
Reincarnated in Marvel: My Cheat is OP

Reincarnated in Marvel fanfiction In a universe that is as dangerous as it can get with powerful people such as Gods and Immortals walking amongst the people. Read as a Guy from Earth is reincarnated here. I own nothing. I only wrote this because I am bored and wanted to try creating a fanfic. Such is life, watch anime ==> read manga ==> read light novels ==> read fanfictions ==> create a fanfic.

30Degree · Anime & Comics
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19 Chs

Going to School

"Our whole life is set up in the path of least resistance. We don't want to suffer. We don't want to feel discomfort. So the whole time, we're living our lives inside our comfort zone."


MC's POV (Seven years before the shooting)

I am currently laying on the rooftop of the condominium that we live in now, just looking up at the sky and watching the clouds. A few years have passed since we moved here to New York and so far it's been ok.

There was no angry grape alien that came trying to solve the overpopulation or a robot that wants to destroy Earth because he spends five minutes on the internet, just normal Earth albeit with some changes.

First of all, thank you to all the hidden geniuses in Marvel because without you the world would be a boring place. The internet is at least tolerable but it still isn't that popular yet. No youtube, no Facebook hell there isn't even google yet but there is something called Netscape Navigator kinda like google and yahoo.

This world is basically obsessed with the human body, like really obsessed. Is it because of the existence of mutants? Well, at least this world has far better medical technology.

Then the companies, there are the obvious ones the Stark Industries, the supplier of weapons to the US government and one of it's competitors the Hammer Industries. Then the Oscorp the one leading the world as a leading chemical manufacturing firm and then the unknown companies the Roxxon Energy Corporation, The Life foundation, and a lot more. There is also the Baxter Building but it was a private lab, not a superhero headquarters.

Next, RIP to the Anime and mangas that I've been used to. When Mom took me to a DVD store to look for stuff to watch I found out that the Anime and movies that I liked not only do they not exist yet, they might never exist at all.

There isn't any Dragon ball but there is a Dragon orbs. What kind of cheap knock off is that? What's next, Two Piece? Boruto? I immediately lost all of my enthusiasm for the Anime Industry, because what came out may look like a cheap knock-off to me or a completely different one. I will see it in a few years, I still have hope because there is a Disney studio here as well as Disneyland.

And the comics... the comics are awful. There is only a DC here and some small comic brands, so basically the DC is a giant all alone at the top with little competition because of that its stories became different from what I was used to.

The world is the same but still different from the one I know... That is basically what this new life is.

What am I supposed to do here? Sure this world is an amazing place where heroes can rise amongst the people but its also a place where danger lurks everywhere.

Am I supposed to choose if I wanted to become a hero or a villain? What kind of black and white thinking is that?

I don't even have much ambition in my life, I just want to live a comfortable life.

Finish college, work at a well paying job, find a wife and maybe just maybe start a family. That is it. I don't want anything grand I just want a normal life.

I haven't even experience having a girlfriend yet, I died when I was a freshman college. I focused on studying all my life so as to not disappoint my parents but in the end, it was all for nothing...

I have a chance to start again in this life but the problem is I don't want it...

Sure, it might have sucked a bit but it was still my life. A lot of people would probably want this though to start again in a world far more exciting than the last one.

Especially in the marvel universe where you could be born with superpowers. They might want to be friends with Iron man maybe even borrow some of his tech, fight crime with spiderman or anything they want its marvel after all.

But it's fucking stupid if you ask me.

Superpowers? You'll have to be a mutant or a mutate for that and they have paid a high price for their abilities.

Mutants need extreme stimulation, whether stress, emotional trauma or physical trauma to activate their X-gene. That is why mutants are generally young teens at puberty because they are more suspectible to extreme stimulations. And if by some miracle you're born with your X-gene active then good luck surviving through childhood. Most would be abandoned, some abused and others were not so lucky and maybe they died. All because they are born 'diffrent'.

Mutates are like the Hulk or Captain America, it was achieved thorough experimentation. Some successful others are not.

I don't want to experience any of that just for superpowers that may or may not be useful. I don't even know what mom had to go through for her X-gene to activate.

Then becoming friends with superheroes, first of all Iron man or should I say Tony stark is a narcissistic playboy, I saw it in the news papers. Spiderman doesn't exist or maybe not yet.

Then fighting crime? Who would be insane enough to go out every night partoling the streets and beating up people? I'm pretty sure I am not insane so I will not do that.

I just want a comfortable life... I don't want any of this.

"Will!! What are you still doing there you need to prepare!" Mom yelled then I heard the door to the rooftop opened.

"Haaahh... What am I going to do with you? Today is the first day of your school and you're just laying there? Are you a cat? All you do is eat, sleep and lay there all day." She then started a 5 minute long scolding about my behavior, instead of getting ready just as she said.

I just kept on nodding with her words going through one ear and out the other.

"...that is why your Uncle Andreas will take you to school but I will be the one to but I will take you home later."

"...Uhm ...what?" I asked with confusion on my face because I was not listening at all.

She sighed "You're really not listening at all. I said your Uncle Andreas will be the one to take you to school, he is already waiting at the living room. Come on." Then she carried me in her arms. "Ugh... you're getting heavier I might not be able to carry you at all."

"What do you mean by that?"

"I said you're getting heavier, why don't you become more activ-"

I cut her off, "Not that, I mean why is Uncle Andreas the one that will take me to school? Why not you? Or papa?"

"I already told you this before, I got a job so I will be a lot more busy and will not be able to take care of you as much. It's a good thing that you're starting school today so it doesn't affect you much."

"When did you told me that?"

She looked at me with a fed up expression and said, "Last week. You'll be at school the whole day so what will I do? Stay at home all day and wait for you to come home? That is why I decided to brush up my resume and apply to some hospitals and I got in."

Ohh... now that I think about it she really told me that. I think she mentioned having nothing to do while I am at school or something.

"...but why not papa?"

"He is busy at work."

"But that fatty isn't?"

"Be more respectful Will and don't call him that. He is just... slightly chubby not fat. And the one that asked Andreas to take you to school is your father."

"But that fatty doesn't even do anything! He just sits all day in his ass with his fancy suits and let papa do all the work!"

She then put me down on the ground and put her hands on her waist. "William when did you learn to speak like that? Your Uncle Andreas helped us start anew when we just arrived here, have some gratitude. And your father is working hard for you... for us. The business is just getting started and there is a lot to do and your father had to learn everything as he goes it just happens that he is out of town for the whole week, Ok? Hmmm?"

I just nodded because I don't really want to hear more of her lectures.

"Come on, let's get you changed and ready."

After that I changed from my comfortable clothes into a more proper clothes for school.

I am 6 years old this year and I am attending school as a 1st year grade school. I could have directly attended to highschool hell maybe even college but I don't want to. I am not some heavenly genius and I don't want to be treated as such. The burden and expectation will be fucking ridiculous.

We then got out of the building and went to Uncle Andreas car. He is leaning at the front of the car and smoking a cigarette. He turned his head towards us then when he saw us he smiled and said.

"Will, sei emozionato per il tuo primo giorno di scuola? Ricordo che quando eravamo bambini volevamo andare a scuola ma non ne avevamo mai la possibilità. Ma ora hai... quindi sfruttalo al meglio. ( Will, are you excited for your first day of school? I remember when we were kids we used to want to go school but we never had the chance. But now you have... so make the best out of it.)" Then he ruffled my hair.

I nodded.

Then Mom said to him, " Thank you again for taking Will to school, Andreas."

"Don' worry about it." He said with a heavy italian accent.

"I really have to get going now." She said then looked at her wrist watch. "Oh no! I am going to be late! See you later Will!. Then she hugged and kissed me on the cheeks and hurried inside the condo.

"Come on, Will." Uncle Andreas said then opened the door for me.

Through out the car ride Uncle Andreas kept on telling me how he, dad and all of their friends used to do back in the day.

Then we finally arrived. I got out of the car and stared at the school, lots of parents are dropping of their children. There are a lot of crying and kids running around, it's a mess. I suddenly remembered how annoying kids could be while seeing all this noise and chaos.

"Buona fortuna a scuola Will. (Good luck at school Will.)" Uncle Andreas said then he drove off.

Time to show this kids who is their boss. It can't be that hard.


It was fucking hard, it was hell. It started messy with children crying about their mommies and daddies and other children just running around the room.

Then the teacher came and made us self introduce in class, and so far it was still ok. But it became more chaotic from then on.

The teacher took us outside to the play ground to do some activity but my guess is that the teacher just wants us to be tired and calm down. Then because of the noise of us going out the room the classroom next to us saw us and I guess they got jealous or something.

The two teachers talked it out and they decided to have some sort of 'joint class session', so it is basically their class vs ours.

And damn... it was very chaotic.

Did they really think that adding more children to the already chaotic class will be good?

The two teachers are having a hard time and because of that I managed to sneak out and get away from there.

Now I am currently in the library, where it is peaceful and quiet. I am sure no children will want to come here because what kind of children liked to read anyway? I sure don't. I am only here because of the peace that it provides.

When I got in the librarian just looked at me from behind her desk and pointed at a sign that says 'please keep silence'.

I nodded and she went back to reading.

I walked around the around the room trying to find anything to read because I'm already here so might as well.

That is when I saw a red silhouette from the corner of my eye.

Curious, I followed after it and that is when I saw a cute girl with the most beautiful red hair I ever seen in my life.