
Fall in love again

Jesse's POV

“Alright kids, that will be all for today “.those words did not finish from my mouth before I noticed my phone ringing.

I checked the caller and noticed it was from Simone, my childhood friend.

“Hey baby girl “.he spoke up when I picked the call.

“Simone, don't call me that because I know wherever you do, you have something to ask from me “. I spoke in a fake angry tune.

He chuckled softly before speaking up.

“You are wrong this time “.

“Really, then why are you calling”. I asked, 

“Can't I just check up on you, “.he asked while chucking softly.

“Whatever”. I replied while rolling my eyes.

He chuckled softly before speaking up.

“Tell what's happening there “.he spoke up, 

I was about to say nothing interesting was happening here when I remembered Benson.

“Simone”. I called, 

“Why are you yelling my name“.he asked.

“You remember Benson right”. I asked 

He kept silent for a while before speaking up 

“Yeah, who wouldn't remember Benson. The guy who made you almost broke your leg when you were jumping off the window to sneak out with him“. Even Simone do remember him.

“Simone”. I called on out

“Jesse's, is everything alright “.he asked 

“I met Benson here “. I whispered.

“You did what “.he asked shocked.

“I mean, Benson is here, but he doesn't remember me “. I spoke softly, so Simone won't notice the pain in my voice.

“That's bullshit”. Simon yelled

“It's true Simon, he doesn't remember me, he sees me as a total stranger”. I spoke, almost in tears.

“Are you okay, Jesse”. Simon asked with a worried voice.

“I'm not “. I yelled, 

He murmured softly over the phone before speaking up.

“Have you tried to talk to him or something, maybe help he remembered things”.he asked.

“I can't “. I murmured

“Why “.he asked confused.

I released an heavy sign and took in a deep breath, 

“Because he has a daughter, he was married, and his wife is dead”.

 “What the fuck “. Simone screamed,

 "That's the problem Simone, he sees me as a total stranger and I think he hates me “. I spoke in pains .the thought of him hating me broke a sharp pain to me.

“Jesse”. Simone called out, 

“I'm here “. I replied, 

“It's been a longtime Jesse, you have to let him go “. Simone words seem like a pled.

“I can't “. I murmured,

“You know how it took me several years to let go of him, and now I've found him, I can't just let him go like that “. I spoke stubbornly.

Simone hissed softly over the phone, 

“He has a family now, maybe that's why he is pretending not to know you “. What Simeon said might be right, but I don't care.

“I don't care”. I spoke stubbornly.

“Then what will you do, you say he doesn't remember you, or maybe he just don't want to remember you, and you said he hates you “.

“All that doesn't matter “. I spoke calmly.

“What are you planning on doing”.

I ran my fingers through my hair and thought about everything before speaking up, 

“I'm going to have my Benson back by all means”. I spoke softly,

“And how do you intend on doing that, “.he asked in doubt.

I chuckled softly as an idea came to me, 

“I'm going to make him fall in love with me again”.