

When it is not in The God's Time, You can't force it... When it is in The God's Time... you can't stop it..

UnPaidLandLord · ファンタジー
9 Chs

Simeone Von Aldonoah

Simeone Von Aldonoah...

Yeah, thats my current name...

If you were wondering, why I wasn't surprised by my name when I called the status before then... Well, my name originally was 'Simon' back in Earth, which is spelled similarly to my new or current name 'Simeone'. So I overlooked it.

Anyways, as you might have already guessed, I have successfully merged my soul with the previous owner of my body. I will come to the details I learned about the last host in a while. Before that let me explain what I did back then, to save my... Pride...

After my soul had completely merged with the last owner, I learned a lot of things about him. More correctly, I relived his memories. Through that, I caught onto a decent hint about how to control this fantasy force, which we often call " Mana".

Come on! it isn't that unbelievable, especially when you share the experiences of Someone from this world. Yeah, the majority of the population in this world relied on "mana" in their day-to-day lives.

Getting back to [Status], I opened the [shop] that was provided by the system.

Hmm? How did I know how to use it? Well, Even I can't answer that one. I.. just sort of knew how it worked. I didn't know what the shop had, but... It was as if I subconsciously knew how to use it.

Anyways, while they were steadily banging at my door, I was curiously checking the stuff, there in the shop

===[System Shop]===

[Level - 1]

==[Skills]======= ======[Time Points]==

>[Wheel of Time] 65 Time points

>[Insight] 100 Time points

>[Foresight] 69 Time points

>[Heaven's Time] 05 Time points

>[-----] [--] Time points...


There was a section for Arts and Techniques too, but... I-I didn't have the time!

Yeah! That was it! That was the true reason!

It was definitely not because there were a lot more skills to check and was feeling bored from reading each of their descriptions! Definitely not!

At the beginning, I was reading each and every skill with its details like a fool. There was an old saying, You should always check your pockets before you buy something...

And it was so true... With only 5 time points in my hand, I didn't have much of an option. And If read all the skill descriptions back then, when I was all naked in my bed, I would be still reading them, even when they blasted into my room..

[Daylight Stripper] or a [pervert]? I didn't know which one, but my new title wouldn't have been anything different if they saw me sitting naked, blankly scrolling through the air before me.


Anyways before they could break into my room, I quickly selected the cheapest of the bunch that I had been scrolling through.

===[Heaven's Time]===

[Rank: A] <<Active>>

[Proficiency: Low]

" Gods wait for none. Anyone that blocks his path shall be swept away "


Freezes time around a radius of 10 meters. Radius increases with an increase in the user's proficiency.

What's next?

A miniature tornado shall be summoned by the Heavens. Enemies shall be swept away by the impact.

Time limit: Depends on the mana expended

Cooldown Duration: None


I wouldn't take a genius to figure out what happened next.

So, after I put on my bathrobe, I greeted the three that broke my precious door.

Alfredo, Lilith and Sebastian

Alfredo is my personal guard. I will come into my back in a bit.

Lilith is my maid. I call her by the nickname Lily. She is a demi-human by origin. I will speak about her more when the time comes.

...and, Finally, we have Sebastian, Whom I, or rather the real "Simeone" respectfully called "Uncle Sebastian". Why so, you ask? Sebastian is my butler, and also my ment-... Since we are skipping the details for the near future, let's get it a bit more slowly.

Tnuu-! Tatak-!

Finally finishing my meal, I got up from my bed.

Getting up from my bed, I carried my food tray to the trolley or whatever "bullcrap" you chose to call it.

A white cloth was hanging along the bar, that was used to move this trolley.

Cleaning my hand in the hand towel, I quickly resigned to my bed.

Hmmm? I should have properly washed my hands after I finished my food, you say? Well, you don't have to worry about my sanitation, after all, my body is strengthened by mana.

Moreover, the cloth I used to rinse my hands was inscribed with the rune for "magic Cleansing". Whatever touches the rune is thoroughly cleansed or purified.

"...Young Master"


I was almost shocked to death, due to the sudden interruption in my monologue...

More importantly...

"Sorry for Startling You, Young Master! Sorry for intruding into your room, unannounced!"

as if cowering in fear, Lilith quickly bowed her head... Yes... this was my personal maid, Lilith.

Lilith is a demi-human by origin, specifically from a certain tribe of cats. After her village was burned down by bandits and her tribe folk was all captured for enslavement, She was the only one according to herself, who managed to escape. Later the Aldonoah Household found her and took her in as a maid.

She had dirt-blonde hair, dull red eyes, Sharp and feline but fluffy ears, and a similarly blonde tail. Even her proportions weren't half bad. But her face was on the cuter side unlike what her name suggested...

"Lily, it is fine! I was just thinking about something.., and you didn't do it on purpose I presume?"

putting forth, a bright smile, I continued..

"...then again, even if you did it on purpose, I wonder if I can get angry at you, my "dear lily"..."

This was a lot harder than I thought it to be, but...

...It was working. Though she was hiding her face, I could see a visible flush on her cheeks..

Hehe..time to pull my luck!

" After all... how can I ever hate you, lily?"

...and that did the trick! She was completely fooled!

"...Thank you... for believing me, Young m-!.. I mean, Simeone.."

Her voice was soft, just like the cute reply she gave me... but!

This Bitch! I just Spared your life! How dare you call me informally?! And I didn't even correct her, unlike those, cliche harem protagonists!!

"...you will get there soon, with enough practice "

What!? I am just practicing the dialogues I learned in those romance novels..

...as I said this, I was gradually closing in on her.

No! I didn't close the door! I just approached her slowly.. like the gentleman I was...


Ughh! I really feel the urge to vomit now!

Why, you ask?

...Carefully placing my arm under her chin, I softly turned her face to meet mine... with face-to-face proximity, I whispered to her, all while exhaling warm and shallow breaths...

" You may leave for now... but you must come to my room tonight"

Now, that I was near her, I could finally see the kind of face she was making...

With a wide smile, almost identical to a doll she..


...agreed to my bizarre proposition?!

Without wasting another moment she quickly asked for my permission...

"...then, if you would excuse me"

"Mhmm~... But make sure you knock the door next time"

I said the last part in a deeper voice...

Though, without thinking about it much, she left...

"...I can't wait for the night to come"


A small chapter...

Next one will be large, around 3k..

If you are reading this, I would like it if you could leave some comments.

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