
Familiar pain

Jesse's POV

I hissed in satisfaction the moment I got home.

Everything was over, and I just have to wait for Christmas and I will be out of this town and possibly out of Benson's life.

I pull off my shoes and clothes and walked into the bathroom.

I step into the shower and hissed in relief when the warm water fell on my body.

I took a quick bath and left the bathroom, I walk into my room and put on a night wear before laying on my bed, with so many thoughts in my head.

After three days from now I won't be seeing Benson anymore, and it's brought back a familiar pain I felt.

"Where are you going, Jesse".  I heard mom's voice as I was about to open the door.

I hissed softly and turn around to face mom, 

"I'm going out ". I murmured 

"No, you are not ". mom spoke angrily 

"Mom, I need to go, and I have to go now ". I did not let those words finish from my mouth before I open the door and ran out of the house.

I took a bus and in few minutes. I was standing in front of Benson's house.

I knocked softly on the door for a while before the door was open, 

"Hello aunt ". I greeted.

"What are you doing here? ". she demanded with so much anger and hate in her voice.

Since I had a fight with Benson, Benson's aunt has been showing me strange behaviors that I couldn't understand.

"I've been here for the past two days but none of you were at home, please I need to speak with Benson and explained things to him ". I pleaded 

"There is nothing to explain here Jesse, just leave ". She yelled in anger.

I stared at her and wondered what I must have done to make her hate me this way.

"Aunt ,Derrick must have told you that I cheated on him, but believe me I didn't, it was just a misunderstanding". I begged 

"I don't want to hear anything from you Jesse,, please leave before I do what both of us will live to regret ".she said those words like she meant it .

"But aunt"

"Go ". she shut the door angrily at me.

I hissed and stood by the door in pain and frustration, just then I heard my name, I turn around and saw Jacob walking toward me with a smile.

"Hey Jesse, come in. ". he took my hand and led me into their flat.

"Have some water ". He handed me a glass of water, 

"Thank you ". I collected the water from him. 

"You still haven't been able to talk to him ?". he asked, 

"No, and the worst part is that his aunt hates me so much, and I wonder why ".

"Hate you?". Jacob asked, confused, 

"Yes, she has been acting strange since my fight with Benson and this is strange because whenever I and Benson usually have a fight she always takes my place and I wondered what went wrong this time ". I murmured and took a sip of the water.

Jacob hissed softly and stared at me with pity, 

"I haven't been able to see him for the past four days now, whenever I go to see him his aunt will always tell me he went out, and I find it strange ".

I hissed softly and lean on the chair.

"I think I've lost him, Jacob, maybe he doesn't want me anymore ". I spoke, almost in tears 

"That's not true, everyone knows how much Benson loves you, it's just a misunderstanding, he will come along ".he assured me.

I shake my head in disapproval and closed my eyes.

"Something in me tells me this time will be different". I murmured.

Jacob hissed softly but did not say a word.

I took in a deep breath before getting up from the couch.

"I have to go "

Jacob stood up from the couch and gave me a tight hug, 

"Don't worry, I will make sure I talk to him ".

I nod my head and walk out of their apartment.

I walked down home, so I could clear my head.

I got home and saw mom and Jennifer waiting for me in the sitting room. I ignored them and made my way to my room, when mom's voice stopped me 

"Come back here, young woman". She ordered with anger.

I hissed and made my way back to the sitting room.

"Where are you coming from?". mom asked in an angry tune

"Benson's place ". I murmured

She hissed in frustration and stood up from the couch.

"Jennifer told me all that is going on ".

I turn around and stare at Jennifer with an angry look.

"Don't look at me like that, I can't let you lose your mind ". She said those words while avoiding my gaze.

"You have to let him be for the time being, you should stop forcing yourself on him".mom muttered out.

"I'm not forcing myself on him, mom, there is a misunderstanding and I have to clear it, ". I spoke firmly.

"Well, he isn't ready to listen, I think it's best you let him be for now ". She advised. 

"I can't ".  I murmured

Mom hissed softly before walking over to me.

"Maybe he just needs some space and I think you should give him some space, with time you guys can sort things out ". Mom tried explaining things to me, but I wouldn't listen, 

"I can't mom, if I stay away from him and give him the space you are suggesting, then I will lose Benson ". I whispered in tears.

"If that is the case, so be it, I can't allow you keep doing this to yourself".mom spoke in a worried tune.

I roughly ran my fingers through my hair and stared at Jennifer with anger.

She was the reason I'm in this mess,, and she wasn't bothered about it.

"This is my business mom, allow me handle it my own way "

"Listen Jesse"

"No mom, I don't wanna talk about it".

I left mom and Jennifer in the sitting room ,walk back to my room and lay on my bed with tears in my eyes.

I can't lose Benson  because if I do, I know I won't be able to take it .