
Reincarnation, Are you kidding me!

Destroyer_Dragon · ファンタジー
5 Chs

The Birds and the Bee’s?

Staying quiet I wait for it to pass but somethings off, the "tiger" is black and has grey marks, I'm no "zoologist" or whatever but that's not normal and plus this is a giant FOREST! What kind tiger lives in a redwood forest, then I hear something interesting buzzing.

I look around and spot it "w-what the-" I mutter as the tiger climbs a tree towards a massive no, Humongous Bee hive! Then already scared thinking of millions of bee's swarming out... Oh no, no no no Giant Bee's your kidding right, RIGHT!

The Tiger claws the hive from the tree and BOOM it hits the ground the buzzing intensifies then swarms of Bee's if I can even call them that at this point come out and start readying to attack when the tiger, spits on it? Then out of nowhere the Bee's just leave, just like that? Talk about anticlimactic, right?

The tiger rips of a piece oozing with honey, Oh man if the tiger wasn't there I would grab some honey and run. Mmm so delicious looking. It rips more off and leaves.

Then what I thought where bird chirps of cute baby doves turned out to be giant Hawk like birds, actually they are bigger than Hawks. They're swooping down devouring the honeycomb.

When there was nothing left they flew away I climbed down and took a drop of honey and tasted it it was odd, sour? salty? no maybe both? I wasn't sure but it was good I looked around for anything useful and I see it…

A corpse, a real human body or at least the bones if anything the clothing was the only thing keeping it together but, Oh! I spot a bag. I payed respects and said sorry before taking it and Jars!

I get it, I think he was here to get honey when he sadly met his end to the Bee's or the tiger, I take the jars and fill them with the remaining honey and take the bag and walk through the forest till I find a path or a road maybe I follow it till I see it a field! As well as those birds and "A City" I yell!

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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