
Reluctant Master Of Humanity: A SI Fate Grand Order Fanfic

Fate Grand Order. That is where I - Hans Friedrich, have find myself into as a one of the three last Masters of Humanity. A world of cute Outer Gods, laser swords, and women that could kill just by looking at me. ...Yeah, whose bright idea was this? How can you trust a selfish person like me to be a Master of Humanity!? Gaia, Akasha, Alaya, you got the wrong guy! ============ [Disclaimers(1): This is my second try at making a Fanfic or Novel of any kind so please tell me your thoughts and criticism. Even your hate. But, only if your hate has a good reason for it. So, please be smart about it, mmkay~? Disclaimers(2): This is SI, which stands for - Self insert. Meaning, I'm writing myself in this. So if you have any problems with the MC, then I can't help you, as it's - Me and I can't change my personality at a drop of hat. This also means, the MC will have Flaws, so if you want a perfect main character, this isn't for you. But if you do somehow enjoy the MC(Me), then...all I kind can offer you is a smile. Disclaimers(3): I don't own any of the Fictional characters I use in this Fanfic. I only own myself. ]

VoidWalker999 · アニメ·コミックス
6 Chs

Chapter - 3: Parting & Summoning - Singularity F


" Okay..." Olga Marie Animusphere collected herself, then stared at me," You're telling me, you're not even from Chaldea or a Magi Family... Am I getting this right?"

" Yep."

" And you did not apply-"

" Kidnap!"

" For a job at Chaldea of any kind, Yes?" This time, she took a deep breath and asked me. The look of suspicious and cautious was clear as day for anyone in the room.

" Again, yes." I nodded, once more.

" And the last thing you remember was going to sleep in your room on your bed, in Germany - Berlin."

" Wow, your smart." I smiled, making Olga's eyebrows twitch. She can tell that wasn't a compliment. Not at all.

" You can tell what I told you back to me, perfectly. What an achievement." She frowned hearing me," And you don't believe any one of my words, do you?"

Her expression and eyes told me - yes, she doesn't believe me. And that was okay with me, as I wouldn't believe me if I was her.

Luckily I didn't tell her - I was from the future in another world and all this was nothing but a game in my world. That would surely cause her to die again, huh?

Learning everything done to you and the world was for entertainment and nothing more...

Yeah, that would kill her.

" You don't have to worry about me." I said, getting confused looks from everyone," I'll get out of your hair."

I really need to... The [Yellow Sign] doesn't like it here. Every second since coming in contact with them made my hand burn. At first, it was nothing more than a little heat. However, now? It feels like my hand is an in a furnace, about to be cooked


" What?! You gonna let her talk to you like that?!" Gudako was the first to break the silence.

" Director, isn't this a bit much?"

" He doesn't seem like a bad person to me."

Both Ritsuka and Mash were next, each looking at Olga, who only glanced at them and then back at me, still wearing that very same expression.

" Mm, see y'all on the flipside~"

Before anyone could say anything, I was already walking out of the house.

However, when I was about to start walking, I heard something that made me pale, and my very blood freeze. My soul even almost left by my body.

" Take me with you."

Profound orange eyes greeted my dark blue ones when I looked back.

" Huh?" And this was my answer to that. Even the [Yellow Sign] stopped burning for a few seconds like it was also shocked.

" I said -" Gudako picked herself up, with Mash's help," Take. Me. With. You." She said word-for-word, as she hopped to me.

" Why?" My hand started to burn even hotter, as I asked with gritted teeth.

" Her." She pointed at a red-faced Olga," I hate her."

"..." I sighed, and shook my head," No."

Gudako almost fell but caught herself when she looked at me, with all kinds of emotions mixed together.

Tsk, why are you looking at me like that? We barely know each other.

"..." Instead of saying anything, she just looked at tbe ground. Her hair covering her face.

" Please be safe, Mister." Mash bowed, hiding her expression. An expression that told another story.

" I..." From the light in his eyes - it seemed like two different wars were being played throughout Ritsuka's face and eyes," Please come back if you are in danger.," however, he finally said this while looking down at the ground. I can hear him gritting his teeth together from here.

Looking at Olga Marie Animusphere - The Director Of Chaldea, I smiled at her. A smile that made her blink in surprise.

Giving her a nod, I left and walked through a place that can only be seen in Hell.


" What the hell am I supposed to do?" Looking at my hand that stopped burning, I asked it, hoping for an answer out of it," So do you work as Command Spells?"


There was no answer. Nothing.

Holding in a sigh, I looked around and found myself alone in surrounded by burning buildings. The buildings are half-melted, crumbling ruins, each warped and twisted as if they're screaming out in agony. The same fire, sickly and streaked through with a sort of empty darkness, burns on all of them. The ground is equally dark and barren, cracked and pitted and occasionally splitting fully open to reveal an empty black tar that hurts my eyes to look at for too long.

" You know what." I stopped walking," I gonna wing it."

Yep. I gonna wing it. If the [Yellow Sign] doesn't wanna help us out - then I will.

" Okay..." Taking a deep breath, I stared forward and spoke my chant...

" Yo Heroes, a little help here?"


I smiled and then chuckled," Yeah, like that is gonna w-"


A little bell sound boomed throughout my mind. Next was something that made me stare in shock at the being who is now kneeling in front of me.

" The fuck? It worked?" I mumbled seeing the black Knight himself.

Berserker Lancelot is a robust man fully clad in pitch-black armor and a rustic helmet with a thinly carved slit displaying the ghastly glow of his eyes, shrouded in black mist. The armor is the work of the delicate and nuanced workmanship of its smith's utmost effort, succeeding in granting it an air of formidability and fine construction. It is a perfect armor that can be called neither exquisite nor crude, and it instead perfectly melds magnificence and functionality. It is carved with countless marks and scratches, the highlights of his various military exploits etched into it to add a touch of valor. It is an ideal battle outfit that all knights could not help but envy.

" Shuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhu..." The Black Knight - Lancelot, looked at me with his glowing red visors.

" Hi?" I gulped.

Fuck... This guy is way scarier in person. Though, Heracles takes the cake. That man is fucking scary! I almost pissed and shited myself when he was walking behind me. When he looked at me, I almost even fainted!

I promise you, he will appear in my dreams.

" Well, wanna go kill a King with me?" Despite my mind working overtime - I smiled at Lancelot.

" Arrrthurrrrrr?" Lancelot asked(?) me, tilting his head.

Y'know, it wasn't because I know he can kill me by flicking me with one finger, I would have thought it was cute. However, it's not cute. Nope.

" Yep." I nodded.

" Arrrrrrr!!!" A roar of hate boomed throughout the sky.

Then In a flash, he started running...the wrong way.

" Oi! You don't even know where she is!!!"

Looking at the speeding figure, I sighed.

...I gonna die here, aren't I?
