
Reincarnated Cultivator in Virtual Reality

Yearning for nothing, Qing Ming is an Itinerant cultivator with no special qualities in him His special encounter with an artifact allowed him to reincarnate into the modern world full of turbid qi and has no resemblance to the immortal world Qing Ming's journey will begin in 'Eternal Immortal' and he shall realise his destiny to become immortal amongst mortals

Severed_Dao · 都市
4 Chs

Mercenaries Guild

In this foreign world and without any clear goals, Qing Ming first decided to form his faction

The mercenaries guild is a gathering of Martial Artists who receives requests according to their ranking

Apprentice Warriors are mainly laborers or bodyguards of low-tier figures

Martial Warriors can accept requests of many kinds from assassination, killing Demonic beasts, and guarding important figures of mid-tier

Demonic Beast may have been mostly annihilated in historic times but they contain Spiritual essence and Martial Artists are capable of absorbing this to increase their cultivation efficiency few have survived the pre-historic times mainly being overlords of a small area or special qualities that allowed them to escape mankind's hands

Qing Ming sought to obtain resources available only to him while gathering companions to assist him in Eternal Immortal and figure out the in-depths of the game

Master Wu's advice and the fight between Little Phoenix and Azure Roamers made him realize the similarities it has with the Immortal World

Opening the door, a massive expanse emerged in Qing Ming's view. Natural light gave off a harmonious feel and the people were seated in groups as they drank and messed around, arguing and getting into fights but were immediately restricted amongst laughter and snickerings

Ignoring all the disturbances, Qing Ming went straight to the register to accept the mercenary test only needing to defeat a puppet equal to his cultivation base

Instantly passing the test with flying colors as it was easy for normal martial artists let alone Immortal cultivators such as Qing Ming with his half-step nascent soul fighting experience.

Receiving his certificate, he went to the Mission Board to accept a request. There were various notices stacked on each other as they confronted trying to appeal to the lingering mercenaries.

[C-class: Slay 10 Coarse Sworn Wolves and deliver their teeth upon completion]

Reward: 100 silver coins

[B-class: Guard the Deputy Officer of Personnel and receive a reward upon completion]

Reward: 10 gold coins

[A-class: Eliminate an Overlord stage Demonic Beast and deliver its corpse to this address]

Reward: Optional (Above Spiritual level items)

Qing Ming searched everywhere and found out that nothing could gain his interest. While he was lacking monetarily, it remains materialistical and the Ying family surely should have some for him

He didn't want to waste his time with these simple missions so he searched carefully and finally found something that could benefit his mercenary group

[Unknown: Gather at the branch of the alchemist association and wait for further instructions]

Requirements: Members of the Mercenary Guild

Reward: Favour of Grandmaster Mu Yuan

This request seems lacking but the words 'Grandmaster' is enough to scare anyone

Alchemists' ranking is similar to Martial Ranking going from Apprentice, Master, Grandmaster, and Sage.

Sub-professions are available to geniuses who possess innate souls capable of withstanding pressure from foundation establishment without prior training

Every profession must have precise in their control of Qi or Fire-type Martial Techniques. The study of spiritual plants is important to handle their inner structure with the desired amount of heat and time to use for alchemy

Grandmaster stage alchemists have knowledge of 10,000 plants and a minimum of core-formation cultivation base as the innate soul grows along with cultivation

Many families and sects will send invitations to alchemists as Master stage take the majority and Apprentice stage are merely laborers or disciples.

Qing Ming searched and found information on Grandmaster Mu Yuan

'Grandmaster Mu Yuan at the age of 13 reached Master Warrior stage and the age of 20 breakthroughs and became Grandmaster with an unknown procession of further cultivation. Mu Yuan suddenly focused on alchemy and many objected to his wishes but he was adamant as nothing could stop him, leaving the real world into seclusion"

Qing Ming guessed that Mu Yuan possibly gained some artifact or scripture that surpassed his understanding of Martial Arts.

Regardless, Mu Yuan's favor can be an asset of background and resources as Qing Ming possesses profound knowledge from the Immortal World even if it's common knowledge, the mortal world is just too lacking in sub-professions

Heading off to Mu Yuan's location, a gaze hiding amongst the crowd glinted coldly as he murmured "This brat is too cocky, I don't understand why Master Wu wishes for this foolishness to continue"

This person was the bodyguard of Qing Ming sent by Master Wu of the Ying family for he feared assassins aiming for talents lives approaching the tournament

However, the bodyguard didn't realize that Qing Ming already spotted him with his spiritual sense. His cultivation may be low but the quality in differences is like Heaven and Earth

Of course, he sensed other approaching figures in the crowd either solemnly glancing at his back or jeering with confidence but he still didn't make a move for it was a waste of time

"7th stage, no I also sense 8th stage practitioners specialized in assassination and movement skills." Determining the capabilities of the bystanders, disappointed by the suspense he let out a sigh and walked onto the road, hazily vanishing into the crowd

The rest were surprised as they started panicking including the bodyguard

"How did that brat disappear like that, even if he was hiding in the crowd we can still find him with our cultivation base" Ignorant as they were, the assassins had the pride and skills of one.

The disparity of methods separated them from common sense as they immediately headed to report to their superiors

- - - - - - -

"What are you wastes doing, you can't even keep watch of a mere Apprentice Warrior, if you guys are not wastes what are you!" Screeching the air, a voice shouted at the trembling figures hidden in the shadows like lambs waiting to be killed

Inwardly they were the figures were mumbling "It's not like you can do better than us" but they couldn't voice their satisfaction as the berating continued

Slight sunlight shined through the gaps of a window revealing the angry man whose age was below 15 with a pudgy face and jiggling fat resembling that of an experienced merchant

"This will be your last warning, find the change to kill that brat for me, the Ying family may not take a major blow but it will ruin their reputation" As his face twisted anxiously realizing his uncontrolled behavior, he started to calm down and sent away the figures

Nodding as they stepped out in the sunlight blending with the people walking around the area.

The location was a tavern called "Moonlight Travels" to the adventurers who finished their commissions to settle down for a drink and call for the waitresses for 'special' services

"Humph, that brat should quickly say his prayers before his death arrives, no one shall be with Ping'er, only I can" Savage gleams of coldness and jealousy shined through the pudgy man's eyes as he clenched his fist and crushed the glass that was in his hands

- - - - - - -

"I don't understand his aggression but I suppose it's this Ying Ping who I have not met yet" Sensing that the tracers disappeared, Qing Ming followed their traces to find their hideout. As an Immortal cultivator, he had the pride of an upper realm being and would never such misbehavior to plot against him

Retracting his spiritual sense he went to Grandmaster's Mu Yuan's location. Despite the lack of information provided, Qing Ming remembered the assassins breadth, and when he improves his cultivation will he take revenge

Exiting the city without walls, he headed to the rural regions located in the Mountains of Beasts.

Mountain of Beasts contains the hierarchy of Demonic Beasts and no human civilization exists within its region.

Mu Yuan's alchemy requires an immense amount of resources and solidarity. Adding to his age and strength, the clans and families can recruit him but they found out that even if they obtained this manpower, the loyalty will not remain

Offending practitioners that have a sub-profession is unwise, normally with the profession having a background such as the Alchemy Association to protect the weak alchemists who either have no talent for Martial Arts or lack materials

The Mountain of Beasts contains resources that boost cultivation as Heavenly pills refined by alchemists originates from the mountain

Of course, there is a prerequisite for strength as many beasts nurture the opportunity they find as herbs cultivated can benefit both the beast and plant itself

Mu Yuan's cultivation supposedly reaching Martial Grandmaster is equal to Heaven stage beasts merely lower than Overlord rulers.

Normally an expert of such level will disdain to glance at the mercenary guilds as a group of ruffians struggling for resources but such an expert posted a request

Qing Ming arrived at the base of a forest. Mountains of ranges placed in a formation seemingly like a hole that devours all intruders with the entrance being the mouth

In front of him, there was a city wall filled with brightness and gloom intertwining as guards patrolling the area emitted a presence that causes nearby people to shiver unconsciously

Entering the city with no difficulty did he glance backward noticing someone tracing him.

'How come there are so many pursuits lately' Helpless about this, Qing Ming sighed and headed towards the residential area and headed to an alleyway

The hidden person grinned as he appeared before Qing Ming with composure and disdain looking at a mouse stuck in a trap

"I'm not sure if you are naive or overconfident but to fall by my hands you should be honored" A crispy sound resounded echoing in Qing Ming's head as a spiritual attack went to his soul

Slightly surprised with his first opponent being a soul cultivator, he strengthened his guard and replied with his spiritual attack

The opposition was surprised as he tried to evade it.

Qing Ming wanted to laugh if evading an invisible attack let alone a force originated by the soul can be done then normal martial technique would be useless

Before being able to move, the opponent was struck stiff as his eyes blanked out and collapsed forwards with no signs of movement shown