
Reincarnated in Marvel: My Cheat is OP

Reincarnated in Marvel fanfiction In a universe that is as dangerous as it can get with powerful people such as Gods and Immortals walking amongst the people. Read as a Guy from Earth is reincarnated here. I own nothing. I only wrote this because I am bored and wanted to try creating a fanfic. Such is life, watch anime ==> read manga ==> read light novels ==> read fanfictions ==> create a fanfic.

30Degree · アニメ·コミックス
19 Chs

Jean Grey

"We don't meet people by accident. They are meant to cross our path for a reason."


William's POV (Seven years before the shooting)

Inside the library, I met a cute girl probably the cutest amongst the children I saw today. That doesn't really mean much because this world has far better looking people than my previous life. I am also not a pedophile to be attracted to a kid, If she was older I'll probably be a stuttering mess.

She looks about 8-9 years old and has a long red hair that looks almost like a flame when the sunlight coming from the window hits it and beautiful green eyes that looks like emeralds.

She was jumping up and down in place trying to reach a book when I saw her. I looked at her trying to prevent my laughter but failed. "Pfft... Hahahaha"

She stops and stares at me her face gradually reddens as time pass by and that only made me laugh harder, "Hahahaha... y-you look like a tomato haha"

With tears about to fall from her eyes she shouts at me, "W-well your a tomato! your mom is a tomato!" Then she walks away.

Shit, that's adorable. No wait, I am not a sadist who enjoys making kids cry so I shouted at her. " Wait!" But she ignores me and continues walking.

So I tried to grab the book that she wanted but I guess it was karma because when I jumped to get the book the rest of the books fell on me as well and I slipped.

"Ah! Shit..." Now I am laying on my ass on the floor holding a book in my hand with piles of book surrounding me.

Then I heard her foots steps coming back. "What happened? Are you okay?!" She shouts at me.

I looked at her and then offered the book to her then said, "Uhm... I got your book?"

She then laughs at me. What the hell is wrong with children? They changed their moods pretty quickly in a minute they are about to cry then the next they are laughing.

Still laughing she said, "Haha... T-that's not the book that I wanted." Then she picked up a book from the piles around me and showed it to me. "It's this."

"Well... I still managed to get it, right?" I said while standing up.

"Yes, you did thank you. D-do you want to read it with me?"

When I was about to reply someone shouted at us. "What is this mess?! What did you do? Now I got to clean all that up!"

Welp so much for peace and quiet.

"Don't worry we will help you clean it up" I said while picking up the books one by one.

"What do you mean you'll help? You will just make a mess! Get out!" What the hell did she ate for her to be this angry. So with no choice we both went out the library.

Outside of the library I said to her. "I'm sorry that we got kicked out of the library... It was my fault."

She smiled at me with hands behind her back, "Don't worry here!" She then showed me the book she was hiding behind her back.

"Let's go before she notices that its missing!" Then she grabbed my hand and ran while pulling me away with her.

After running for a while we went inside at a room with beds and curtains. I was panting hard so I lied down on one of the beds.

'Damn... I should probably exercise more because I just ran a bit and now I'm tired. And what's with this school? Why does it have a bed?' I thought to myself while staring at the ceiling.

Then I felt her sitting beside me and poking me at the cheek.

"Stop that" I said after swatting away her hand.

"You have chubby cheeks" she said while trying to poke my cheeks again.

"It's baby fat." I said while sitting up. Then I looked around the room it's clean and kinda smells like the room where Mom treats her patients. It has two beds seperated by a curtain and some cabinets.

Then the realization hit me, "Ohh... We are in a clinic."

She nods and said, "Yup. It is a nice place it has beds to sleep on and it's quiet."

"Then where is the nurse? Shouldn't there be one?"

"She is not usually here this early in the morning. But don't worry about her she is nice! She gives me candies whenever we met." She said while smilling.

Then she blushed again and said, "W-what is your name? I guess I forgot to ask and I just suddenly pulled you, sorry about that. "

Damn... so adorable. I patted her on her head and said, "Don't worry it's fine. My name is William Accardi but you can call me Will."

She shook of my hand and said, "Don't treat me like a kid! I am probably older than you. I'm eight you know?"

"Yes, yes you are older than me good for you." I am six years old now but if you add my past life I'll probably be twenty four years old. So I am thrice her age.

"How old are you anyway?" She asked me.

"I'm six now."

"Hehe then I am really older than you. My name is Jean Elaine Grey but you can just call me Jean."

My mind suddenly stopped working for about a moment. Then I cleaned my ears with my fingers and asked her again.

"W-what did you say your name is again?" I asked with a bit of hope that I just misheard her.

"It's Jean! And because I am older than you you have to call me big sis Jean hehe." She said while laughing adorably.

But I can't appreciate that now because that just means that this cute girl right here is a powerful telepath and the future avatar of the phoenix. A powerful cosmic being associated with rebirth.

Fuck. Does that mean she can read my mind? I looked at her carefully and she is just staring with confusion on her face at me.

Ok safe...

Shit lets think about Jean Greys life. She was raised by Professor X when she was young right? Then what is she doing here? How did she awaken her powers again?

Damn... I can't remember. I knew that I should have written this somewhere. Nono that is a bad idea what if it was stolen. What if it was used by some evil bastard. Ah... shit stop having this random thoughts and think...

Jean Grey, Jean Grey... Jean... Grey.

"Aha!" I shouted.

That startled Jean who I just realized was pinching my cheeks making her fall back.

"What are you doing?"

"N-nothing it is just that you weren't respondin-"

I interrupted her then asked, "No no that is not important. Do you have a best friend? Or even just a friend?"

I asked this because If I remember correctly her best friend died right? Then the trauma of that incident awaked her powers.

She then looked down and hugged her knees. Her previous happy self gone replaced by a small and vulnerable kid.

"...none." She said quietly not even looking at me.

Seriously? She doesn't have a friend? But I thought that she awakened her powers because her best friend died. Am I wrong?

Then she continued, still speaking in a soft voice. "The other kids don't really like me that much." She then brushed her hand through her hair.

"They said that I am a witch and that my hair is soaked in the blood of my victims..."

Fuck... kids could be brutal sometimes.

She then looked at me hopefully with her green eyes. "...Do you think so as well?"

"Your hair is beautiful! Who ever said otherwise you tell me! I'll fight them! They just don't understand how amazing you are. When we grow up I'm sure they would be jealous of you. You'll have millions of admirers I'm sure of that!"

She finally smiled a bit then asked me, "Then... would you be my friend?"

"Of course! I'll be your friend" I responded immediately because I can't really say no to her when she asked me like that.

"Then would you call me big sis Jean." She asked hopefully.

I was stunned because what the hell?

"Why?" I asked

Then I looked at her carefully and saw that she has a little smirk.

Her smirk then became a full blown smile while saying, "Well because I am older than you! Plus I always wondered what it would be like to have someone call me big sis because my sister is always insisting on making me call her big sis. Even though she was like a only a couple years older than me."

She then continued speaking, "And you are so adorable! Especially with this chubby cheeks!" Then she moved forward suddenly squeezing both my cheeks hard.

"Stapphhh!" I shouted then tried to make her let go but she won't budge so I retaliated by tickling her.

"Hahahaha...w-wait not there!" She let's go of me and tried to get away but I followed her

I then made an evil laugh, "HA HA HA, Now you are at my mercy! Beg for my forgiveness!"

"S-stapphhh Help! I'm s-sorry!"

Then the door suddenly slammed opened. "Jean?! What's wrong!" The one that opened the door shouted.

She was probably the nurse because she is wearing a white blouse and skirt. She has black hair and brown eyes and looks a bit young.

Then she looked at us with me sitting on top of Jean pinning her down and asked, "What are you doing?"

Ahh... Shit this is awkward. I slowly got up then sat down on the bed and said with a serious voice. "Nothing, just..." I looked around and saw the book we brought from the library, so I grabbed it and continued speaking. "Reading a book."

The whole time she was watching me. "Uh huh." She said to me while nodding then turned to Jean who was brushing her messy hair down and asked. "Jean what is going on here? And who is he?"

"Um... I made a friend. His name is Will."

"Nice to meet you." I nodded at her.

She sighed and put a hand on her face. "Its good that you made a friend Jean... but why are you cutting classes again? It is the first day of school."

"W-well my classmates doesn't really like me... and said that I should get out." She muttered quietly.

"They did what?! And the teacher? They didn't say anything?"

"The teacher... wasn't there yet at the time."

She sighed again and massaged her temple, "What is wrong with this school..." Then she turned to me and asked. "And you? Why are you cutting classes?"

"Uhm... I couldn't find my room?"

"Ugh, I'm going to get a head ache this early in the morning. Come on you two I'll take you to your class."

"W-wait miss Linda could we stay here for a bit? Pleasee?" Jean asked while trying to act cute.

And... It is effective not just to the nurse but to me as well cause damn... that move should be illegal.

"... fine."

"Yay, thank you so much miss Linda."

"Yes, yes just don't disturb me okay? I really need to study my final exams are coming up." She said and sat at a chair.

After that we stayed there and Jean read the book out loud for me. I think she thought that I couldn't read but I just let her because she has a nice voice. I should have realized that it was a children's story book but I surprisingly liked it.

It was about a chicken that wanted to fly.

It started with a chicken who was jealous of other birds flying so he tried it but failed. He jumped from the ground, he jumped from a tree, he even jumped a cliff but all he got is more and more injury.

He then stops and thought that it just meant he isn't destined to fly.

Until one day he saw humans going inside a plane and flying in the sky so he tried to ride on one but he can't cause he is a chicken.

Disappointed but more determined than ever he built his own little plane. Of course it took a lot of failed attempts but he succeeded in the end.

I like it, it has a nice moral story and a happy ending.

After Jean is finished reading we heard a sobbing voice. It was the nurse, she was crying because of a children story.

We stared both stared at her and she said while wiping her tears. "I'm not crying it is just because I have some dust in my eyes."

I decided not to comment about that and instead asked her the thing I am most curious about.

"Uhm... miss?"

"Linda, my name is Linda Carter but you can call me miss Linda just like Jean." She smiled with puffy eyes at me.

"Right... what are you studying? I thought you already work here."

"Oh that's right! I was studying!" Then she completely ignored me and began reading from her notebook.

Jean laughed beside me and told me. "Haha don't be upset about her, Will. She is always like that."

"So why is she here?"

"Hmmm? I think she told me before that she was studying for a board exam but that was a few months ago."

Miss Linda suddenly said in almost a whisper"... It's because I failed..."

We both looked at her and she is laying her head at the desk with no energy.

"... I failed twice now." She continued and started sobbing again. "I just wanna be a chicken... m-maybe I'll be able to fly as well..."

Jean then went to her and hugged her while saying, "Don't give up! You can do it miss Linda! Be like the chicken!"

She then started crying loudly while hugging Jean. "Ohh... Jean you're the only one that supports me. All my friends are already working at the hospital while I am still here... A school nursh!"

"There, there miss Linda don't give up." Jean said while patting her back.

While I was just at the bed looking at them and not knowing what to do so I said, "That's right! Don't give up my Mom is a doctor maybe she can even recommend you after you pass."

"R-really which hospital?"

"I think the Metro General?" I am not really sure but I think she mentioned that to me.

She then started crying even more loudly. Jean then glared at me like I was the cause of it. I don't even know why she cried harder. I was just trying to comfort her.

"M-miss Linda? What's wrong?" I asked

"...w-well that is the hospital that my friend managed to get in... a-and she also said that she'll recommend me after I pass."

Then why is she crying even more? I looked around the room trying to find an idea or something, anything. That is when I looked at the clock.

"T-then how about we eat? It is almost lunch time." I suggested.

"R-really...?" She then looked at the clock on the wall. "Oh you're right. Why don't we eat first my treat, after that I'll take you to your classrooms."

Then she fixed her make up in a mirror, brush her hair and then turned to both of us. "Let's go!"