
Accepting proposal

Jesse's POV

"It's okay if you don't wanna accept I can understand it's really difficult to accept such a thing from a Total stranger ".he murmured those word and stood up on his feet.

He flash me a weak smile and sat beside me 

"I will do it ". I murmured

He turned and stares at me with wild eyes 

"I'm going to accept your proposal". I said those words not knowing when it came out from my mouth.

"Really?" He asked in excitement 

"Yeah ". I murmured

He pulls me to himself and gave me a tight hug 

"Thank you so much Jesse I promise you won't regret it".he whispered those words in my ear from releasing me from his grip.

He stares at me with so much smile on his face.

I smiled back at him and wondered what I have done.

I just accepted to marry Benson despite him not remembering me.

What will happen if he gains his memory or if his aunt eventually tell him about us, it will be disaster, pure disaster.

"When should we get married". Benson's voice brought me out of my thought.

I turned and stared at him, there was so much smile on his face like he just won a lottery.

"Anytime is okay by me ". I murmured

"What about tomorrow we are just doing a court marriage that's all ".he asked 

"Fine by me". I murmured 

"Thanks Jesse, you won't regret it ".he muttered out those words and kissed my cheek.

"We should go it's getting late, I'll take you home ".

I smiled at him and stood up from the bench 

"Let's go ".he took hold of my hand and led the way out of the park.

We left the park and went into his car, I told him my direction, and he drove off.

The drive to my place was quiet, so I decided to speak up 

"How's your Aunt". I asked in curiosity

"She is fine".he replied quickly 

I nod my head before speaking up 

"Have you met her since you came back ?" I asked in curiosity

"Yes, she even was the one who asked me to come to you".he spoke up 

"Really ?" I asked shocked and confused.

"Yes, I told her about you and even showed her your picture, and she told me I should go for you ".he spoke firmly 

Hearing those words from him, I was shocked and confused.

She has seen my picture she knows it me, yet she didn't tell Benson about me rather she encouraged him to marry me.

This was strange, really strange.

"Are you having second thoughts ".he asked 

"No". I replied firmly.

"We can divorce after four months if you feel you made a mistake by getting married to me ".he spoke firmly

I nod my head but did not say a word 

He smiled at me and kept on driving until we got to the house.

"Thanks for dropping me "

"It's nothing ".he smiled at me 

"So I'll come pick you up tomorrow?" He asked 

"Yeah, sure, what time "I asked 

"2pm will be okay ".he spoke up 

"That will be okay by me " I smiled at him and kissed his cheek 

He smiled at me, but I noticed it wasn't his normal smile and I assumed something was wrong.

"What's wrong ?" I asked 

"Nothing" .he chuckled softly, but I knew something was wrong.

"You are lying, something is definitely wrong". I muttered out those words while staring at him.

He hissed and thoughts for a while before he spoke up 

"I'm just scared".he murmured

"About what ?" I asked 

He kept quiet before speaking up 

"What if you go home and change your decision".he spoke in fear 

I smiled at him before speaking up 

"Getting married to you was one of my biggest dream, I dreamt every day of being your wife, so there is no need to be scared, I won't change my decision". I spoke firmly

"Are you sure about it ?" He asked while staring at me 

"Yeah ". I flash me a big smile 

"I believe you ". He smiled back at me

"Goodbye". I smiled at him and open the door of the car.

"Bye".he waved at me before driving off 

I took out a soft breath before going into the house, I took a quick bath and lay on the bed and was about sleeping, but then I remembered I have to call Jennie.

"Tell me all what you said was a joke" Jennie screams in anger.

I hissed softly and sat on the bed 

"I just explained everything to you ". I muttered out those words hoping she would understand, but she didn't.

"This is ridiculous Jesse, he doesn't remember you "

"But he loves me". I murmured

"Seriously?" Jennie asked in anger

"Okay what happens when he eventually remembers everything ?" She asked 

"I don't know ". I murmured

Jennie chuckled softly before speaking up 

"You are amazing Jesse, you are indeed amazing ".she murmured in anger

"You don't know how he lost memory and why he lost his memory and disappeared twelve years ago and here you are telling me that you are getting married to him by tomorrow, who fucking does that ".she spoke in anger 

I hissed softly but did not say a word 

"Call him and tell him you won't do it ".she says those words as a command 

"I can't". I murmured

"If I don't get married to him, he will look for another, and I can't let it happen". I spoke firmly

"Jesus Jesse are you even listening to yourself ?" She asked in anger.

"Relax Jennie I Know what I'm doing, if I don't feel happy in the marriage I can file for a divorce".

"That will be after four to six months of your marriage".she spoke angrily

I ran my fingers through my hair in frustration, I understand what Jennie was trying to say, and I know she meant well, but I can't let go of such opportunity.

Getting married to Benson has been one of my biggest dream and I can't just let him slip out of my hand this time.

"Jesse". Jennie's voice brought me out of my thought 

"Don't tell me you are doing this ".her words came as a pled

I thought for a while and took in a deep breath 

"Sorry Jennie, I'm going on with this ".