

Jesse's POV

I stood in front of the dance hall welcoming the kids to practice when I saw Benson coming with Lilly in his hands. I met eyes with him and smiled seductively at him. He calls me a whore, and now I will show him how much of a whore I was.

“Good day, miss “. Lilly greets with her small tiny voice.

“Morning my dear “.she smiled at me while walking inside the hall.

As soon as she got in, I closed the door and stared at Benson. He glared me a surprised look, but I did not care.

“Benson”. I smiled seductively while running my fingers on the buttons in his cloths .he moves away and stared at me with shock.

“Don't give me that look, darling, I've been thinking of you all night“. I bit my lips seductively and smiled at him.

“What's wrong with you “.he asked while shattering. I smiled to myself when I realized my actions were having an effect on him.

“What does it look like, am I doing”. I quickly moved to him and took the collar of his shirt with both hands. Before he could react, I kissed him quickly on the lips.

He moves and pushed me away. I chuckled softly and lick my lips seductively.

“You taste delicious, baby “. I smiled at him one more time before opening the door and walked inside the hall.I could feel his hot gaze on me, and I was happy I was having an effect on him.

 A few hours later

“That will be all for today”

“Thank you miss”.they all chorused and went for their things.

Few minutes the hall was empty, and I was the only one left. I picked up my things and was about leaving when I felt strong arms around me .the person pushed me to the wall with so much force that I cried out in pain.

I closed my eyes in pain before opening them. When I opened them, I saw a furious Benson staring at me.

“What was the meaning of what you did this morning”.he spoke softly, but I knew he was angry. i closed my eyes and composed myself before speaking up.

“What does it look like I was doing”? I asked while staring at him.

“Jesus Christ, you were seducing a married man “.he spoke in anger,

“You are no longer married”. I replied in anger.

He brought forth his hand at me 

“What does this look like huh? ”. he waves his hand at me which have his wedding ring. I closed my eyes and hissed softly.

“You and I know she is no more “. I spoke softly. He close his eyes and groaned in anger. , I shouldn't have said that.

He opens his eyes and stared at me with so much anger that I felt my body shivering.

“I want you to stay away from me “.he shouted in anger, 

“I won't ”.the word came out from my mouth even bedore I realized it.

He ran his fingers in his hair and stared at me.

“What do you want “.he asked, irritated

I noticed my action on him was getting him to hate me more. But I don't care, I lost him twelve years ago, and I won't lose him again.

“I want you “. I said those words while locking eyes with him .he shakes his head and stared at me in disbelief before moving away from me.

"I don't know what kind of games you are playing, but I won't be part of it “.he spoke calmly, but I knew he was serious.

With all the courage in me, I moved from the wall and moved closer to him. I stood so close to him that I could almost feel his breath, but he did not move away.

I moved a bit closer, so close that our lips were almost brushing each other, but he did not move away.

Now or never. I said those words to myself before grabbing his neck and roughly took his lips to mine. I was expecting him to push me as he did last time, but he did not, rather he forcefully pushed me to the wall and took hold of my hair while kissing me roughly.

I moan in the kiss and melt in his arms .he kissed my lips like a hungry lion before going for my neck. I dip my fingers in his hair and moan softly.he gently bite my neck and I felt my body shivering and my legs shaking. I would have been on the floor if not for his strong arms holding me .he left my neck and roughly took hold of my breast in my clothes and started massaging it gently. I closed my eyes and moan in bliss.

My eyes were still closed when I noticed his hands were off from me. I opened my eyes and met an emotionless Benson staring at me.

“You have gotten what you wanted, I hope you will leave me the fuck alone “.he said those words and left the hall.

I hissed in pain and sat on the floor.

“No Benson it's not over yet “.