

When it is not in The God's Time, You can't force it... When it is in The God's Time... you can't stop it..

UnPaidLandLord · Fantasy
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9 Chs

I shall gracefully take it all(1)...


A blue semi-transparent screen materialized in my vision..


Name -> Simeone Aldonoah [Image.jpg]

Age -> 12 years

Race -> Human (Leonin Dormant)

Race Skills -> <<Acclimatization>>

Tier -> << Core Formation|| Tier 2>>

League -> <<Bronze Core || (mid)>>

Intelligence -> [A]

Charm -> [B]

Affinity -> << Darkness || Mythical>>, << Time || high>>

Titles -> <<Weakass>> (tap for more details)

Skills -> << Shadow Veil || (low)>>

Techniques -> <<Starlight Sword || Low>> , << Basic Swordsmanship || Mid>>


Rewards -> {*1}

Inventory -> { 0 }

Shop -> [Level - 1]

Time points -> 5

Dao Space -> Locked-!


[Quest: recover the lost fragment of the Time stone]

[Quest rewards: Soul Integration,???,???]


The first thing that caught my eye was of course the [Title].. What did it mean by [Weakass]?!

"You call this weak bro?!"

Inadvertently I flexed my biceps... Needless to say I didn't get a reply as I wanted.

"I am just 12 years old! How strong can a body be when it has just stepped into puberty?"

With nothing else to do, I did what the status screen said..

Pressing the [Title] button displayed over the status screen, a new screen popped up. I carefully read the details given in the screen-



A title acknowledged by the system to be deemed worthy of the previous host.


Whenever you are called by the title-

• All physical stats will be reduced by one minor realm

• 1 % chance to activate an abnormal status



Reading the title, I only had one thought in my mind! If this system wasn't broken, I will break it in the future. Even if I face death, I will complete this system just to break it with my own hands!

...You call that perk?! It was clearly a debuff! And you have the gall to joke around calling it a perk?

And how should I benefit from this, if the activation rate of <<Berserk>> was only 1 percent?

I couldn't help but get a little agitated...

" Hopefully it doesn't affect my future plans..."

getting into the floral bath, I deeply pondered.

Yeah. I already had a few plans thought out the moment I figured I had been transmigrated.

What kind of plan, you inquire? It was the usual trope-

Gaining Strength >> Conquering Kingdoms >> Creating an Harem of non-humans

..and so on...

Calmly thinking, the title shouldn't pose too much of an issue. After all, it requires a certain condition to be fulfilled, before the nerf gets triggered.

In a normal world, who goes around calling somebody [weakshit] in broad daylight?

None, I presume. And even if you do so, you will be alienated by the masses as a loser or a social bully.

But since the System acknowledges such a title, mind you it was 'acknowledged' and not 'granted' by the system, I presume a majority of the people from this world who know me, call me so...

Though I a clearly facing a drawback, it still helped me somewhat...

....Thanks to the title, I could somewhat guess the kind of world, I had transmigrated into. Although it is evident enough, I shall yet again take it upon myself to explain my theory...

Whenever you search for topics regarding a relationship, be it men, women, or bisexual people... You often come across the slogan...

"Stop judging others", " Who are you to judge me", blah-blah..

Why is it necessary to not judge each other in a relationship?

Simply because you are two different people. You were brought up in different environments, facing different problems with different solutions. If you start judging each other over your differences, it would lead gradually to minor concussions and may even lead to violence...

After the Second World War, our world fell to a critical point where another great war would have ruined the ecosystem, extinguished the natural resources, and turned fertile soil into barren lands. To deter from such a fate, governments across the took it upon themselves to create self-awareness among the people. Education was popularized, debates were held, research was modernized to facilitate people...

Education served several purposes. One of them was solving issues and internal strife peacefully, without the need for violence, or debate to be exact..

What did I wish to say with all this shit? Nothing much...

This world is a kind-of Cultivation world, based on the middle ages.

People can afford wars in this civilization.

Moving on, I checked my affinities.

Darkness... mythical?!

Time... high?!

...Heh... seems like its the protagonist's time to shine. Although I didn't know how the world, graded the affinity ranks or specifically speaking if there was something beyond [Mythical] rank but... it was definitely a thing to brag about!

.. And then again, I had an affinity in Time magic!

Hell! I bet this is something to brag about! How? You will find numerous protagonists with dark attributes in Isekai novels.

What about Time magic? I can bet with you. You will encounter merely a handful of time mages throughout your isekai Journey. This was something to definitely look forward to..

Moving on there was the Intelligence and charm stat...

Intelligence was [A] and also the highest-graded attribute throughout the status board. Since the charm attribute was [B], there was a possibility of encountering someone with a higher charm.

I will bear that in my mind. Can't have some playboy steal my waifu.

Oh! talking about a waifu...

I gradually stood up from the bathtub, with anticipation evident in my eyes.

"Let's check out... my little brother"


Hmmm... After thoroughly checking it out...

Sure the color was fair and pink, but it was a mere average, something around 6.3 inches...

Hah! Let's be satisfied with what I have for now. Moreover, I had just stepped into my puberty, there will be plenty of opportunity for it to grow up...

Carefully stepping out of the bathtub, I dried my hair with the towel. After my hair was somewhat dry, I repeated the same for my entire body.

Gazing at my reflection in the mirror, I fell into a trance all over again. My skin was a lot fairer, than it was before the bath. Even my hair was shining in the light...light?!

...Sure there was a light... because no sooner did I turn my head towards the white ceiling, a brilliantly shining white orb greeted my sight...


The light it emitted was a lot brighter than I had expected! Almost burned my eyesight!


I rubbed my eyes a few times all while taking long and deep breaths, to get rid of the irritation the light caused me...


As the irritation gradually subsided, I finally breathed a sigh of relief, making my way toward the door.

"I will check the reward once I exit the bath."



Map to the hidden dungeon [The Elysium]:

[Map Image]

(Tap to see your location..)


...Why did I leave the bath again?

Dressed in a scarlet bathrobe, I pondered over the system panel.

Currently, I was standing beside my bed, facing the window as I checked my reward..

Why was I pondering, you ask?

The system already considers me to be an [Weakshit] else It wouldn't have acknowledged the title. Problem is..

"..then why give me such a shit reward?!"

Here, see for yourself!


[The Elysium]

Difficulty -> [SSS]

Requirements -> none

Rewards -> ???


Usually, when a person reincarnates, the system provides them with a [Beginner's Package] Or something similar to improve his current strength... Even if my system is partially integrated, it should at least provide me with some useful skills or techniques....or...OR atleast the memory of the previous host of the body...

..The difficulty of the dungeon was too high. Especially since I had almost no idea to how much time it would take me to get that strong. I can't just blindly jump into a tiger's den with a shovel, only to find out it was a dragon's cave...



[ With the user's consent, the Souls of both hosts will be merged. Please prepare for backlash....]


As if reading my mind, the system finally sent me a message.

Since the last few minutes, I have been wondering about when I would get the memories of the previous host, or..should I say? the real owner of the body...

Seems like it works with the user's consent..

Well, Since it was finally here, I will brace myself...

Was it really as necessary as I made it sound? It was!

Although I choose not to believe it, since the system is telling me I am weak, I need to prepare in order to survive the backlash.

But what did it exactly mean by backlash?!

.. and how do I prepare for it-!

Suddenly an organ-crushing pain sprouted at the very middle of my chest. A pain so terrifying as if all my organs were trying to break out of my body . Quickly jumping over my bed, I removed the hands holding my head... I expected it to hurt in my head, but this was different than what I knew...

Squirming both my hands over my chest in pain, I focused on controlling my voice form running wild. Beads of sweat started forming over my forehead

The pain was so terrifying, I had completely ignored how the bathrobe I was wearing had started to come off due to my continuous wriggling and squirming...

...Suddenly a flood of memories permeated my brain. It wasn't painful, to say the least.. maybe a bit mentally taxing, but I forgot...that I didn't have the leisure to lose my focus... and that was enough...

To lose all control over my voice, that I have been restraining since a while-

"Huaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!" " Huaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!"-

I screamed like a buffaloe. Yet, neither the pain, nor did my screaming subside .

" W-what? Did something happen to the young master?!"

" Young master Simeone!"

Knock-! Knock-!

" Sir, are you fine?!"

" Sir, Please open the door!!"

" Aaaaaaaaaaaaarghhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!"

" Its useless! We have to break it open!"

" I will help too!"

Bump-! Bam-!

Bump-! Bam-!


'What the hell is happening? did someone hear me screaming? is someone finally coming for my help? more importantly, when will this pain end? or.. will it last as long as the nightmare did back then? I.. I don't want this!


Please, someone... Anyone! Please, Help Me!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Boom-! Smash-! Thud-!

Bolting inside, three people, one at a time, entered the room..

" Young master, we are here to hel-!"

" Why did you stop-!"

" What happene-!"

Suddenly everything came to a standstill as.... a deathly silence loomed over the room...

Everyone, who had entered the room just now, suddenly came to an abrupt halt... as if the environment behind the door was frozen by somebody...

...As if time had stopped itself... as a pair of gleaming purple eyes closely examined each one of the trespassers.

But a warm smile soon replaced his previous poker face...

"Though you were late...Thanks for worrying about me...

But before I release you, Let me get dressed a bit first!"

Pulling over the bathrobe, which had come out due to my constant squirming, I raised my left hand in the air..

"This will do for now!"



nom-! nom-!

"Young master, are you really fine? If you wish, we can call the medic-"

"How long will you make me repeat the same thing, Uncle Sebastian? "

"Even if you are fine, It wouldn't hurt to take a look-"

"Uncle Sebastian!"


"Don't worry too much. It was just a nightmare.."


Although a bit reluctant, my stern replies worked on him, and he finally retreated...

" I will send Lily to look after you "

"... Sure, sure. Fine"

Knuuu-! Tak-!




Name -> Simeone Aldonoah [Image.jpg]

Age -> 12 years

Race -> Human (Leonin Dormant)

Race Skills -> <<Acclimatization>>

Tier -> << Core Formation|| Tier 2>>

League -> <<Bronze Core || (mid)>>

Intelligence -> [A]

Charm -> [B]

Affinity -> << Darkness || Mythical>>, << Time || high>>

Titles -> <<Weakass>> (tap for more details)

Skills -> << Shadow Veil || (low)>>, <<Heaven's Time!|| (Low)>>

Techniques -> <<Starlight Sword || Low>> , << Basic Swordsmanship || Mid>>


Rewards -> { 0 }

Inventory -> { 1 }

Shop -> [level - 1]

Time points -> 0

Dao Space -> Locked-!


[Quest: recover the lost fragment of the Time stone]

[Quest rewards: Soul Integration,???,???]




[Heaven's Time!]


I will send another chapter by the next few hours. this one is a 2k word chapter

UnPaidLandLordcreators' thoughts