
Reincarnation in (ATG)

Having emerged victorious from a grueling war and achieved remarkable success, our protagonist finally reaches the pinnacle of their aspirations. Having acquired everything others dream of, our hero succumbs to old age and reincarnates into the World of the Ascended Defying Heaven. Everything would have been fine: the system, the power to overcome anything, and the determination. Unfortunately, our hero slightly offended a deity. Follow the main character as they navigate a world filled with cruelty and killings. In this realm, true practitioners don't discriminate between children and adults; if you are their enemy, they will eliminate you. It is a world where only one law exists: survival of the fittest! https://boosty.to/authorskylen.(chapter 601) It's available for less than $2. Free here: https://tl.rulate.ru/book/21291. Please note that in some chapters, the system is practically useless. The MC (main character) will be able to do whatever he wants. Note: This is a translation(My main language is not in English) and edited with some edits for better understanding and manual rectification of some (not all) errors. If there are still some bugs, I apologize for that.

DreuxX · アニメ·コミックス
48 Chs

First Encounter with Bloody Jasmine Part 3

When the sun was high in the sky, Jasmine took a deep breath and smiled. He had come close to completing the task. Thanks to the weak emotional push of the system, Xing Tong was able to release everything she had been holding inside.

Now Xing Tong was on his lap, her head resting on Jasmine's chest. The red loli herself was asleep after crying for a long time. In that moment, she looked like an ordinary child asking for help.

Initially, Jasmine only wanted to complete the task of the system. But now, as he looked at the sleeping face of the red loli, paternal feelings started to grow within him. He began to wonder how he could help her.

"I won't be able to be with her all the time, but I can gather the necessary ingredients to recreate her body," Jasmine said with a wry smile as he stroked Sin Tong's pretty face. It was unusual for a helpless child like her to appear before him, especially considering her situation where she couldn't even trust her own biological father. "If I remember correctly, her father, the Sovereign of the Star Realm, left her mother to perish in the Moon Realm..."

In order to recreate Sin Tong's body, he would need three things that were as difficult to obtain as reaching the heavens, at least for other practitioners. The first was the Three Cores of the Beast, preferably at the Tyrant Stage. The second was the Hell Flower of Udumbara, which Jasmine remembered could be found in two different places, but he would think about that later. And lastly, thirty-five kilograms of Divine Violet Veined Crystals.

Each of these items would terrify anyone in this world, but for Jasmine, it was only a matter of time.

Realizing that he was seriously considering this, he looked once again at the sleeping girl in his arms. Jasmine whispered the one thing he now felt in his heart.

"...I want to protect her." Those words expressed his true feelings. Watching Xing Tong shed tears and hearing everything that had accumulated in her heart, Jasmine couldn't help but feel both pity and rage. Pity for the red loli, and rage towards her father.

The ruler of the Star Realm was the one who allowed Xing Tong to plunge into the abyss of despair and loneliness. And all his methods were ruthless.

"...but for now, I have to continue what I started," Jasmine sighed as he ran his fingers through Sin Tong's hair. He would never feel remorse for making a child cry, but when Xing Tong sobbed right in front of him, he felt like the lowest of beasts.

Some time later, Xing Tong opened her eyes. She blinked a couple of times, then blushed in shame. She remembered crying like a little baby in the arms of a boy her own age!

Assessing the situation, Xing Tong realized that she was in his arms. Looking up, she saw his face, which seemed as cold as ice. But when the boy looked at her, his gaze became gentle and soft, causing Xing Tong's heart to beat faster than before. She hadn't seen that look in a long time...

"This prince is surprised... you've been through so much."

"...not more than you..." Sin Tong whispered in response, trying to free herself from the embrace, but she had no strength. The Life-giving Water had suppressed her Profound Power to prevent her from hurting herself.

"You're mistaken, Xing Tong," Jasmine said, introducing himself and lifting her chin so that their eyes met. "I am a boy, and you are a girl. That's a big difference."

Xing Tong remained silent and simply closed her eyes. She knew this Jasmine


Ren Ling, being Miss Xia's maid, had never seen her so panicked. Lin nodded and stepped out of the wagon. Looking around, she ran in the direction her mistress pointed, determined to find Young Master Jasmine with white hair and red eyes.

Meanwhile, Jasmine swiftly made his way through the bustling streets, his mind filled with mixed emotions. Witnessing Xiao Che's wedding and realizing that Yun Che had been reborn stirred up a whirlwind of thoughts in his head. He couldn't help but feel a sense of urgency to find Yun Che and reunite with his old friend.

As he darted through the city, Jasmine caught glimpses of curious onlookers watching the wedding procession. People whispered about Xiao Che's supposedly crippled state and wondered how Xia Qingyue could agree to marry him. It was clear that many doubted Xiao Che's worthiness.

Jasmine, hidden in plain sight, observed Xiao Che closely. His eyes met Xiao Che's clear gaze, which displayed determination and strength. Jasmine couldn't help but be reminded of Yun Che's unwavering spirit. It was a confirmation that his friend had indeed returned.

Just as Jasmine was about to depart from the scene, the carriage's window opened, and Xia Qingyue peered out. In that instant, their eyes locked, but Jasmine failed to recognize her presence. He turned away, preparing to leave the wedding ceremony.

Xia Qingyue, on the other hand, felt a mixture of disappointment and confusion. She had mistaken Jasmine's departure as a reaction to her current situation. Determined to confront him, she made a sudden decision to leave the carriage. However, before she could act, her maid, Ren Ling, intervened, urging her to reconsider.

"Miss Xia, wait! Where are you going?" Ren Ling called out, trying to prevent Xia Qingyue from making a hasty move.

Xia Qingyue paused, her mind racing. She realized that her sudden departure would not only tarnish her father's reputation but also bring dishonor to the Xiao clan and her "husband." Taking a deep breath, she regained her composure and gave instructions to her maid.

"Ren Ling, quickly go in that direction and find the young master with white hair and red eyes. You saw him before, half a year ago."

Ren Ling nodded, understanding the urgency in her mistress's voice. Without wasting a moment, she set off in the direction Xia Qingyue had indicated, determined to locate Young Master Jasmine.