
Reincarnated in MHA with All For One

A Renowned Mercenary in his world got tricked by a client he has been working with for years and has died at his hand's but instead of dying he appears in a all white space and meets God? A/N:No I don't own the MHA verse or any minor references of some movies here and there

Aswin_Shrestha · アニメ·コミックス
4 Chs

Adventures of Kazuma

Kazuma steps out of the hero agency to explore things cuz he got bored and needs to find more stimulation.

Also Hi I'm the narrator guy, I don't know why i haven't been a thing since chapter 1 I guess the author just forgot that shit existed but anyway.

Kazuma steps out of the hero agency and goes to a dark alleyway almost by instinct cuz he used to do a lot of shady shit in his past life.

As he goes into the dark alleyway he find's a tiger?

"What the fuck!? Why is there a tiger in here?! Did it escape from a zoo or something?!"-Kazuma

But as he inspected the tiger-looking thing more, he finds that it's weird! It has a head of a tiger but has a body of a gorilla, the arms of a bear, and the legs of a horse. Not a normal tiger at all, Almost like a chimera or something.

"What is this thing? Is Frankenstein a thing here or something?"-Kazuma

"What the--Who the heck are you?!"-The chimera said in a kid like voice

"What the...Pica is that you?!"-Kazuma

"Who the heck is Pica? Where am I?-The Chimera said again in a kid like voice

"Pica is a one piece characte-whatever you won't understand, One piece is not a thing here. Anyway who are you? and Why are you here?"-Kazuma says while he is laughing inside his mind

"And Why should i tell you that?"-The chimera again said in a kid-like voice

"What do you mean, why should i tell you that?, Because I asked you of course, Don't you know common courtesy"-Kazuma say's while he is still laughing inside

"*Huff*Huff* Shit! the transformation is happening again! I'm losing consciousness!*Aarghh*"-The chimera says while transforming into a little Kid who looks like he is 4 years old

"*Roaaaarrrr*"-The now 4 year old looking kid roared like a tiger as he took on a quadripedal position.

"Is this his quirk or something? Seems pretty interesting"-Kazuma said as the 4-year old kid lunged at him in a quadripedal position like a tiger trying to bite him

"But ultimately it wouldn't be a good quirk for me to absorb since it seems it can't be controlled"-Kazuma says as he knocks out the kid with a simple one-two.

A/N:Wouldn't it be funny if the guy just never appeared in the story again, let me know what i should do with the character.

Kazuma leaves from the alleyway and heads to a convenience store and picks out some bread and a bottle of water.

"I'll take just these"-Kazuma

"Sure that will be 500¥"-Cashier

"Man, thing's have been getting expensive nowadays"-Kazuma thought to himself as he gave the cashier the money.

As Kazuma walks out of the store he see's ruckus and destruction going on outside, as a single very buff looking hero is fighting a group of villains.

"It's all might! All might is here to save us!"-A random guy shouted from the crowd of civilians

"Don't worry! As long as I am here you will all be safe!"-All Might said with that signature smile as he wiped the floors with the scrub villains.

"Wooh all might can i get an auto graph"

"Thank you for saving us all might"

"I'm a big fan all might"

As cheers were said praising his name he quickly jumped up and went away saying "Remember People Always be fearless as long as i am here and blah blah blah"

Kazuma quickly got away from the crowd and decided to go to a nearby playground and there he finds a blonde haired kid and his two random sidekicks bullying a green haired kid who is on the ground right, Yes it's Midoriya the MC and that blondie is bakugo the crazy sweaty crackhead.

Now back to the present.

"Hahahahaha! You should just give up trying to be a hero, how are you gonna be one when you don't even have a quirk"-Bakugo said as his two random sidekicks laughed like some random-ass thugs in a James bond movie

Midoriya tried to retaliate but was quickly thrashed by bakugo and his two random sidekicks.

"Take that you quirkless defect! Do you still think you can become a hero now huh?"-Bakugo

"Hey, hey you should stop that."-Kazuma said in a calm almost bored tone

"Now, who are you? Another extra? Stop getting in my way!"-Bakugo said as he fired an explosion at Kazuma's face.

"Wait a second?! You can just use your quirk like that?! Without any legal issues?!"-Kazuma said while he dodged the explosion sent by bakugo.

Bakugo now turned to him seeing that he dodged his explosion easily he started to throw a barrage of explosion's at Kazuma.

"Wow bro! All this time i haven't been using all for one cuz i thought they would report me and force me to return their quirk's to them or something and I would have a bad track record! You can just use that and bully someone nonetheless without any consequences? Bro someone should have told me sooner"-Kazuma said as he easily dodged the barrage of explosions coming at him.

"SHUT UP! YOU EXTRA! I WILL BEAT YOU UP!!!!!!!!!"-Bakugo shouts as he is sending another barrage of explosions at Kazuma

"Calm down dude, Have you been taking drugs or something? why are you so trigger happy?"-Kazuma says calmly while dodging the explosions


"Okay man that's enough!"Kazuma says as he knocks bakugo out with a kick in the face.

"Should I absorb his quirk? Nah i should let the original flow of the story play out, but these random sidekicks shouldn't be a problem"-Kazuma thinks to himself as he reaches out his hand to absorb the quirk's of the random sidekicks.

"Annnnddddd of course it's trash, What the fuck is <Sharp Nails> and <CleanMan> Well they are side random characters after all if they had a broken quirk like todoroki's or something then they would have been in UA,I can't even fuse them to a better quirk, Man it's just sad"-Kazuma said as he absorbed the quirks.

"Umm.....Thank you for helping me"-Deku said timidly

"Oh, you were still here? No problem don't worry about it."-Kazuma

"Idon'tknowhowicouldthankyouforhelpingmecanyoupleasetellmehowyourquirkworksdidyoujustcopytheirquirkhowcanitabsorbquirksdoesithavelimitationsisthereanyrequirementsaretheredrawbacksarethequirksweakerthantheoriginal"-Midoriya's Nerdass while said mumbling to himself

"Something is not right in his head man"-Kazuma thought to himself

"I finally found you son! Where were you?"-Kazuma's dad said in a very angry tone

"Ah Shit! I have to run"-Kazuma

He got caught.

"Now would you please mind explaining where you were running off to and why there were 3 knocked out kids in the playground?"-Dad

"Well haha...they were already like that when i went there haha why would i ever do that"-Kazuma said in a nervous tone

"I can see the nervousness in your face! Why are you beating up random school kids"-Dad

"Wait hear me out!"-Kazuma

"What is it?"-Dad

"I was actually kidnapped here"-Kazuma

"What the heck? Out of all the excuses you could have said, you chose to say that you were kidnapped? You know there are pro heroes acting as security guards in the agency right?"-Dad

"Shit! I guess that didn't work"-Kazuma

And then he got disciplined(69 hour lecture and the belt).

Join Us next time on Dragon Bal- *Ahem*Ahem* Sorry wrong series.

Join Us next episode of Quirk Celebration Party.

A/N:Hello Guys pretty late huh, Sorry I had exams and shit,

Anyway, How was the chapter should it be longer/Shorter and what quirks should the MC absorb?