
Reincarnated with Villain System in Indian Movies

As Raj Nair slowly regained consciousness, his mind swirled with confusion and disorientation. The sterile scent of the hospital room filled his nostrils, and the soft hum of medical equipment echoed in his ears. Blinking against the harsh glare of the overhead lights, he struggled to make sense of his surroundings. Amidst the fog of his awakening, another voice pierced through his thoughts, crisp and clear. "Installation is completed," it said, sending a shiver down Raj's spine. He knew instinctively that this was not the time for such cryptic messages, not when his mind was consumed by worry and uncertainty. "Doctor, doctor," he called out, his voice strained with desperation. "Where are my parents? Where's my big brother? Where's my sister?" Moments later, a white-coated figure appeared at his bedside, their expression solemn and sympathetic. Raj's heart pounded in his chest as he awaited the doctor's response, a sinking feeling settling in the pit of his stomach. "I'm sorry, Raj," the doctor began, their voice gentle but firm. "Your parents...they didn't make it. They passed away in the car accident."

DattaDhebe · 映画
51 Chs

Brother Help Me

Bobby, "Believe me, Stephen has left active politics. I have full control over IUF. Jatin Ramdas, PKR's son, is my puppet. I promise you, I'll compensate for the money you lost with interest. We're on, just move the funds freshly." As Abdul listened, he received a call. After picking up, Abdul's expression changed. He then said to Bobby, "One minute, Bobby," and grabbed the TV remote, turning on the news channel.

On the screen, the news flashed: "Bimal Nair/Bobby is a criminal, he is a drug peddler, Mr. Bimal Nair is an anti-national criminal," as stated by Jatin Ramdas in his press conference.

Bobby Nair stormed across the rooftop terrace of an old, shabby bungalow in Dharavi, his steps heavy with anger and frustration. With Stephen out of the way, he had thought everything would be okay, but Jatin had betrayed him, exposing his illegal involvement. Fiddling with his lighter, he dialed Jatin's number, never imagining that Jatin would betray him like this.

"You thought by betraying me, you would rule there. If I know how to bring you here, I also know how to eliminate you," he said to Jatin, his voice dripping with anger. Jatin, responded calmly, "Who said I came here because of you? I came here because my brother asked me." With that, Jatin hung up the call, leaving Bobby with frustration.

Bobby's anger simmered, replaced by a cold determination, as the call ended. He knew he had enemies everywhere now, and he had to get away from this place as soon as possible. Just as he was about to move, he saw Abdul coming towards him. "Abdul, just get me to Maldives. One chopper or speed launch, anything from there. I will find my way to Dubai. Just give me some time, I will make it all alright," Bobby instructed urgently.

As Bobby was about to say something, he heard footsteps from behind. Turning around, he saw a few men surrounding him. Before he could ask Abdul about this, Abdul spoke up, "I told you, Bobby, before playing this game, you should think properly. Now, if you want to leave, you have to get permission from Fyodor."

-------- Bobby's Pov ---------

I thought they will tie me up to chair, but they only put me in the apartment, I'm surprised they didn't restrain me further. But now, how do I escape from here? Calling the police seems futil, they'd likely be hunting me down instead of helping. Revenge on PKR is still incomplete; his family remains untouched. My plan to destroy them has backfired, leaving me at their mercy. How did it come to this?.

It's been a while since I've faced such dire circumstances. The last time was when my parents passed away, and my brother fell into a coma. Ironically, this current predicament traces back to those dark days. You might wonder how being captured by Fyodor's men is connected to my parents' death.

The events of a few years ago still haunt me. At that time I was the one who was taking care of my father's work. I was at my office when I received the call about my parents' accident. They were on their way to the temple when tragedy struck, claiming their lives and leaving my brother Raj in a coma. I was shattered emotionally, but I had to gather myself for the sake of my younger siblings. My brother and my sister Sonia, who was at her hostel when the accident happened, needed me more than ever.

Raj and Sonia were like anchors for me, my younger brother and beloved sister. They kept me steady, especially during those nights when I couldn't help but cry. My love for them was unwavering, as they were the only family I had left.

I initially believed it was indeed an accident. However, a few days later, my father's friend Mr. Verma arrived at the office with shocking news. He claimed it wasn't an accident at all but rather a meticulously planned by PKR. Verma, who was working under PKR at the time, had discovered this plan. But it was only after my father's death that he became aware of it.

PKR didn't like my father because they disagreed on politics. They were always fighting against each other. He wanted to eliminate our entire family, but fortunately, I was at the office at the time of the incident, and Sonia, being at the hostel and young, was deemed harmless by PKR.

When I heard that, I got really mad. I decided right then and there that I would get back at PKR. He hurt my family, so I'll hurt his. I'll make him pay for what he did.

That was the main reason I am seeking revenge on PKR and his family but now because of this I am in trouble situation.

------- end of pov -------

After his parents passed away, Bobby took on the responsibility for his family, a heavy burden that weighed on him. As the years went by, the innocent ideals of their childhood faded, replaced by the harsh realities of the world. Bobby realized that to deal with enemy, he had to be cunning and ruthless, or else he would meet the same fate as his father.

As Bobby recalled his family, particularly his brother Raj, he recalled a warning Raj had given him months ago. "You shouldn't trust Jatin," Raj had said. "If you ever need my help, just call me. I have my own gang now."

Recalling this, Bobby realized his brother might have a solution to escape their current predicament. He knew Raj was as smart and cunning as him, if not more.

Bobby picked up his phone once more, his hands trembling as he called his brother. When Raj answered, Bobby's voice was filled with emotion. "Raj," Bobby said, his voice shaky, "you were right. I should've listened to you. I need your help urgently."

Bobby explained his situation to Raj, detailing his location and how he ended up there. He urged Raj to prioritize negotiation over direct confrontation, knowing that Fyodor was powerful and he didn't want to endanger his brother's life.