

Two weeks to Christmas

Benson's POV

The house wasn't peaceful and quiet as it was, now that Charity's brothers were here.

“Uncle, you promised to take me to the mall today “. Lilly said those words to Samuel, the eldest son.

“Yes baby, we will go after we are done with breakfast”.he gently caressed Lilly's cheek.

“If you love kids this much, I wondered why you aren't married yet”. Smith, the last son among them, spoke up 

“Just shut up and eat “. Mrs Sonia spoke up, 

Smith roll his eyes and continued eating.

I shake my head and continued eating.

“Will you join us “. Samuel asked Derick, the second son among them.

“To the mall ?”. He asked 

“Yeah”. Samuel replied

“Nah”. Derick replied and went back to his food, 

“Have somewhere to be “. Samuel asked 

“Yeah”. Derick replied with food in his mouth

“You guys should stop taking and eat quietly, Lilly is here “. Mrs Sonia spoke in annoyance, but Samuel ignored her 

“Where”.he asked,

 Derick took a sip of water before replying.

“I'm going out with Jesse to get a tree with her, she hasn't even started decorating her apartment”.he said those words and went back to his food.

“Just say you want to spend time with her “. Smith said those words while rolling his eyes.

Derick Chuckled softly and went back to his food.

I stared at Derick and noticed a big grin on his face as he eats.

“Fuck “. I murmured to myself.

Derick likes Jesse and it was so obvious.

We eat in silence, but I have already lost my appetite a long time ago.

I stared at Derick and notice he was a fine young man, well-behaved and have a good job, there was no way Jesse wouldn't want to have anything to do with him if he asks her out.

We finished breakfast and I wasn't at rest.

I was restless that both of them will be spending almost all the day in each other company, and for strange reasons I was uncomfortable with it.

I went back to my room and couldn't concentrate, I've been avoiding Jesse for a week and I thought doing that will help kill whatever strange feelings I was having for her. But my distance made everything worst.

Each day I stare at my window to peaked on what she was doing.

Occasionally, I see that guy I saw her in the party, and it pains me that I couldn't do anything.

A knock on my door caught my attention, 

“Come in”. I ordered

The door was opened and Derick walked in 

“Hey Benson”.he said those words and sat beside me 

“What's up man”. I asked, 

He hissed softly and ran his fingers in his hair before checking his wristwatch.

“I need a favor from you "

“My boss just called me that my service is needed, and it's a big deal and I can't miss it for anything. Can you please help me go out shopping with Jesse for my sake, I've promised her and I can't just disappoint her”. He pleaded.

I stared at him in wide eyes and didn't know what to say.

“Can you “. He asked with a worried look.

“What about Smith “. I asked 

“He has something to do and can't go with her, and you know Samuel is already out with Lilly "

I hissed softly and thought for a while 

“Alright”. I murmured

“Thanks man “. He stood up from the bed and left.

I hissed softly and stood up from the bed, I changed my cloths and left the apartment.

As I walk to Jesse's apartment, I thought of how I would be able to spend almost the whole day with her without letting my feelings taking over me.

I got to her door and took in a deep breath before knocking.

I heard footsteps coming from inside the apartment before she opens the door.

“I didn't know you were coming this early”.she said those words while she steps out of her apartment.

“Hey Jesse”. I could see surprise written all over her face.