

Benson's POV

"What are you doing Benson?" Aunt asked while staring at me with curiosity

"Just follow my lead aunt, that's all ". I muttered out those words and sat on the couch

"You want me to act like I have forgiven Jesse and tell her all this lies "

"Yes aunt, I'm just getting married to her for four months and after that, we will get a divorce". I spoke firmly.

"If you are going for a divorce her then why marry her, what are your motives".aunt asked while staring at me with a questioning look

"To make her suffer". I muttered out those words like I meant it.

"I want her to feel an atom of the pains she made me go through". I spoke firmly.

Aunt hissed and sat on the couch opposite me.

"We should let this go ". Aunt spoke up 

"I can't aunt, I just can't ". I murmured seriously 

Aunt shakes her head and stared at me before speaking up 

"So what are your plans".she asked 

"Nothing much, just make I feel a tip of what I went through, that's all ". I said those words and stood up from the couch 

"I have to go, we need to be in the court by 2pm ". I said those words and picked up my phone.

“Benson”.aunt called out my name 

I turn and stared at her 

"I hope you know what you are doing".aunt asked those questions like she meant it.

I nod my head before leaving her house.

I entered my car and hit the wheel of the car with anger and range.

I felt anger, pain and vengeance running through my blood and I hated myself for feeling this way.

After since I got back my memory I have only goal and that is to make Jesse go through the same pain I felt. all that runs through my head was nothing but vengeance, I just wanted her to feel my pain and that will only happen if I get married to her, so I have to marry her even when I hated her with passion.

I checked the time and saw that it was just pass 1pm

I put on my car and drove over to the place I dropped Jesse.

In few minutes I was already parked in front of the house.

I stared around and saw Jesse waving at me for the window.

I felt my heart beat increased and I hated myself for it.

She smiled at me and I did the same.

She came out from the house and I noticed how she beautifully dressed.

She was putting on a purple colored dress, a silver high hill shoes, and she poured out her hair, she was amazingly beautiful.

I took a deep breath to calm myself.

"Hey".she shyly wave at me.

"Hi". I came out of the car and gently kissed her cheek.

“You look beautiful". I commended 

She chuckled softly and before speaking up 

"Thanks "

"Let's go ". I open the door for her to go in.

"Thanks ".she smiled at me before entering the car.

I entered the car and smiled at her 

"Are you ready?" I asked while staring at her 

"Yeah, sure".she smiled at me.

I started the car and drove off.

In few minutes we were at the court.

I put off the car and stared at her 

"You can back out if you have second thoughts" I said those words knowing she won't back out.

"Let's do This".she smiled at me before opening the car.

I smiled evilly at myself before getting out of the car. 

We walk side by side each other until we entered the court.

In few minutes we were called upon, and our marriage was registered 

"I pronounce you man and wife ".the judge muttered out those words

Jesse smiled at me and gave me a quick kiss.

We left the Court and got into the car 

"What next".she asked 

"I will send our marriage certificate to Mrs Sonia, so she won't have anything against me, but you have to come stay with us ". I spoke filmy.

"That won't be an issue, I'll come by tomorrow".she spoke up 

I smiled at her before putting on the car.

One of my plan achieved.

"We are here ".

"Thanks ".she smiled at me and got out of the car.

"Bye".she waved at me and walked into the rehearsal hall 

I hissed in relief as I watch her walk away.

I put on the car and drove back home.

I got home and met Lilly with our housekeeper 

"Daddy".she exclaims happily and ran up to me 

"Hello angel, how are you ". I asked while I place kisses on her face.

"I'm doing well ".she murmured happily.

"That's good, I have something to say to you come on". I pull her to myself and sat on the couch.

I took in a deep breath and thought of how to start the conversation.

"You like aunt Jesse right ?" I asked while caressing her hair 

"Yes ".she giggled happily 

"That's good ". I smiled at her and stroke her hair before speaking up 

"What do you say if Aunt Jesse comes stay with us ". I asked 

"Aunt Jesse staying with us ?" She asked with excitement

"Yeah ". I replied

"That means I will have to be seeing her everyday" Lilly giggled happily

I took in a deep breath when I realized Lilly wasn't against it.

"Are you getting married to miss Jesse?" She asked while staring at me with wild eyes

I kept quiet and didn't know what to say to her 

My marriage with Jesse was complicated, and I can't drag my daughter into this.

"Daddy ".her voice brought me back from my thought.

I smiled at her and gently stroke her hair.

"We are not married yet, but we will get married soon ".

"Really, that means Aunt Jesse will be my stepmom".she spoke with so much excitement in her voice.

"Something like that ". I murmured and kissed her cheek.

"Thanks Dad ".she spoke happily and softly kissed my cheek 

I smiled at her and gave her a tight hug 

If only she knew things aren't the way she imagined it to be.