
Reincarnation Of The Strongest Primordial Blood Monarch

REINCARNATION OF THE STRONGEST PRIMORDIAL BLOOD MONARCH The future Earth where both reality and game became one. One of the many survivors of the chaotic world, Kent a above average human died, yet out of nowhere a unknown power transmigrated him back to the past before everything started. The era where his sister, friends and allies is still alive. Because of this blessing Kent decided to change his fate and the fate of those he cared for, then paid back the grudges he had to those he considered enemies. He, who came from the far future with his bountiful treasure of knowledge, aim to reach the pinnacle of power, gathering allies he could trust to built his own rule in this new world.

FairyChaos · ゲーム
49 Chs


---Memory Recollection---

Western Sky Continent, Golden Lion Kingdom

Golden Lion Kingdom, a powerful nation in the north of Western Sky Continent led by Beast men, Demi Humans and Humans, an almost perfect nation that didn't discriminate between races.

A young man trapped under a ruined house woke up, he looked around only to see nothing but darkness.

Confused to this situation not knowing where his is, in his hand a small flame lit up, he conjured a miniature flame trying to discern his surroundings.

Looking around to the now lit up place what he could see is either rocks and dirt.

'Where I am?' He thought.

Seeing this, the young man begun to recall images.

Images of a single humanoid creature shooting forth beams of terrifying golden light, destroying everything in its path.

The building his at was his by a strong shockwaves destroying its foundation causing for the building to collapse.

"What's with that monster?"

Snapping out from his daze, the young man thought in fear. He couldn't believe for such a monster to exist.

"Now where am I, did I get buried under the ground." Thinking about this, the young man begun to look around, searching for a possible way out.

Gathering his strength, he tried pushing the hard debris of rock that trapped him.

Kent's muscles and veins begun bulging the strength inside him doubled, the place tremble a moment later a faint light could be seen opening up.

'Finally a light…'

He thought a bit joyful, pushing a bit more of his strength the small light started widening, then after a few seconds the debris were pushed out revealing the outside.

Kent didn't hesitate immediately rushing out of the hole, then just as he stepped out the place begun crumbling, using a movement technique that allows him to strengthen his legs increasing its power Kent jump out.

Jumping out, Kent arrived to the closest building that seemed sturdy enough to have survived the humanoid creature's onslaught.

'That's a closed call.' Kent thought looking at the gigantic building that begun crumbling down turning into ruins.

He might be strong, but not strong enough to survive a collapsing ten-story building made of super enhanced heavy materials.

Surviving the building's collapse, Kent started looking around, doing so he couldn't hide his shocked expression.

"T-the… ci-city… wh-what… h-had… ha-happened?"

What welcomed him was a scene he never ones expected or dreamed about to be possible.

[Titan Guard Fortress City]

The marvelous city everyone considered to be impenetrable is in complete ruins.

Kent immediately spread his sense's trying to search for any survivor, an invisible energy spread for about 5 kilometers, reaching a 5 kilometer point.

But to his surprised he couldn't sense any living being whether a man, beast, monster, or an insect, nothing.

Kent jumped down atop the building he stood, but at the same time he conjured a wind attributed magic spell controlling his descent, he allowed his body to slowly hovered down.

Reaching the ground Kent quickly feel that he had stepped onto something slimy, curious he looked down only to see a gruesome sight of numerous corpses pilling up from each other.


Kent shouted in horror.

In this time frame, the current Kent Kanzen Light is nothing but a naïve little guy.

Surprised Kent was taken aback, in panic he quickly stepped back, but doing, so his foot was caught by a limb, because of this, he had his balance a bit off ending up for him stumbling to the ground.

Trying to regain his balance he quickly held on to a nearby corpse that had its eyes open wide surely surprised before dying.

Seeing this, Kent was in shock quickly letting go of the said corpse allowing himself to fell onto a puddle of blood.

"Uhh… that's… disgusting…"

Kent shouted in disgust trying to stood up, a sudden explosion occurred.


The explosion caused the entire place trembled, dust spread throughout the bloodied streets, looking in front Kent couldn't see a thing.

Yet for some reason, an eerie feeling of extreme danger is looming over him, cold sweat dripped down all-over his body.

The dust slowly settled, then from the dust Kent could see an unforgettable figure slowly walking towards him.

Phantom Oni


Kent activating both [Twilight] and [Bloodlust] motioned for a sword stance, the two extreme essences begun coiling around him, it started spreading throughout the entire cave system, pressuring everyone.

[Your body couldn't withstand the overflowing essences]

[A anomaly had occurred]

Race: Human [Purity 0%]

Purity 0.01%, 0.81%, 1.67%, 6.90%, 16.9%, 26.8%, 45.2%

Two new-found energies that started coiling around his body from the inside and out, begun changing his very cellular structure.

Kent, already expecting such marvelous outcome, showed an ear to ear smile.

The purity rating reached and stopped at the 45.8% mark, just the right amount Kent expected.


Name: Blood Terror

Race: Human [Purity 45.8%]

Title: [Novelty Seeker] [Slaughterer]

Affiliation: None

★ Level: 5 ★

Main Class: None

Sub Class: None

★ Special Attributes ★

Health – 86/88

Mana – 20/20

Stamina – 76/80

Twilight – 60/60

Bloodlust – 60/60

★ Main Attribute ★

• Free Points [0]

Strength – 14, Agility – 20, Vitality – 10, Intelligence – 10

★ Unique Skills ★

[Twilight] [Perfect Meditation] [Supreme Sense] [Slaughter]


Twilight Force – [10/10]

Twilight Force serves as an energy count for the user to keep in track how much Twilight Force they have.

For each level the user gain an increase of about 10 Twilight Force is added.

Bloodlust Force – [10/10]

Bloodlust Force serves as an energy count for the user to keep in track how much Bloodlust Force they have.

For each level the user gain an increase of about 10 Bloodlust Force is added.


Movements Technique, Flashing Light Step

Kent used a technique that is specially made to enhance and increase the user's speed.

For the goblins on guard observing him in caution, Kent suddenly vanished, the unique goblin look around searching for where the human had gone through.

Then out of nowhere with a flash of dazzling light blinding everyone for a second, Kent appeared beside the unique goblin.

Reacting fast, the unique goblin used its special trait that allows him to see through the possible futures, it tried searching for a possible outcome where it could survive.

But the moment the trait was activated, something painfully unbearable out of nowhere struck the unique goblin in the head.

It dropped to the ground, rolling in pain, but for some reason it seemed that it couldn't let out a sound.

Kent looked down, watching this scene with an incredulous look on his face.

[Twilight] Tier 1

• Unlock Special Effects

1. Energy Disruption [Passive]

2. Perfect Silent [Active]

Energy Disruption, allows the user to freely disrupt the energy of his targets, increasing the chances of them failing when using their powers and increasing the chances of them getting a heavy backslash.

Perfect Silence, it grants the user the power to completely silence the target's powers for a considerable time period based on the user's Twilight Force.

For every 10 Twilight Force, the user can perfectly silence the target for 1 second.

[Bloodlust] Tier 1

• Unlock Special Effects

1. Endless Pain [Passive]

2. Mental Burn [Active]

Endless Pain, allows the user to attack the enemy with a time dilation attack directly to their mental power increasing their thought acceleration rate torturing them for about 10 seconds for every 1 second.

For the special effect to activate target's mental state need to be at 60% below.

The target could experience pain ten times longer.

Mental Burn, it grants the user the power to directly attack the target mental state burning them in the inside for a considerable time period based on the user's Bloodlust Force.

For every 2.5 Bloodlust Force the user can directly attack the target's mental state torturing them in the inside.

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