
Reincarnation in (ATG)

Having emerged victorious from a grueling war and achieved remarkable success, our protagonist finally reaches the pinnacle of their aspirations. Having acquired everything others dream of, our hero succumbs to old age and reincarnates into the World of the Ascended Defying Heaven. Everything would have been fine: the system, the power to overcome anything, and the determination. Unfortunately, our hero slightly offended a deity. Follow the main character as they navigate a world filled with cruelty and killings. In this realm, true practitioners don't discriminate between children and adults; if you are their enemy, they will eliminate you. It is a world where only one law exists: survival of the fittest! https://boosty.to/authorskylen.(chapter 601) It's available for less than $2. Free here: https://tl.rulate.ru/book/21291. Please note that in some chapters, the system is practically useless. The MC (main character) will be able to do whatever he wants. Note: This is a translation(My main language is not in English) and edited with some edits for better understanding and manual rectification of some (not all) errors. If there are still some bugs, I apologize for that.

DreuxX · Anime & Comics
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48 Chs

First Encounter with Bloody Jasmine Part 2

Jasmine found it amusing to watch Sin Tong's expression when she heard his name. Her shock was even greater when he released his killing intent.

"...horrible...min..." Sin Tong whispered as if in a trance. She would never have thought that there would be so much in common between them!

This prince dropped his old name and chose a new one - Jasmine. At first white and innocent, but when blood is shed on it, it will become the flower of the devil. Jasmine spoke fluently, having thought over the whole conversation with the red loli for a long time. He used every means to win her trust, but even that was not enough.

"..." Xing Tong looked at him with a strange look, but said nothing.

"You know…" Jasmine suddenly began, riveting Sin Tong's attention to his words. "…since I got here, I've never talked to someone for so long. Maybe I know that you will die or it's because of our similarity, but this prince decided to share his story with you.

— ... —

Xing Tong continued to stare and didn't say anything. She even began to think that this was a dream, because it was impossible for there to be so many coincidences.

Looming right over Sin Tong's face again, Jasmine said in a penetrating voice.

"This prince has a couple more bottles of Life-giving Spring Water… I don't know if she can help with such a poison…" Jasmine approached Xing Tong so close that their noses touched each other. "…but you must do your best, because it would be bad if this prince wasted such a great treasure as Life-giving Water like it was trash."

Jasmine moved away from Sin Tong, who was constantly watching him and his movements, and crossed his legs, closing his eyes. His profound strength began to flow from his body, enveloping the red loli.

"..." Xing Tong hesitated a bit, but also closed her eyes and began to use the offered Profound Power to suppress the poison. No matter how much she watched ... Jasmine, but she could not find even a drop of lies in his words.

Time passed slowly and the day came. The sun was shining brightly, and the city of Floating Clouds was so noisy that all sorts of sounds reached the mountains where Jasmine was.

All night, he had to share Profound Power with the red loli, who devoured her like a black hole.

"Khh…" Jasmine opened his eyes and looked at the curled up Xing Tong, who closed her eyes, trying to suppress the terrible pain caused by the Absolute Poison.

Jasmine immediately pulled out a vial of diluted Life-giving Water and brought it to the red loli's lips.

Xing Tong opened her eyes and looked at Jasmine with icy composure. From her actions, he understood that she did not want to take this liquid.

This prince has no pity for you. Drink. Jasmine could understand Sin Tong's feelings. She didn't want to accept someone else's pity.

"..." Xing Tong couldn't stop feeling pain, as if her soul was being separated from her body. Looking into the boy's eyes, she saw only indifference there.


Xing Tong opened her mouth and allowed the Life-giving Water to fill her body. After a couple of seconds, the Poison was again suppressed.

- ...it's useless. - Xing Tong felt relieved when the pain receded and looked at the boy with a strange look.

"Only this prince decides whether it is useless or not. Jasmine smiled and his eyes softened as he looked at her face.

"I hope it will work out…" - a thought flashed through his mind, because now the second stage of his rapprochement with the red loli has begun. He used Overlord Aura and Killing Intent, constantly switching between them at intervals of a couple of seconds.


Jasmine's aura has become unstable. From the outside it looked like he was crazy.

Xing Tong was surprised when she noticed a change in Jasmine. He began to look at her differently, as if at a person who is dear to him, and soon an unstable aura began to emanate from him.

"He remembered something..." Xing Tong interpreted Jasmine's behavior in her own way. She thought he remembered something when he looked at her and began to draw her own conclusions.

Jasmine did just that. Closing his eyes, he shook his head as if trying to forget what he had seen.

This prince will be back soon. Jasmine got up and started walking towards the city, no longer turning towards the red loli, who was following him with a thoughtful air.

After descending from the mountains to the city, Jasmine went to several shops, buying sweets and a few dresses that he thought would suit a red loli. Of course they were red.

Looking around and listening to the conversations, Jasmine learned a little more about tomorrow's wedding. At first, he didn't want to visit her, but he needed to make sure that Yun Che showed up and had the Sky Poison Pearl with him.

For Jasmine, this will be easy to check. The Xiao Che that people are talking about is just trash with no will and veins crippled. If Yun Che appears in him, it will be immediately noticeable in his eyes.

Back in the mountains, Jasmine approached the red loli and pulled out two dresses from the storage ring. He had more, but he thought it wouldn't suit his personality if he asked Sin Tong for her opinion.

This prince will dress you up. Your clothes are saturated with poison and interfere with the cleansing of the body.

Xing Tong looked at him in surprise, and when she realized his intentions, her face became unsightly. She looked at him as if telling him: touch me and you're dead.

Jasmine ignored her gaze and showed her two dresses.

"Choose, this prince is waiting."

Xing Tong released a killing intent, but it was useless. She tried to use force, but it didn't work. Soon there was a little panic in her eyes.

- Can't make a choice? Then I will help you. - Jasmine left a red dress, the skirt of which was just above the knees. It was of a summer type and should not interfere with movements.

Sitting next to Sin Tong's body, Jasmine began to undress her.

"...you dare...I'll kill you..."

Jasmine ignored Sin Tong's whisper and undressed her. The girl's face turned red, but her gaze was sinister.

Xing Tong looked at this impudent little fry who dared to undress and see her naked. But not noticing lust in his eyes, she felt better. If she had the strength, she would have killed him dozens, if not hundreds of thousands of times.

Jasmine acted according to the prepared plan. Even though Xing Tong was a Star God, she was still a child of 12-13 years old. It was easy for him to give a few clues, after which she concluded that she reminded him of someone close.

Xing Tong was able to come to this conclusion because of his behavior, which "accidentally" became soft and gentle, and soon again impassive and cold.


On the third day after a long night of meditation, Jasmine wearily stretched his arms and body. All night long, he gave his Profound Power to the red loli.

The clothes that he took off from the girl were thrown away a couple of kilometers away from the city and burned, although traces of poison on the ground clearly remained and continued to spread. The ground around this area turned black until it reached a size of 10 meters and stopped.

In the morning, Sin Tong again felt pain, but much less than yesterday. She could feel the strength of the poison diminishing, but compared to the amount already in her body, it was a slight improvement. Xing Tong knew that she would not survive, but this red-eyed boy continued to give her Life-giving Water. Even she recognized this liquid as an excellent treasure with its cleansing ability.

- Have a drink. Jasmine brought another vial to Sin Tong's mouth, and stroked her cheek with his other hand. Xing Tong had already stopped paying attention to his unconscious antics.


For a while, Xing Tong silently looked at the boy, who continued to stroke her face and look at her lovingly. As usual, after a couple of minutes he "woke up" and regained his calm attitude.

"…a red loli. Jasmine began, ignoring Sin Tong's raised eyebrow. "You must be strong or you will fall into darkness.

Jasmine has entered the third phase. He has already prepared the system and bought the thing he needs...

System: Interference with the control of emotions Sin Tong. Level: insignificant! Price: 500 points!

This intervention was similar to the one Jasmine used on Xia Qingyue to bring her to the garden. This time, he will use it on Xing Tong to overwhelm her defenses, which is causing her to hold back all the pain that she has accumulated since the death of her mother and brother.

She saw his red eyes, like two abysses that swallowed her soul. Xing Tong didn't know why, but she believed his words.

- Dark? Xing Tong asked skeptically. She was more or less able to communicate, but not for long.

"This prince has seen the darkness and there is nothing but loneliness in it. Jasmine lowered himself in front of her face again until their foreheads were touching each other.

Xing Tong looked into his eyes as if mesmerized by his words.

If you have loved ones...

At these words, Sin Tong remembered the remaining close person - her younger sister ...

"…then fight to the end for them." And while there is a chance, desperately grab it.

Jasmine wasn't a philosopher or anything, but thanks to the Dragon Aura, his eyes, and the slight push of the system, he could create the effect he needed.

— !! Xing Tong opened her eyes wide as if struck by thunder. She never gave up and did not think to give up, but his words carried a weight that made her very soul tremble. Her mouth opened and closed until she spoke the words he needed so much. "…I…don't want to…die…uuu….