuel

"Thanks Uncle Sam ".she stood up and gave him a tight hug 

"I love you ".she giggled happily and went back to her seat.

She opened all the gifts that has her name until he was my turn.

"Dad, what is this, it's too big ".

I chuckled softly as Lilly struggled to carry the gift.

"Let me open it for you ". Smith took the gift from her and unpack it.

"Wow". Lilly exclaims as she saw the big white teddy bear in Smith's hand.

"Thanks Papa".she murmured in tears and gave me a tight hug.

"This will always keep you company whenever I'm not at home, okay?"

She nods her head and smiled at me.

"This is literally bigger than her, it should be for me ". Smith spoke up, 

Everyone chuckled loudly, while Lilly gave him a death look.

"I was just joking baby it's all yours ".he hands over the teddy bear to Lilly which was indeed bigger than her.

She gave it a tight hug before giving it back to me, and I kept it on the couch.

Everyone went back to opening their gift until we all unpacked our gifts. But then I noticed five gifts were separated from the other gifts.

"Who has those gifts"? I asked in curiosity.

"It's miss Jesse's ". Lilly replied 

"Where is yours papa". Lilly asked while staring at me with curious eyes.

"Shit". I murmured to myself.

I forgot to get her a gift.

"Where is miss Jesse's gift". Lilly asked while staring at me.

"Oh that, it's in my room ". I lied, 

"Then you should bring it here, everyone gifts should be by the tree ".she murmured.

"I'll bring it out later ". I replied 

"Okay"she replied

I hissed in relief and stared at everyone who stared at me and knew I was lying.

"Since we are done, I think it's time we start preparing the dishes". Mrs Sonia stood up from the floor and walk toward the kitchen, Smith and Derick followed her.

Lilly left my side and went to Samuel.

I stood up from the floor and walk back to my room.

I sat on my bed and thought of a gift to give to her because I knew she will definitely have a gift for me, and it will be awkward and embarrassing if I don't have a gift for her.