
Couldn't leave her alone.

Benson's POV

Hearing those words from her, it felt like she was directly talking to me, and it felt really strange.

"Please stay ".she begged like a kid.

I took in a deep breath and curse myself for going out with Smith.

If only I had stayed home and continued working, all these wouldn't have happened.

I hissed softly and Lay beside her.

She chuckled drunkenly, and murmured words I could understand before placing her head on my chest and her hand on my waist.

"Shit". I whispered in regret, 

How will I be able to escape from her grip now.

I hissed softly and move aside, so I was able to face her.

Looking at her sleeping peacefully, I felt so good and relaxed, and it feels like I could watch her sleep forever.

I move my hand and gently caress her cheek with care .it was so soft that I wondered how a lady her age could have a tender skin like a child.

She murmured in her sleep and pull my hand away from her face.

I chuckled at her behavior and put my fingers in her hair.

Just like I had imagined, her hair was so soft, and I couldn't help but stroke it with care. I stared at her swollen pink lips and all I wish for was to kiss her so tenderly that she forgets whatever pains she was going through.

I was falling in love with this woman and I knew it.

I hissed in Frustration and look away.

I need to get out from this bed and this room before I do something stupid.

I took a quick look at her and noticed she was fast asleep, this was the right time to escape from her.

Slowly and gently, I removed her hand from my waist and hissed in relief when I noticed she wasn't awake yet.

I took in a deep breath and carefully move away from her and place her head on the pillow.

I took a quick look at her and noticed she was still sleeping.

"Thank goodness". I murmured and carefully stood up from the bed.

I got out of the bed successfully without waking her up.

I pull out the blanket and covered it properly on her.

I stared at her one more time to be sure she was okay and comfortable before I could leave.

I realized she was sleeping comfortably and peacefully,, so I decided to leave the room.

I was on my way out of the room when I heard Jesse sobbing quietly in her sleep.

I turn and stared at her with wild eye.

She was drunk and asleep, yet she was crying in her dream.

I groaned angrily and made my way out of the room, maybe when she finishes crying, she would go back to sleep. I thought to myself.

I got out of her apartment and stood in font of it.

I tried walking to our apartment, but I couldn't, for strange reasons I was restless and couldn't leave. 

I groaned angrily and roughly ran my fingers through my hair in frustration.

I turn around and open the door of her apartment.

I got in and walk straight to her room. 

I got to her room and noticed she has stopped crying, but I cheek was soaked in tears.

Seeing her that way, I felt my heart clench in pain and wondered what he might have done to her to make her feel this way. 

I hissed in anger before laying on the bed and pull her to me.  She hissed in relief and lay properly on me.

I felt so comfortable with her on me like it wasn't the first time we were like this, and it was really strange.

I stared at the fragile and broken Jesse and wondered if she was going through all this heart breaks and pains, then how was she able to cover it with those annoying smile on her face whenever I see her.

She was really hiding so much in her, and I was curious to know what was going on in her life and who that man was that could cause her this pain.

I took in a deep breath and made her lay properly on me.

I noticed she was in deep sleep, and it was my chance to leave her and go home, but then I was scared.

I was scared of she waking up drunk and maybe do something that could harm her.

The thought of that made me scared,, and I couldn't leave her alone in her apartment.

I hissed and brought out my phone and texted Smith.

"I'm in Jesse apartment but can't leave, she is just too drunk to leave her alone" I texted 

I waited for few minutes before I heard my phone beeped, I went for it and open it.

"It's okay, enjoy yourselves".he texted back with an annoying emoji after the text. 

I hissed softly and kept back the phone on the bed stand.

I stared one more time at Jesse before placing a soft kiss on her forehead.

"Goodnight Jesse". I whispered before drifting to sleep.

"Where are you going". Aunt asked when she noticed me by the door. 

"I'm going out to see a friend ". I murmured.

She stared at me before walking up to me.

"She was here, and she told me you guys have a little fight and wanted to come in and explain things to you, but I told her you wanted to be alone, so tell me what's wrong?" She asked, 

I hissed in anger and lean on the door. 

“She cheated on me aunt, I caught her ". I murmured in pain, 

"Are you sure ?" Aunt asked in disbelief.

I groaned angrily and stared at her.

"I need to go aunt, I will see you when I get back ". I opened the door and left the house.

"Jesus Christ ,how did you get here ". I could hear someone voice pulling me out of my sleep.

I hissed in frustration and open my eyes only to see a shock and confused Jesse staring at me with wild eyes.

"Shit ". I muttered out those words and stood up.