
Reincarnated In Power Rangers

MC gets reincarnated in PowerRangers 2017 version

Just_for_fun1997 · 映画
52 Chs

Chapter 33

Rita stood on the high school's roof, looking for around and ordering Goldar, she was searching for the Zeo Crystal.

"Rangers!" Kimberly called. "She is getting close." She strafed the putties again but couldn't get to Rita.

"Okay, come on! Let's move!" Jason's T. rex swept a group of putties aside with its tail.

A few blocks away, Alex had finally destroyed the last of the putties in that area.

"Come on,guys keep it a

occupied, I have something hurt it!" Alex called out.

As Jason's T. rex Zord thundered towards Goldar, its massive legs propelling it forward with unstoppable force, the air echoed with the deafening roar of its approach. Inside the cockpit, Jason's voice crackled through the comms with unwavering determination.

"I'm on it," he declared, his tone resolute. "I'll take Goldar from the right."

Trini's Sabertooth Zord surged forward from the opposite direction, her voice joining Jason's over the comms as she announced her presence.

"J! I'm right behind you," she affirmed, her determination matching his own.

With a thunderous roar, the T. rex Zord closed the distance, hurtling towards Goldar with ferocious speed. As it drew near, Jason seized the opportunity to strike, launching the massive creature into a feetfirst leap that sent it hurtling towards its target.

With a mighty crash, the T. rex Zord collided with Goldar, its claws sinking into the enemy's golden armor as it climbed on top of him, sending him staggering backwards under the force of the impact.

Meanwhile, Trini's Sabertooth Zord barreled towards Goldar from the opposite direction, its sleek form cutting through the air with deadly precision. With a swift lunge, the Sabertooth Zord collided with Goldar, its powerful claws raking across his armor and causing him to lose his balance.

For a moment, it seemed as though victory was within reach. But both she and Jason were shaken free.

Jason and Trini Zord crashed on the ground, both of them were dizzy from the crash.

"I'm coming!" Kimberly replied as Kimberly's Pterodactyl Zord streaked across the battlefield, its shadow casting a foreboding presence over the chaos below, she unleashed a relentless barrage of energy blasts from its cannons, the bright flashes illuminating the sky as they streaked towards Goldar.

But despite her best efforts, the blasts seemed to have little effect on the formidable enemy. Goldar, undeterred, swung his massive hand with annoyance, the force of the blow striking one of the Pterodactyl Zord's wings and sending it spinning out of control.

Inside the cockpit, Kimberly fought to regain control, her hands flying over the controls as she battled against the dizzying spiral. With steely determination, she managed to stabilize her Zord, bringing it back under her command just in time.

Jason reared up his T. rex, readying another strike. On the periphery of the destroyed street he saw a familiar truck getting hit by molten gold, skidding out, and then crashing.

While Alex also noticed this and said,"Jason go, I will cover for you. Save your father."

Jason sighed in relief and replied,"Thanks."

Jason was really grateful for Alex,

so Jason launched out of his Zord and into a sea of putties. None of them stood a chance as he fought his way to his father. Sam looked up and saw only the Red Ranger, not his son.

"Give me your hand!" Jason called out. His father hesitated, unsure of everything happening around him. "Look at me!" Jason continued. "Trust me! It's okay. You're all right."

His father reached out his hand, and Jason pulled him to safety.

As Alex with his Tiger Zord was not far from Goldar , his voice rang out over the chaos, a note of urgency in his tone as he issued a desperate plea for assistance.

"Can someone distract Goldar for a second?" Alex called out, his voice crackling over the comms.

"Yes, Zack and I are closest! We'll try to push Goldar toward the water!" Billy declared, his determination evident as he spurred his Triceratops Zord into motion.

With six powerful legs churning at top speed, Billy's Triceratops Zord raced across the battlefield, its sturdy frame bearing down on Goldar with unstoppable force. Meanwhile, Zack's Mastodon Zord charged forward alongside, its massive bulk plowing through obstacles in its path as Zack attempted to breach Goldar's defenses with his tusks.

As the two Zords closed in on their target, a tense moment of anticipation hung in the air. But before they could make their move, Goldar lashed out with a savage slash, striking both Zords with devastating force.

With a sickening crunch, the Triceratops and Mastodon Zords were sent flying through the air, tumbling and crashing to the ground in a chaotic heap. Inside their cockpits, Zack and Billy groaned in pain, their heads spinning from the impact as they struggled to regain their bearings amidst the wreckage.

"Guys, we are okay!" Billy yelled, he and his Zord and crashed out and dizzy from crash.

Alex called out,"I am coming."

With determination etched across his face, Alex guided his White Tiger Zord towards the towering figure of Goldar, his eyes fixed on the enemy before him. As he assessed the situation, he glanced at the small dial within his cockpit, seeking vital information to aid him in battle.

"Give me some good weapons," he implored, his voice barely audible over the din of the battlefield.

In the midst of the chaos, Saba, the wise and loyal companion, spoke up with guidance born of experience and knowledge.

"The one with the Claw mark, press it when you approach Goldar," Saba advised, his voice steady and reassuring. "It is the claw attack, Alex."

His fingers deftly navigating the holographic interface that materialized before him. With a decisive press, he selected one of the available options, his choice clear in his mind.

As the White Tiger Zord surged forward, its claws crackling with laser energy, Alex felt a surge of power coursing through him. With a mighty roar, he unleashed the full force of his Zord's enhanced claws, the air crackling with energy as they glowed a bright, fiery red.

With a ferocious lunge, Alex's Zord tore through the air, closing the distance between itself and Goldar in an instant. With a swift, decisive swipe, the enhanced claws struck true, tearing through Goldar's thick golden armor with astonishing ease.

The impact sent shockwaves rippling through the air as Goldar staggered back, the force of the blow leaving him momentarily stunned. As the dust settled, Alex prepared to press his advantage, his determination unwavering in the face of the enemy before him.

With a deft maneuver, Alex guided his White Tiger Zord back to the ground, the massive creature landing with a resounding thud that reverberated through the streets of Angel Grove.

As Kimberly soared above the chaos, her mind racing with a sudden burst of inspiration, she called out to Alex,"Alex, keep him busy, I have an idea."

Alex nodded replied,"Got it."

Kimberly then called out to Billy with a sense of urgency.

"Billy, I have an idea. Ready?" she exclaimed, her voice carrying over the din of battle.

Confusion clouded Billy's expression as he responded, "Uh... Yeah? For what exactly?" Uncertainty lingered in his voice, but he trusted Kimberly's instincts implicitly.

With a swift motion, Kimberly swooped down from the sky, Kimberly's Pterodactyl Zord descended swiftly towards the chaos below. As she neared Billy's Triceratops Zord, she could see the determination etched on his face as he prepared for what was to come.

In a seamless display Kimberly expertly maneuvered her Zord, swooping down to scoop up the Triceratops in her talons.

"Oh-ho-ho!" Billy exclaimed, his words echoing through the cockpit as he prepared for the daring maneuver ahead. With a swift motion, he curled the Triceratops into a tight ball.

Alex was continously attacking Goldar with his claws and guns. Without missing a beat, he swiftly circled back, his eyes locked on the ongoing battle unfolding before him and added,"Guys one more strike, we need to get him away from the Zeo Crystal."

At the time Kimberly's Pterodactyl with Billy's Zord ascended thousands of feet in a matter of seconds replied,"I am coming."

While below her, Billy's mind raced with uncertainty. He frantically searched for weapons options, tapping the dial in front of him in a desperate attempt to summon the necessary firepower.

"I don't know what to press, okay?" he muttered, his voice tinged with frustration as the holographic weapons panel materialized before him.

Meanwhile, Kimberly spotted Rita lurking behind Goldar, her eyes narrowing with determination as she formulated her plan.

"Open wide, Rita!" Kimberly shouted, her voice carrying a note of triumph as she released the Triceratops from its airborne trajectory.

With a primal scream, Billy's Triceratops Zord hurtled towards the ground like a missile, its horns gleaming with lethal intent as it pierced through Goldar with unstoppable force. In the chaos of the moment, Billy accidentally activated his weapon option, when the Zord crashed infront of Rita, it unleashed a torrent of blue energy that rippled through the battlefield with devastating effect.

The shockwave sent parked cars and newspaper boxes flying through the air, while Rita Repulsa herself was catapulted over several buildings, landing in a heap amidst the wreckage.

Rita being injured caused the once-formidable army of Putties lay scattered like discarded toys, their forms reduced to nothing but junk.

Even Goldar, the mighty enforcer of Rita's will, staggered under the force of the onslaught, going down on one knee.