

Benson's POV

"What". She asked in anger, 

“Answer the damn question”. I spoke in anger.

“Benson”. She whispered in pain 

“Don't play that victim card on me Jesse, are you fucking him already”. I shouted in anger 

She hissed in anger and closed her eyes, so she could suppress the anger in her.

"Are you calling me a prostitute”. She asked in anger.

“Yes, that is what you are “. I shouted in anger

“How dare you Benson, how dare you say such words to me “? She asked in anger, 

I ran his fingers in my hair and was about saying something when my phone started ringing.

I stared at her coldly before picking up the call 

“Aunt”. I call out

“Is everything alright”. I asked with a worried voice.

"Yes, I just need you to come home ". She spoke over the phone.

“Alright, am on my way, just calm down”. I said those words and quickly ended the call.

I stared at her with so much anger and disgust before I left her standing there.

I entered my car and drove off home in pain and anger, I was boiling with anger and pains in me .

I got home and met aunt in the sitting room, panicking 

"What's wrong ". I asked 

"Thank God are you okay ".she stood up from the couch and walked up to me 

"Am find aunt ". I murmured in pains, 

"Is everything okay ?". She stares at me with worries all over her face.

"Yes, why did you call, sounding worried ". I asked, 

"I had a bad dream just now, and it looks so real ".

I hissed softly and ran my fingers in my hair 

"I'm okay aunt is just a dream, I'll be upstairs in my room, and please I don't wanna see anyone". I muttered out those words and went to my room.

I lay on my bed and all that happened in the club flash in my head.

The pains and heartbreak I was having was too much and unbearable for me.

I took out my phone from my pocket and dialed a number.

"Derrick, you just left me there ". Jason spoke angrily.

I hissed softly and ran my fingers through my hair.

"I need your help ". I whispered.

"Papa, everyone is waiting for you ". I could hear Lilly's voice from my sleep.

I open my eyes and stared at the room and realized it was all a dream.


I look down the bed and saw Lilly staring at me, 

"It's time for breakfast ".she murmured.

"Alright, princess, I'll be there ".

She smiled at me before leaving my room.

I hissed angrily and stood up from the bed.

I pull off my night wear and walk into the bathroom.

I put on the shower, and signed in relief when the cold water fell on me.

With closed eyes, I remember all I saw in my dream.

This wasn't just a dream,, but it was a part of my life I couldn't remember for strange reasons.

I touch my chest and could still feel the pains I felt in the dream and it felt like my heart was tearing into pieces.

Feeling such pains then and there, I realized that I must have been really hurt when I realized she was cheating on me .but then I did not know if that was what led to our breakup or something else happened because Lilly caught me off from my sleep.

I groaned in frustrated and put off the shower and walked out of the bathroom.

I got to my room put on a simple outfit and joined them at the dinning table.

"You've been waking up really late these days ". Mrs Sonia was the one who spoke up.

"I have lots of works to do, and I couldn't sleep early ". I lied.

She stares at me in disbelief and went back to her food.

I pick up a plate and put some food on my plate.

"I'm inviting someone over for Christmas ". Samuel spoke up, 

"Is that your would be wife". Derrick asked with a big grin on his face.

"Just shut up ". Samuel chuckled softly.

"She is a friend and I hope you behave ".he expressed those words while staring at Smith.

"Why is everyone staring at me ". Smith fake being angry.

"We all know how mischievous you can be ". Mrs Sonia muttered out those words like she was so sure of it.

"Me mischievous, that not true ".

"Oh please, we all know what you did to Jesse when She was here for mom's birthday". Derrick spoke up, 

hearing those words I stared at Smith with wild eyes. 

"What did you do ". I muttered out those words unknowingly to me 

"Calm down Benson, I didn't do anything to her, I just added a little drug to her drink, she was just too dull for the party, so I decided to light her up ". He said those words with a big grin on his face.

Hearing those words from him, I realized Jesse was drink that day, and it pains me that I insulted her and called her a slut

"Are you okay ". Samuel's voice caught my attention.


I pick up my spoon and tried to eat, but I realized I've already lost my appetite.

"Excuse me". I pick up my plate and left the dinning table.

I got to the kitchen and wash my plate before walking to my room.

"Is everything okay ?" Derrick asked.

"Yeah, just not in a good mood ". I replied.

"Was it because of what Smith said about drugging Jesse". He asked, 

"That's none of my business". I replied angrily and walk into my room, making sure to lock the door behind me.

I walk over to my bed and sat on it.

In just a blink of an eye, my life was becoming complicated and strange for me.

I have a life I never knew I had, and here I was falling deeply in love with a lady I just met in less than a month.

I hissed in frustration and lay on my bed.

I just can't wait to be in Australia and solve all these mysteries.