
Reincarnated in Encanto

Just a simple prototype i wanted to create something new instead same old fan fic but idk how it’ll turn out might be horrible but just hoping it light a spark in someone else and they create a better Encanto fan fic. Boy get reincarnated in Encanto with a gift

GoldenFoxs · 映画
7 Chs

Chapter 3

After Alex got himself situated by summoning him a bed to lay down on while on the clone oculus hybrid. After getting the fill alex tried to use some of his powers but thy were tremendously week he tried stomping and only small crack appeared on the ice blowing out and a small cloud of frost came ou he even tried to freeze time but it only last for a few seconds " I need to control my powers fast this clone is too weak" unbeknownst to alex his clone match the same power level of Isabella. When he was finally done testing the clone powers he decided to head out. He tried to act as normal as possible; he purposely froze some part of the house when walking and doing chores just so he didn't get any questioning gazes from abuela and like hat a few months went by.

In the village Alex can be seen making a skating rink for the kids since the only people that approached him was the kids he decided to do charity work for them every now and then but the major problem is my dad is starting to get bad mouth because people want to know there futcher but when its read they get all grumpy and upset about it. "They really need to grow up" Alex said, ranting to himself while watching to make sure the kids didn't fall or more specifically Lusia she is currently playing with the other three year old kids her age knowing that she is going to try to shoulder the family burdens.

He had kow choice but to make her life as happy as possible until then. Abuela has already brain washed her and for some reason that bewitchery is extremely strong for young kids. " Alex, why did you bring Luisa out here knowing Abuela said she couldn't come out today?" Alex glanced behind him to see Miss Perfect Alex smiled and thought " Only when you're tired of being perfect can we be good cousins but until then…." Alex slightly moved in front of her stopping her from approaching lusia more " I thought she would be bored at casita all day listening to abuela lecturing so i snuck her out a problem?

Besides you already stopped me from taking delories out so let lusia be" Isabela frowned hating the way i talk to her like a child even though we were the same age physically not mentally. She tried to brush past me and get the the rink but ice chained appeared on the ground and imprisoned her legs " Do not test my patience today isabela " Soon vines wrapped around the chains and cracked them simultaneously another one flew toward Alex and before it could hit him a ice wall appeared with a flick of his fingers but it wasn't strong enough and burst on impact but it stopped the vine whip and from the dust particle came two pillars shooting straight at lusia or at least one the other one landed behind her to stop her retreat .

As a last ditch effort she inclosed herself in multiple roses and hope that that soften the impact with her fast reaction she put up five and soon after a loud impact was heard Boom was heard throughout the village and all villagers were rushing here i looked to see isabela stuck beneath the rubble and quickly rushed over to to create and ice shovel and get the dirt and rock off her just the decomposed the ice removing traces of himself " Luisa it's time to go'' He hurriedly ran picked her up and left isabella lying there.

This time he knew he messed up the minor injured on isabella would heal the real problem is abuela and the ruckus we cause today won't escape her eyes he hurriedly dropped Lusia off to Julieta and an toward his father room to tell him that he'd got in big trouble and need him to read the future. Alex was trying to find a way to escape punishment with the least amount of effort. If he really wanted to he could hide in his room but the old hag wouldn't leave me until she got her 2 cents in.

Bruno immediately put down the rats and told him to sit in the sand and soon it started to glow. Abuela could be seen walking to someone's room but it was vague and soon another image passed and a door being chained can be seen and the sand fell. " You need to ru…" and before he could finish the door swung open and Julieata , Abuela and Agustin could be seen. Alex didn wait for Abuela to speak before he summoned the door and ran through it. Leaving everyone shocked but Bruno but that was the beginning of Bruno's troubles.

First he was bombarded with questions about the door and then he was soon criticized about how he wasn't raising his kids right and soon he was even told to drag Alex out of his room. Abuela every once in a while glazed at where the door appeared Bruno finally manned up "Don't teach me how to raise my child at least i'm doing it and now letting my mother do it" bruno said with a firm tone " Unless you have the courage to drop the village needs and actually talk to you daughter maybe this fight could have been avoided…. Julieta i'm sorry i didn't mean it like that" Bruno said trying to cover up the word he just said and before he could get closer to apologize Abuela smacked him " That's enough out of you this instant" The lights and doors started to flicker and open and close.

She was using her gift unknowing due to rage and she soon calmed down and looked back only to see Julitea gone " Now i have to go clean up another one of you two messes" referring to him and Alex and soon Bruno was left alone contemplating on the last words of his mother.

In Alex Room after he jumped through the door his clone started to collapse because the power needed to summon that door was too much but that didn't bother him because he could just make another.

He started trying to meditate to see if he could finally get the hang of controlling the flow of the strange substance in his body and after a few hours of tring he finally was able to stop it from leaking out of his body. Not perfect but it was a milestone for him. After meditating he wanted to watch some Matrix by summoning the cinema from thin air. While not big it could at least be said to be a good movie room but that's it but he felt a knock on the door it was a special knock that he taught his father to let him in and soon the door opened and a few minutes ltr his father could be seen walking into the the newly transformed castle cinema "The last vision i had i think its about your room being chained" Alex had a mocking grin on his face " That's impossible trust me" If only he knew how wrong he would be he is god in the room but the outside world is a different thing After a few minutes of comforting his dad they both watched the first movie of Matrix and its was cool Bruno could be seen asking alex if there were more movies to watch and of course he told him there was more.

Bruno was skeptical because how did these movies just come out of thin air but he threw it to the back of his mind because Alex summoned a DvD player and an old fashion tv so he could watch movies like marvel dc spider man and his favorite Matrix. Alex decided after playing on the oculus clone for a few months straight was tiring and just took a deep sleep. When Alex thought everything blew over he made his way toward the dining tale and it was dead silent only brun and alex having small talk and after dinner the family followed bruno and alex to his room and before alex could wonder what going on " Alex i hereby banish you to your room" and soon the casita sprung into action a little delayed because it was against it well but it gave bruno enough time to try to run with alex but the casita made him fall through the floor and alex tried to jump back from the family but a door suddenly appeared behind him and he kicked it instantly the door shattered into many ice shards.

He even was hit by a few tiles while executing that kick but that didn't bother him who really got him was he the ball of vines heading his way he lightly flicked it and it froze he as getting ready to stomp but for some reason he remembered the casita is also a living thing and refrained from doing it he looked toward abela and blew cold air toward her trying to blow out the candle but even more doors and tiles sprung up bom boom boom booom Door after door froze and shattered until it reached abuela and blew her back dropping the candle in the process he hurriedly froze time rushing to get there but he was already mentally and physically exhausted and soon the time resume but he was a little away and a vine grabbed the candle Alex being was so mad he literally started to glow silver " I'm tired of playing these games" the first word since the battle started and soon a ice crown appeared on alex head the house began to freeze without him even touching the ground because he was releasing so much power he was floating casita started to freeze three times over at this point alex rationality was gone.

He lifted his head and isabella immediately started to freeze all the way to the neck and rapidly trying to devour the rest of her body but out oof the lue a lighting bolt appeared and tried to hit alex but it wa as if time froze and alex blurred and the bolt it the ground slightly away from where bruno was he waved and an ice wave started flowing toward pepe but felix pushed her out the way he looked over to see abuela got the candle once again but this time he was too distracted he hurriedly tried to stop time and blew toward abuela but he soon heard a voice " Alex enough calm down" He heard a familiar voice and brought him a moment of clarity but that walsall abuela needed soon a door appeared on the wall and the tiles pushed alex into and in his last moment before the door closed.

All he saw was bruno crawling out the hole with his hands out toward him saying "NOOOO" boom the door closed with a bang and chains soon started to grow in a cross shaped pattern and the door slowly started to lose it glimmer. Julita on the opposite side of the house attending to lusia and delores stuffing them with food trying to heal the darkening frost bites that seem to be getting worse by the minute and back to the flickering door "Sigh for Casita, Lusia and Delores and my father i Shall do one last thing " soon the frozen casita started to defrost and Luisa and Delores frost bites and coldness started to go away all the cold air and ice started flowing toward the door that has one last spark left but sadly alex couldn't bring all the leftover energy into his room so he just infused it into his door so it can weaken the seal over time. Alex can be seen with his hands on the door trying to absorb the power but at last it was his time to stop.

Alex just stared at the door trying to command it to open but to know avail nothing he even summoned his spare door but it brought him right back to the starting entrance and he was so mad and confused " I thought i was a god in her " then it his him like a rock in here out there "Fukkkk " alex said while blasting all his energy at the door even though he could o on for a long time the mental fatigue finally was starting to catch up and he just fell out literally fell head first into the ground

I wrote an extra lengthy one instead of 2 idk how you guys will like it but i tried

GoldenFoxscreators' thoughts