
Alone and lonely

Jesse's POV 

My head hurts.

It felt like there is a constant pounding in my head.

"Ahh". I exclaim in pain.

I tried to move to the other side of the bed, but a strong arm held me back.

“What was that ?" I murmured to Myself

Quickly I open my eyes and what came to my sight was the ceiling.

Thanks goodness, I wasn't sleeping in someone else's house.

I hissed in relief and turn over only to see Benson sleeping peacefully beside me.

"Jesus Christ, how did you get here ". I shouted in shock, 

I noticed him moving from the bed and I knew he was awake.

"What are you doing here ?" I asked in shock.

He hissed softly and lazily sat on the bed while roughly running his fingers through his hair.

"How did you get here ". I asked, 

"The question should be how did you get here ".he said those words while staring at me.

I hissed and thought for a while, then I remembered how Cecelia's friends drugged our drinks and how I went to Sam to inform him about how Cecilia was drunk and needed help, thereafter,, I couldn't remember a thing.

"Shit ". I murmured and raise the blanket.

I hissed in relief when I noticed I was dressed, I would be heartbroken if i realize i had sex with Benson when I was drunk.

"You think I will take advantage of you in your drunken state?" He asked in anger.

"That's not it ". I murmured and scoffed before getting out of the bed.

"I'm off".he tried to walk to the door, but I rushed out of the bed and held him back.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean it that way ". I apologized.

"Whatever ".he responded angrily and remove my grip from him, 

He opens the bedroom and was about leaving when I call out his name, he turns and stares at me with anger.

"Merry Christmas ". I giggled happily to him.

He stares at me, but this time not in anger, and left my room.

I hissed in relief and lazily lay on my bed.

"How could you be so foolish to allow yourself got drugged, what if I had said anything to Benson.

"Shit ". I murmured to myself in fear.

What if I have said things I shouldn't have said to Benson.

I groaned in frustration and stood up from the bed.

"Maybe, I actually slept off, and he saw me and took me home ". I said those words while trying to convince myself.

Quickly, I went for my phone and dialed Cecilia's number.

It rang a few times before it was picked.

"Hey girlfriend, Merry Christmas".she giggled happily 

"Merry Christmas to you, how are you". I asked in curiosity.

"Girl, my head still hurts, and I'm still in bed"

 She Chuckled softly.

"Me too ". I replied.

"Oh yeah, I was looking for you, but Smith told me you were drink and wasted, and his brother-in-law took you home".she Chuckled Loudly.

"This is not funny ". I murmured.

"What kind of drink was that ?just two sips of the drink and I couldn't control myself". I murmured in anger.

She laughed loudly over the phone, and I became annoyed and irritated.

“Stop laughing, it's not funny ". I muttered out those words while rolling my eyes.

She chuckled softly and spoke up.

"How are you ?".she asked, 

"I'm alive, thank you ". I replied angrily.

She chuckled softly before she spoke up.

"I'm sorry, okay, it won't happen again"

"Of course it won't happen again because I will never take a drink from you ". I expressed those words sincerely.

"Don't be too hard on me, I just wanted you to have fun".she murmured

"Fun indeed". I replied angrily.

“I'm sorry it won't happen again ".she begged, 

I hissed before speaking up.

"I've heard you, and it's Christmas, I can't be angry with you in a day like this ".

She giggled over the phone before speaking up.

"So when are we expecting you?" She asked 

"For what ". I asked, confused, 

"Aren't you celebrating Christmas in our home this year ?" She asked, 

I hissed softly and walk to the kitchen.

"I'll come to your house later in the day, but I'm having Christmas lunch with Mrs Sonia and family, then Christmas dinner with Daniel and his family ". I spoke firmly.

"Wow".she exclaims happily.

"You are having Christmas lunch and Christmas dinner in your two love interest houses, this is great ".she chuckled evilly.

"You are not okay ". I chuckled softly and switch on the coffee maker.

"It seems you are booked for the whole day, "she giggled happily.

"Get out from my phone I have to call my sis"

"Alright dear, hope you don't end in two different beds tonight "she giggled happily 

"You are not serious". I murmured those words and ended the call.

"Mad girl". I chuckled softly and poured the coffee in my cup.

I sat on the kitchen chair and dialed Jennifer's number.

It rang a few time before it was picked.

"Hey Jesse".she calls out.

"Hey Jennie, Merry Christmas"

"Merry Christmas to you lovely sis, I can't wait to see by tomorrow".she spoke excited.

"So do I ". I murmured and took a sip of my coffee.

After today, I might not see Benson again.

"So, what are you preparing for Christmas ?" She asked 

"Nothing, I'm all alone there is no need for that, and besides I was invited to a Christmas lunch and a Christmas dinner ". I replied.

"Oh I see, I wish you were here, Christmas would have been fun " she murmured.

"Not to worry, we will celebrate Christmas together ".

"Hopefully ".she murmured

"How are you ?" She asked, 

"I'm doing good ". I replied.

"Are you sure ?" She asked in a doubting voice.

"Why are you asking me what ". I asked, 

She hissed softly before speaking up.

"I know how badly you wanted Benson back, and now he is here you are letting him go, I know you are not okay Jesse".she murmured

I hissed and took a sip of my coffee.

"Don't worry about me, Jennie, I'm fine". I assured her 

"You can say that to everyone but you can't say that to me, Jesse, you are lonely and alone with no boyfriend companion or husband, you are not okay Jesse you are not.

I hissed and took in a deep breath to suppress my pain.

"Merry Christmas, Jennie, I'll call you later in the day". I did not let those words finish from my mouth before I quickly ended the call.

I walk to the sitting room and on the Christmas lights on the wall before putting on the lights on the tree, I walk to the couch and sat on it while staring at the Christmas tree.

I took a sip of my coffee and looked at the empty apartment,

Indeed, this is what loneliness feels like.

"Merry Christmas, Jesse ". I whispered to myself.