
Reluctant Master Of Humanity: A SI Fate Grand Order Fanfic

Fate Grand Order. That is where I - Hans Friedrich, have find myself into as a one of the three last Masters of Humanity. A world of cute Outer Gods, laser swords, and women that could kill just by looking at me. ...Yeah, whose bright idea was this? How can you trust a selfish person like me to be a Master of Humanity!? Gaia, Akasha, Alaya, you got the wrong guy! ============ [Disclaimers(1): This is my second try at making a Fanfic or Novel of any kind so please tell me your thoughts and criticism. Even your hate. But, only if your hate has a good reason for it. So, please be smart about it, mmkay~? Disclaimers(2): This is SI, which stands for - Self insert. Meaning, I'm writing myself in this. So if you have any problems with the MC, then I can't help you, as it's - Me and I can't change my personality at a drop of hat. This also means, the MC will have Flaws, so if you want a perfect main character, this isn't for you. But if you do somehow enjoy the MC(Me), then...all I kind can offer you is a smile. Disclaimers(3): I don't own any of the Fictional characters I use in this Fanfic. I only own myself. ]

VoidWalker999 · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs

Chapter - 2: Last Three Masters Of Humanity - Singularity F


In a forest, hiding in the bushes are four people. Four vastly different people in terms of appearance.

Covering her mouth with fear is an attractive young woman with long white hair and golden-amber eyes, appearing to be around the age of twenty-two to twenty-three.

Next to her with closed eyes and sweat running down her face is a young girl of average build and shoulder-length red hair tied in a side-ponytail on the left side with a usually yellow hair band and a cowlick, and light orange eyes.

Using the tree as cover are is a young man of average build with short unkempt dark brown hair and blue eyes.

In the distance fighting skeletons with black cloaks is a - rather striking young woman with short lilac hair, lavender eyes, and fair skin. She wears skin-tight black and purple armor that resembles an extremely short mini-dress that exposes her butt emphasizes her breasts and reveals her panties. There is a hole that exposes her stomach area. She also wears black gauntlets and boots, a garter on her right thigh, and a large cross-shaped shield.

" Ha!" Seemingly slaying the last cloaked skeleton, she inhaled and exhaled quite deeply. She lost count on how many skeletons she put to rest. It's far too many In her opinion.

But... If it's for her Senpai(s), then it's all worth it!

" Are... Are they gone?" Seeing the ending of the battle - the red-haired girl asked the blue eyes, young boy.

" I...think so." He nodded, after giving the area a look over. Not finding anything, he smiled," We're in the clear."

" Oh! Thank the Gods!" Gudako Fujimaru almost yelled in joy, hearing her Big Brother.

" Quite down! We don't want more of those skeletons coming over here." The white-haired young lady - Olga Marie Animusphere, glared at the younger Fujimaru.

" Sorry for her." Ritsuka Fujimaru sheepish said, wanting to bow his head.

" Oy! You better not bow to Miss.Stuckup! She's the one that got us into this mess." Gudako shot Olga back a glare. This lady can be quite annoying sometimes...okay, most times.

" You-" Olga went red-faced hearing the nickname she has been stuck with by Gudako.

" Master, we need to keep moving." Mash Kyrielight said upon making her way to Ritsuka.

" Got it." Ritsuka nodded.

Looking at the two arguing women, he sighed. He does not want to get Inbewteen that. But... he has to. The other person in this forest needs their help.

Making up his mind - he opened his mouth, but then froze seeing a scene straight out of an action Anime.

" Fucking up!" Running to them is an above-average glasses-wearing young man, a little older than himself, with black hair and dark blue eyes. Oddly enough, he wears casual wear, consisting of a black hoodie and black pants, and black shoes.

"" What!?"" Both Gudako and Olga jumped up, hearing the yell.

" I Said Fucking RUN!!!" He yelled, running past them.

Before they could say something - a Monster of a man could be seen walking towards them.


" Run Master!" Mash paled, as she grabbed her Master.

" Where did he come from?!" Gudako paled white, as she started running. Behind her, a scared Olga followed with sweat dripping from her face.









[ 20 Minutes Earlier: Hans Friedrich ]

Looking at my surroundings, I was quite confused.

' What the hell am I supposed to do?'

Looking at my right hand - I sighed,' Does this thing even work as a Command Spells?' I honestly hope so. I wouldn't mind myself a Heracles or two.

... Why do I feel like I just said something-



" Fuck my life."

I cursed my E-Rank luck and started running the other way the roar didn't come from.

' World, Gaia, baby, I know I said I wanted a Heracles... But god damnit! Not as my enemy!'


' Nope! Not looking.'

I swallowed hard. I wanted fo look at tbe famous Greek Hero - Heracles.

...However, I also don't want to die. So we run! And run fucking fast!

' Ahaha! I knew playing football would help in the long run! Suck it, Mrs.Whitlock!'







[ Present: Hans Friedrich ]

" Why did you have to come this way!?" Who could I identify as Gacha Incarnated - Gudako yelled at me.

" What?! I can't hear you!" I threw the Devil a smirk," I'm too busy trying not to die!"

" She said-" Mash wanted to 'help' but the Devil among Devils had none of that.

" He heard ME!"

She screamed out, which she really shouldn't have.

" Oh f-" Gudako tripped on a tree branch.

... And against my better judgment and also wanting someone to survive Hell with me, I slowed down and helped her up.

" You-" Gudako's eyes went wide seeing what I did.

" Shit." However, I was too busy seeing her dark purple ankle.

" Shit." Gudako looked down and paled.

Again... against my better judgment(I really need to stop doing this!), I crouched in front of her.

" On my back, come on!" I commanded.

Nodding rapidly, she hopped on and wrapped her arms around my neck.

Seeing that she was on, I got up and started hauling ass.

Looking at the worried Mash and Ritsuka, I gave them a small smile, seeing as they waited for us to catch up.

" You guys really should have ran."

" No can do, Mister." Mash shook her head," We won't leave anyone behind."

' How noble.' I remarked, but then bitterly smiled to myself,' Unlike me who saved Gudako out of pettiness...'

" I can't have my little sister dying on me," Ritsuka said, giving me a shaky smile, as we run through the forest.

" *Huff!* I can't *Huff!* have Masters *Huff!* dying either!" Olga huffed out, almost tripping herself.

' She better not fall. I can't carry two people.' I gave Olga another glance. Worst comes to worst, I can leave her. She's already dead anyways.

... Wow. I'm fucked up.

With this little discovery about myself(not the first time), I tighed my hands on Gudako thighs, who likewise tighter her arms around my neck.

" You better not choke me out before we get somewhere safe." I glanced at the pale red-head.

" No promises." She offered a weak smile, even holding a little tighter.

Before I could say something more - we made to out of the forest. Though, we didn't stop running.


Only after five more minutes of non-stop running, did we stop and step into a broken-down Japanese-style house.

Finding a couch, I almost jumped for joy. Finally! This gremlin can get off my back.

" Here you go."

Lightly dropping Gudako down, I sat next to her and groaned.

I can't feel my feet anymore.


Bloody hell. This sucks.


" Now that we're safe." Olga broke the ten minutes silence. Turning to me, she looked at me with an unknown expression," Who are you?"

" I can ask the same." I smiled at her. I can't go telling her I already know her whole story, now can I?

Well... I can. But, only stupid people do that. I may have idiotic moments, however even I'm not fucking stupid.

" We are Chaldea." She said proudly.

" She is." Gudako cut in," I and my big bro got kidnapped."

" Kidnap?" Ritsuka looked at his Little sister," That's a bit-"

" I swear to all the gods above, you better not finish that sentence!" Gudako glared at her big brother.

"...Much." Ritsuka weakly let out.

" You little-" Gudako tried to get up, but ultimately, gave up, hissing in pain," You better be glad I am Injured right now. Or else, your family jewels are getting it."

Ritsuka reflex closed his legs and went white.

" Wow..."

Only now did they remember I was here.

" If only being your big brother gets that treatment, then I feel bad for anyone that will date you." I let my bluntness show itself.

" Date?! What are you talking about?!" Gudako went red face, hearing me, glancing at me.

" Well," I hummed. But Olga didn't forget her first question.

" Now that you know us - can you tell us who you are?" When she asked, everyone went quiet and looked at me.

" Me?" I chuckled," I am just your everyday high schooler."

Oi! Don't look at me like that! I really am!
