
Reincarnation, Are you kidding me!

Destroyer_Dragon · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Who, Where, What?!

Waking up I realize I'm not in the hospital bed where I was sent as a child. I look around the barren desert I awoke in noticing an oasis near by, confused I walk towards it.

Nearing it I'm getting hotter and more tired. Finally reaching it I see plants I've never seen before but ignoring that I drink from the clear water refreshing myself.

I recall all my knowledge from the countless books I've read while hospitalized, I climb a nearby tree for a better view wind blowing through my hair "Wait something feels off" I say as I climb back down I look in the water, "WHAT THE Fu-" I stop myself, "I-I'm So tall!"

Confused I scramble around trying to cope, I've always been a short kid but the reflection I saw was a tall teenage kid with dark brown hair that's not me I have blonde hair and this is the opposite.

Calming down I search for materials getting leaves off the tree's and making makeshift rope, I create a canteen and fill it "Alright lets go" I say Making my way through the desert I see a "forest" if you could call it that as the trees are massive like the redwood trees from earth, I mean I hope this is earth.

I run and make it there catching my breathe "Pine trees" I whisper to keep quiet and to not draw attention to myself, 'who knows what animals could be here if those plants were that odd. I'm surprisingly calm right now despite what's happened.'

Sneaking through the forest it's quiet, well silent aside from occasional leaves rustling until a roar erupts, terrified I run to a tree and grab a branch. I remark on my night as if I were in my old body I would never be able to reach it, pulling myself up I climb higher but then I see it, "A TIGER, wait why does it look like that" I say with confusion.


Author's note: This is an old story from around 2-3 years ago, and I wanted to start revising it and adding more so please give as much criticism as possible thanks!


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