
Reincarnation in One Piece: The Adventure of Ian Louis! [COMPLETE!]

This story is about Ian Louis, a normal young person who had plenty of money on him, as a result of a successful company he raised from scratch. He used his money wisely making it grow and even donated regularly to charities and orphanages, remembering his own past. He had grown up parentless and was lucky enough to fall in love with a girl and ask her hand in marriage. The girl shared the same feelings as him and they even had many similarities, including love for anime, novels, and manga. Sadly for the two of them, they died in an unfortunate accident before they had gotten married. Among the various animes, the two of them had been avid lovers of One piece and always fantasized about what it would be like to live in that world. Now with a twist of fate, that wish would be fulfilled. ..................... {This is a reincarnation story in the world of one piece. the mc will be extremely overpowered, and to a certain extent, this can be considered a wish-fulfilment story.} (I'm told the fun part of my story starts around the 'water seven' arc which is in chapter 18, so please read until then first before judging the story) Also, the mc won't join the straw hats and would have his own crew. so ignore the comments where I had said he will join, as at the time I was still undecided. ..................... For advanced chapters ahead of the release schedule, head out to my Patreon page! -www.patreon.com/CrazyGuest ..................... Discord: https://discord.gg/a2KkGghPDZ ..................... Disclaimer 1: I do not own one piece. Please support the official release and know I claim no ownership or credit regarding the existence of pre-existing characters or content. Note: The cover photo was drawn by a friend of mine at my request. ..................... This is my second time writing a story and the first time writing fanfiction, and English is not my first language, but if you have any suggestions for me on where to take the story then please leave them in the comments or reviews. This is an AU of one piece. ****(There will be sexual content at some point in the future) so this novel would be only for those [+18]****

CrazyGuest · アニメ·コミックス
256 Chs


Standing in what became a battlefield were Ian and Sanji. They were watching all the rest fighting and keeping an eye on Elene.

Ian didn't forget about his other purposes to come here this time.

One was the Poneglyph, which until Elene beats big mom he was not going to move to do.

And the second thing was actually the Impel-down escapees that had become part of the big mom crew.

Once Ian had released his conqueror Haki they had fallen unconscious soon after. So he brought their bodies nearby using telekinesis.

One belonged to a woman and the other to a giant.

There was no need to overcomplicate this… he just brought a regular sword from his ring and swiftly beheaded the woman.

Then he let the sword fly to the sky and brought it down soon after into the heart of the giant.

The sword pierced right through the body and got lodged a few meters into the ground.

Now they were both dead, and Ian finished this part of the plan.

And just as he had done so Katakuri yelled at him from the side.

He was the only one from the three sweet commanders not under Ian's gravity. Not that the other two were on the ground or anything. They were still standing in their places with difficulty, but they couldn't even move their fingers due to Ian.

"Why? Why are you killing our crew?" He yelled. He was enraged. It was true that the two Ian killed were just new addition to the family but they were family nonetheless.

Still, Ian raised an eyebrow at him.

But before he could reply, a few people all of a sudden landed from the sky near him.

They were his crew. And they had finished hunting them all.

Right now, the only people still standing were the three commanders in front of them.

The rest had either fallen unconscious or were beaten by Bert and co.

Stella, Bert, were left there wanting to have a real fight, so they asked Ian.

"Hey captain, can we fight against these sweet commanders or whatever they are called?" Bert was the first to ask as he looked intently at the one holding a giant sword on him.

That was Cracker.

Ian didn't see anything wrong so he gave a nod.

"Go ahead." He told him and then released the said person from his gravity.

Bert then jumped at him.

Next was Stella. She asked the same but wanted to fight against the girl. Which was Smoothie.

Ian gave her permission again.

Now only Katakuri was left there.

Ian then remembered that he had asked a question earlier so he replied.

"These two I killed are escapee from the sixth level of Impel down. Only the worst of the worst were put there. The giant one had eaten a whole kingdom into extinction. I'm sure I don't have to say anything else in regards to that. The girl though, I don't know what she had done, and I don't want to know. But the very fact that she was locked with the giant guy, explains it all. So I must say this to you? Why would you make someone like them join your crew?" Ian questioned him.

Katakuri had a stunned look on his face.

"W-What?" He couldn't help but exclaim.

He didn't know about this. And though he knew his family was quite evil themselves, as it was the nature of pirates, he knew that it was forced on them by his Mama.

In fact, he knew that apart from a few of the children of big mom who were inherently sick, the rest were only forced.

But even they would not do what the giant had done.

But now that he thought about it, big mom must have accepted him only based on that.

He didn't have an answer for Ian so he kept silent.

Ian just shook his head.

"I actually know about your family Katakuri. You are forced to do as your captain and mom say to do. But you won't have to follow her anymore after today. I know that you are quite strong, so lead the crew. And as long as you won't kill innocent people and be evil I won't come after you no bother you. Big mom will die today. So make your choice." Ian thought for a bit before he advised him.

Katakuri was shocked as he exclaimed.

"Are you telling me to betray Mama?" He said in disbelieve.

All of a sudden they were interrupted when attacks made from big mom at Elene came flying at them.

Ian knew this attack. It was Ikoku. Which big mom was famous for.

Ian moved all the children who were in the way of the attack, as otherwise, they would die.

He looked at Katakuri in pity.

But the man himself ignored him for now as he yelled at big mom.

"Mama, Stop! You will kill your own children!" He yelled at her. He knew that they would die if Ian didn't move them out of the way.

Big mom did hear him. But she just laughed before yelling back.

"If they die, then it is their own fault for being weak!" That was her response and Katakuri fell in shock and pain.

Ian then did him a favor as he moved all the unconscious people to one place just right in front of Katakuri.

Ian walked close to him and looked at him once again.

Katakuri raised his head from his kneeling position to look at Ian.

"Can you still call someone like her your mother?" Ian asked.

Katakuri refused to answer but his resolve was made.

It was true that he was the most loyal to her. But what did that get her? She had nothing but hate for him. But even so, he didn't mind and continued on serving her.

But now she was almost going to kill his brothers and sisters. Which is the one thing he would not tolerate.

He made his resolve. If Ian indeed succeeded in killing big mom, he will let them, and from then on he would lead his brethren and protect them.

He came to realize that Ian was doing them a favor. Big mom never treated them as her sons or family. She had even killed her own sons before.

And no matter how much he deluded himself into thinking that it was because she was not in her own state of mind due to losing control of hunger… he knew that that was just an excuse.

As such he laid down on the ground on his back and closed his eyes.

Ian shook his head with a small smile. He understood what the guy was going through.

All of a sudden Ian was alerted as he felt the atmosphere change.

He looked back at Elene only to see her glowing and the glow was slowly leaving her.

He was immediately alarmed and was going to move until a hand was put on his shoulder.

It was Robin.

"Believe in her!" She told him.

Ian knew what she meant. And took a deep breath.

What she said was the truth. And though Robin appeared to not mind this much, he clearly felt that she was worried for Elene too.

It was okay to worry, but he wouldn't interfere. He had promised Elene that he will trust her. And that was what he'll do.

(1300 words)

Thank you to the guys who are supporting me on P.atreon. you are the ones that keep me going on with this story. It is not much but I appreciate it nonetheless.

For advanced chapters ahead of the release schedule, head out to my P.atreon page!


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