
A perfect father

Jesse's POV

I walked aimlessly at the window, waiting for my prey. I hissed and took a sip of my coffee before staring outside the window. I hissed in frustration when I noticed he wasn't coming to the garden. I was about to close my window when I saw him pressing his phone and walking towards the garden.

“Perfect”. I whispered to myself

“Hey Benson”. I shouted at him to get his attention to me.

He turns around and look at me, but there was no emotion on his face.

“I miss you “. I whispered before pulling off the robe that was covering my body.

“Fuck”. I heard him shout when I removed the robe from my body, revealing my body with just my panties on. I knew what I was doing was inappropriate, but I would do anything to have my Benson back.

I lock eyes with him and noticed he wasn't trying to look away. Rather, I notice him bite his lips nervously.

“Come”. I whispered with a seductive smile on my face. He swallowed nervously but did not remove his gaze from me. I noticed he was intoxicated by my seduction, but he was still having his resistance, so I had to do something else.

I brought forth my hand and put my leg in the window, so he gets a better view of my thighs. The moment he saw my thighs, I saw lust written all over his face. Perfect, my plan was working.

I brought forth my hand and gently ran my fingers on my right thighs while staring at him .he moves from the spot he was and came closer. I move my fingers from my thighs and ran them on my flat stomach while locking eyes with him .he swallowed nervously and kept staring at me.

“Come “. I whispered, I knew he could hear me.

He moved closer but wasn't close enough for me to touch him.

I knew I was having an effect on him, but he was trying his best to resist me. I need to do something really fast.

I brought forth my fingers and put two in my mouth, while I moan softly and stare at him. I noticed him makes a sound and closed his eyes .he was already turn on.

I remove my fingers from my mouth and slowly went for the hook of my bra. I was getting nervous, this wasn't me, but I have to do it. I pick up courage and reach for the hook of my bra and unhook it slowly, allowing the bra to fall from my breast.

“Fuck”. I heard him groaned when he saw my breast. I hissed in relief when I noticed he likes what he saw, and he wasn't trying to go away.

I took hold of my breasts and squeeze them softly while staring at him .he closed his eyes and I could see he was making little whispers. I moved my hand from my breast and ran my fingers at the tip of my pant. I watch him stare at my pant with so much lust.

I lick my lips and place my hand on the tip of my pant and was about pulling off my pant when I heard a voice.

“Papa”. Lilly shouted.

"Shit”. I shouted and quickly moved away from the window.

“Hey Lilly, why are you still awake”. I could hear Benson's voice.

“I can't sleep, I have a bad dream”.she spoke in her small tiny voice.

I peeped through the window and saw he gently kissed her forehead before he hug her.

“Was it about mom again “.he asked, 

“Yes “.she murmured.

He released a soft sigh and picked her up in his arms.

“Let's go in, I'll sing you a lullaby “.he kissed her cheek softly and they both went in.

I signed in relief and closed my window.

What a perfect father he was.

I smiled when a memory flash to me.

 Twelve years ago, 

“So you are saying you will have a football team “.I spoke in disbelief.

“Yes”. Benson replied with a big grin on his face.

“And who is going to give birth to those children”. I asked while rolling my eyes at him.

“She knows herself”.he said those words while staring at me with a mischievous smile on his face.

I felt shy and moves away from him .he chuckled softly and moves toward me while holding my hands.

“Don't worry, I will make a perfect father”.he said those words like he meant it.

“Oh please”. I replied while rolling my eyes at him.

“You don't believe me, then let's make a bet .if I become a perfect father,, then you lose the bet .deal ?”. He asked, 

I smiled and took his hand 


I smiled to myself when I remembered those memories. He was right, he was a perfect father, and I've lost the bet.