
Reincarnated in a supernatural universe * Dropped*

Waking up in the supernatural world, our MC finds himself in the body of the oldest son of the Winchester family, William. So he taught to take advantage of his knowledge of the plot in order to survive, But as he later found out that will not be so simple. . Read how at first he uses his knowledge of future events to his advantage, and later he goes from a simple human to one of the strongest beings in his new world. He also has some powers from the beginning, as most reincarnated people do. . Guys, this is my first time trying to write a story, so please don't murder me in the comments. I want to see if I am able to write fanfics and not just read them. English is not my first language, and my writing in said language isn't as good as I would want it to be, so I'm going to use some sort of AI spelling corrector, but some mistakes might get through. I will try to post at least 1 ch a day . Maybe I won't be able to post daily all the time because of work, but I promise to finish this fic, because in my opinion, an unfinished story is worse than a poorly made one.

Gboy77 · テレビ
15 Chs

Ch 9 The true story of creation

"Hello, William. My name is Amara. It is good to finally meet you, even if it is in your dream."

Will "Hello there.

I don't know if I should say the same; I guess it depends on what exactly you want from me."

Amara: "I only want one tiny little thing, to be set free."

Will: "Sorry, but as long as you want to destroy the universe, I can't give you what you want."

Amara: "Will, why would I want to destroy something I helped create in the first place?"

Will: "You did what now?"

Amara: "Will, dear, you should have figured out by now that this world is different from what you remember from your past life, so why do you still make assumptions?"

Will: "You read my memories? Not cool. But I'll let that slide; please explain what I assumed wrong."

Amara: "Fine, I guess I will tell you my story. You see, Will, eons ago, this universe was empty, held together by its natural laws, and in it was me, the only conscious being at that time—the physical embodiment of Light and Darkness, two opposite powers but holding each other in balance. Think of them like Yin and Yang. But after all that solitude, I decided to break that balance because I didn't want to be alone anymore, so I ripped out the Light side of me and simply let it spread through the universe.

And from then on, things simply happened on their own. After the powers of the light side started to fill that empty void, the world that you now reside in simply came into existence.But still, that world was empty of any conscious life, so I figured out that things were still imbalanced because only the light side was spread around.

So I started ripping pieces of the dark side—things like death, corruption, the seven sins, and a very, very small part of the power of destruction—and let those spread also.

And the next conscious beings after me came into existence: souls. And based around a soul, the first humans were born. They were capable of creation and destruction, love and hate, giving life but also death; the soul was almost indestructible, but the physical body was not. They were the most perfect and imperfect beings."

Will: "What about Chuck then?"

Amara: "Chuck, he is just the most powerful one of those beings you know as pagan gods. You see, when enough humans believe in something, beings like them can be born. The core of their existence is based around beliefs, so they need the faith of humans for their strength. Chuck was the original god of trickery and deceit, but he was not happy with being just that, so he started spreading the story of the Bible, in which he was the God of creation. I have to give it to him; that was very clever, because it made him one of the most powerful beings in this universe. And after that, he simply made everyone who knew the truth forget it to make sure his powers remained as strong as they are."

Will: "And the angels are just like him?"

Amara: "No, they are different. Chuck took the souls of humans, emptied them of all their memories, leaving them a blank canvas, imbued them with a part of his new powers, and the angels were born. Why do you think when an angel loses his so-called grace, which is the power that Chuck gave them, they turn into a human? It is because they were one in the first place."

Will: "OK, now I'm confused. How were you imprisoned then?"

Amara: "Oh, that—I imprisoned myself."

Will: "What?"

Amara: "I said I only ripped out a small part of the powers of destruction; I still kept more than 90% of it because nothing in this world is capable of handling 100% of that power. But because I was only left with destruction inside, it started affecting even me. And I really didn't want to give in to that, so I came up with a way to seal it. I created a separate dimension and locked myself and the rest of the power inside.

Sometime later, Chuck discovered that dimension, and the fool wanted the power of destruction for himself, so he made a very small opening in the dimension that I made. Obviously, that was not a good idea because now the power of destruction had a hole to leak through. When Chuck started to feel overwhelmed, he tried to seal that hole back, so he created the first mark and gave it to one of his archangels, his strongest minions. He didn't keep the mark himself because he became afraid of the power after what he just experienced.

But the seal was not perfect, and the mark started to corrupt his host and anything he came in contact with, and the devil and demons were born.

Demons, as you know, are corrupted human souls; what you probably didn't know is what they were corrupted by.

When Chuck found that out, he got scared again, so he created a prison for them from half of his kingdom, the so-called heaven, and hell was born. He threw the demons inside hell, and he created another cage for Lucifer, the host of the mark, and locked him away also."

Will: "Heaven is Chuck's kingdom?"

Amara: "Yes, all of the most powerful pagan gods have their own sub-dimensions—a place to keep the souls of their believers after the death of their physical bodies as batteries for their power."

Will: "OK, that is a lot to take in... Then can you tell me why this world resembles some stories from my old world and why I am here?"

Amara: "You know this is not the only universe out there. Every story anyone could ever think of is somewhere out there in the infinite multiverse. As to why this universe is like this and why you are here, it can be explained with one word: Destiny.

Destiny is a part of the natural order and has power even over me. So this universe is destined to look like this."

Will: "Destiny, huh? I wonder why I'm destined to be here then."

Amara: "That I can't tell you for sure, as destiny is always vague even for me.

My guess is you are destined to get hold of this mark; that is probably where all your hunches and predictive powers came from. Destiny is guiding you because your soul is originally not from here, so you should be able to resist the mark better than anyone."

Will: "The 'should' in your sentence isn't giving me that much confidence."

Amara: "Yes, sorry, I can't be 100% sure.

You can leave the power of destruction sealed in the mark, but it will still change you. How do you think you were able to overpower that original vampire called Rebekah? The changes have already started; you are going to get stronger the longer you hold the mark. You only need to be careful not to give in to the power but to control it, and I will help you with that."

Will: "What do you want me to do with heaven, hell, and everything else then?"

Amara: "Oh, that—you can do whatever you want with it. I only want you to keep the destruction sealed inside the mark and let me be truly free from it."

Will: "Fine, I will help you get out. I have the feeling you are not lying to me.

Destiny interfering again, perhaps?"

Amara: "Thank you; I will forever be grateful."



(A.N. Guys, sorry for the delayed chapter.

At first, I wanted to make Amara and Chuck transmigrators, but I was not happy with the way I wrote that. I have tried, but I must have rewritten that idea like 10 times, but I still didn't like it, so I gave up on it.

I started to watch videos of compilations of events from Supernatural in the hope I could think of something else, and it worked.

In the episode "Hammer of the Gods," Lucifer says, "You pagans are such petty little things. No wonder you forfeited this planet to us," and also when Baldur asked, "You think you own the planet? What gave you the right?" Lucifer replies, "No one gave us the right; we take it." After I watched that, bam... the idea for this chapter came to me, and I think it fits better. But hey, maybe that is just my opinion. What do you guys think of this background for this world?)