
Reincarnated in Marvel: My Cheat is OP

Reincarnated in Marvel fanfiction In a universe that is as dangerous as it can get with powerful people such as Gods and Immortals walking amongst the people. Read as a Guy from Earth is reincarnated here. I own nothing. I only wrote this because I am bored and wanted to try creating a fanfic. Such is life, watch anime ==> read manga ==> read light novels ==> read fanfictions ==> create a fanfic.

30Degree · アニメ·コミックス
19 Chs

To New York City

"Sometimes it's better to leave the past behind and start a new beginning"


MC's POV (10 years before the shooting incident)

We are currently standing outside of the airport my mother is holding my hand while my father is saying goodbye to his friends. They are hugging him one by one and patting him on his back while saying their farewells. I think Dad mentioned that they were friends since childhood because all of them were orphans.

My father's name is Leonardo Accardi, he said that Leonardo is from Leonardo Da Vinci who is considered to be one of the most brilliant and creative men and Accardi comes from achard meaning 'brave'. Because he was dropped off at the orphanage as a baby with no name he named himself like that. The same for all of his friends they gave themselves their names, sure the orphanage gave them names but they discarded that and chose their own. Dad told me it was because they don't have any parents to give them a name so they gave themselves their own something about holding their own destiny in their hands.

I think he is just saying bullshit to impress me because Leonardo can also mean 'brave as a lion' so his name is basically brave as a lion brave. And also he named me Primo meaning 'first', what kind of parents name their children like that? What does it even mean? Is he telling me to be 'number one'? Is it because I am the first child and there will be more and he named me like that for convenience's sake?

My whole name is William Primo Accardi. William is given to me by my mother and Primo was given by my father and lastly is my surname which is also from my father. I mean I don't hate my name, I got used to it this whole time it's just that I couldn't help but remember my old name... I am sure there is a metaphor in there somewhere.

"Come on Will it is time for us to go." Mom said as she held my hand and guided me inside. Her name is Elizabeth Accardi, she was originally not from Italy and only decided to stay here because She and my father fell in love. I think she was only here on a vacation? I don't know she never told me.

Then suddenly I felt my body being lifted and I was put on my father's shoulders.

"You're too slow, we are going to miss the flight at this rate." He said and started walking faster, I had to hold into his hair so as to not fall off.

"What? Why are you blaming me? You're the one who is taking too long to say goodbye."

"They're my brothers for life, if it was up to me we would party for a whole week! Just like what we did when Andreas left years ago. In fact, we are going to meet him in New York. He was the one starting a hotel business and he needs an investor and a partner. I mean I don't know much about it but it is all about service right? I can learn that."

"Why the hell do we need to move for that? Can't we just invest and he'll send us the money? Let's just stay here and let him handle the business."

"Enough Will. Why can't you understand that we need to move? We already talked about this, it is for the better."

I just stayed silent because how can I tell them that New York City is the center point of the mess that is the Marvel Universe.

"Come here Will. Tell me what's bothering you and why are you so against about us moving away." My mother gestured to my father to let her carry me, she then held me in her arms and looked at me with a face full of concern and worry.

I couldn't answer because I don't know how to tell her, to tell them that New York is much more dangerous. So I just buried my face in her shoulder. Then we continued walking to the plane with none of us talking.

We sat in the first class the plane has two seats in the middle and one seat on both sides, I am seated on the window seat on the right and both of my parents are in the middle. Now I felt conflicted, I like seating here and this is the first time in both of my lives that I am in an airplane but I don't like where we are going.

"See isn't this amazing Will? Wait until you see it fly the view is amazing!" Mom said from my left side.

I just nodded and continue looking at the window.

"Haahh... come here Will." She said and I just looked at her confused why because the airplane might fly any minute now. "Don't just look hurry before the Flight start."

I stood up and went to her then she put me on her lap. Both of them looked at each other with hesitation and then Mom started talking.

"You're smart for your age Will, I am sure you figured out what it is that your father does for a living"

I nodded wondering why would they tell me this now.

"... Well, your father and I decided that is not an environment a child should be raised in. You need to be with a child your age and play, make some friends and be a nuisance to us, but right now you're just at home and with no friends to play with or bond and all you do is eat and sleep. We're worried what you may become..."

'I like what I was doing, sure it was a little boring but with interesting people that comes to our house every day, it is not that bad.' That is what I want to say but I can't because they are genuinely worried for me.

"I want you to have a normal childhood something that I wasn't fortunate to have... I want you to go to school and learn so that you won't experience being called uneducated by others. And most of all I want you to have a better future." Dad said to me with the most serious expression I have ever seen him, he then put his hand on my head and ruffled my hair then continued.

"I am going to turn a new leaf and leave this all behind me just like Andreas did, not just for you but for our family as well... so it might take some getting used to but I know we'll be fine."

"Excuse me, the flight is about to start so please go back to your seats." A flight attendant said to us with a professional smile.

"Go on Will and if you need to hold my hand I'm just by your side ok?" Mom said to me as I stand up and goes back to my seat.

When I was finally seated and as the flight attendant tells us what to do I thought about what they told me. They just want to leave the dangerous life that we currently live in and to them going to New York is the best bet to start a new. It is not like we will be involved in anything important, sure my mother is a mutant but so is 60% of the world they just don't know that because they have an inactive X-gene.

And as much as I want to say that New York City is dangerous there are a lot of heroes there that can prevent it. I would really like to search about them unfortunately google isn't a thing yet because the current year is 1993, I was born on January 20, 1990 It is fucking annoying because I was used to everything being one touch away. Then the anime... just thinking about it makes me cry.

"Ladies and gentlemen, please be seated. Our flight is ready for departure." The flight attendant said before I thought deeply more about the lack of anime and manga.

"Do you want to hold my hand?" Mom said from my left with her hand stretched out.

I shook my head because why would I need to hold her hand? Sure my body is three years old but I am still capable of handling it, I was an avid fan of extreme rides in my past life this is a piece of cake.

Then the airplane moved forward and took off... I felt like my stomach is getting pulled under me... Oh no, I feel dizzy... I think I'm going to throw up. I gripped tightly the hand rest with my left hand and my right hand held my mouth close.

After a while, the flight stabilized and I really feel like throwing up. So I looked to my left in my parent's direction and said,

"Ma... I feel like throwing... up."

My mother quickly took out a plastic bag then stood up and handed it to me.

"Haahhh I know this would happen..." She said while stroking my back gently.

'Why is this happening... I was perfectly fine in my past life in fact I never threw up even once while riding on rollercoasters or other extreme rides.'

"A-amore... do you have more of... that."

"Haahh like father like son." She then stood up and stopped stroking my back.

In conclusion, I did not enjoy the flight, so much for first class I could've slept much better on my bed.


When we finally got off the plane I was carried by my mother and still felt dizzy.

"He should be here right now..." Dad said while also feeling dizzy.

"Fratello!" Someone shouted and run towards us. It was a fat man wearing a black suit has curly hair and a thick mustache.

"Chi cazzo sei? (Who the fuck are you?)" Dad responded in Italian as well while looking from top to bottom the fat man that approached us.

"Sono io Andreas. Non mi riconosci? Forse ho guadagnato un po' di peso, ma sono ancora io. (It's me Andreas. Do you not recognize me? I may have gained a bit of weight, but it's still me.)

"Andreas?!" He said shocked then he squinted his eyes and covered the mustache of the fat man. "Sei proprio tu! Sembra che tu abbia vissuto abbastanza comodamente. (It is you! It looks like you've been living quite comfortably.)"

Then they kissed each other's cheeks and hugged tightly.

"Ti sei davvero sposato eh? (You really got married huh?)" Andreas said while looking at us with a smile. Mom smiled back while I just stared at him because I was still dizzy and couldn't care less who the fuck he is, I just wanna lay down and sleep for the rest of my life.

"Beh, ho incontrato un angelo che mi ha salvato la vita e sono stato anche fortunato a sposarla. (Well, I met an angel who saved my life and I was also lucky to marry her.)" Dad said while holding Mom's hand and smiling lovingly at her.

"Credo che dovrei ringraziarla allora? Perché ho sentito di quello che è successo a Dante mi dispiace non essere potuto venire al suo funerale (I guess I should thank her then? Because I heard about what happened to Dante I'm sorry I couldn't come to his funeral)" Andreas said while looking down at his feet.

"Non preoccuparti, sono sicuro che Dante è in un posto migliore ora. È anche uno dei motivi per cui abbiamo deciso di trasferirci qui. (Don't worry about it, I'm sure Dante is in a better place now. It is also part of the reason why we decided to move here.)" Dad said while patting Andreas's back.

"Haaahh... Possa la sua anima continuare a vegliare su di noi. Bene, andiamo! Sono sicuro che ti piacerà qui. (Haaahh... May his soul continue to watch over us. Well, let's go! I'm sure you'll like it here.)" He then took us too his car and we drove off.

That is how we got to New York City, the city that never sleeps.