
Spend the Christmas with your me

Jesse's POV

“Come in”. I open the door for Daniel to walk him

“You never told me you were coming “. I said those words as soon we entered my apartment.

“I wasn't planning on coming, I was passing by and saw you outside, so I decided to say hi”.he said those words with a big smile on his face.

I chuckled softly and sat beside him

“So what should I get you “. I asked while walking to the fridge.

“A glass of water would be okay“.he replied firmly.

“Alright, give me a minute”. I walk to the fridge and brought out a bottle of water and a glass cup and walked back to the sitting room.

“Here”. I hand over the water to him

“Thank you “.he smiled at me after collecting the water from me.

I sat beside him and watch him drank the water slowly.

I took a better look at him and noticed he was indeed a fine young man, I would have had interest in him if not for my stupid feelings for Benson.

“Stop staring”.he said those words with a big grin on his face.

I chuckled and shyly looked away.

“So you work out with your neighbor”.he asked while staring at me with a questioning look.

“Not really, we met on our way back home “. I replied firmly.

“Oh I see”.he whispered

He stared at me for a while before speaking up

“How do you intend spending your Christmas”.he asked

I hissed softly and lean on the couch 

“Nothing special”. I murmured 

“Really”. He asked surprised 

“Yeah, sis is in town and married, and she can't come down here “. I replied, 

"Oh, that's bad “.he murmured

“So you will be celebrating Christmas alone”

“Something like that “. I muttered out 

We kept quiet for a while before he spoke up

“Will like to spend the Christmas with my family”.he asked 

“Your family”. I asked confused

“Yeah, my dad will be delighted to have you and my two sisters,  are all here “.

“Wow, never thought you would ask such a thing from me “. I muttered out 

“It's okay, you can think about it, am not rushing you “.

“Now you are leaving me with two things to think about “. I chuckled softly.

He chuckled softly and took a sip of the water.

“I just don't want to rush you “.he said those words while staring at me.

I felt intoxicated by his stares and nervously look away.

“I expect to hear from you “.he stood up and gently kissed me my cheek, 

“Goodbye Jesse”. He smiled at me before leaving my apartment.

I hissed in relief and went back to my room.

I pull off my cloths and got into the shower, 

I put on the shower and allowed the cold water to fall on me. I closed my eyes and hissed in relief.

Daniel's words kept ringing in my head, and I thought how nice it would be to spend a Christmas with a lot of people.

I came out of the shower with a towel on my chest.

I walked to my drawer and brought out a casual wear, I put on my clothes and did a light makeup before going to the kitchen to make a breakfast.

I made a light breakfast and eat little before leaving my apartment.

I left my apartment and walked to dance classes.

I got to the class and realized I was a bit early.

I changed my cloths to my dancing cloths and waited for the kids to arrive.

Few minutes, kids started arriving with their parents, each greeting me with a big smile on their faces.

“Miss Lilly “. I saw Lilly walking into the hall with a smile on her face.

“Hey Lilly "

“Good morning Miss Jesse”.

“Morning my dear, how are you "

“I'm fine”.

I caress her cheek before she went to meet with her friends.

“Good morning Benson”. I waved my hand at Benson.

He stared coldly at me before walking away.

“What was the meaning of that “. I muttered out to no one.

I hissed softly and walked over to the children.

“Let's start kids”. I clap my hands and stood in front of them.

“One two three four “.

We practiced for hours before I noticed it was time for the kids to go home.

“Alright kids, that will be all for now”. I smiled at them and walked to my seat.

I sat on the chair and hissed in relief.

Parents kept coming in taking their kids home until I noticed Benson Walking in.

“Hey Benson”. I wave my hand at him,, but he totally ignored me and carried Lilly in his arms.

“Benson”. I called out in anger.

He turns around, and stared at me.

I stood up from the chair and wanted to say something,, but then I stared at Lilly in his arms staring at me with wide eyes.

I hissed softly and walked away. I couldn't say what I wanted to say because of Lilly.