
Reincarnated Cultivator in Virtual Reality

Yearning for nothing, Qing Ming is an Itinerant cultivator with no special qualities in him His special encounter with an artifact allowed him to reincarnate into the modern world full of turbid qi and has no resemblance to the immortal world Qing Ming's journey will begin in 'Eternal Immortal' and he shall realise his destiny to become immortal amongst mortals

Severed_Dao · Urban
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4 Chs

Dimensional Scroll

The flash of light emitted a terrifying aura and released myriads of changes in Qing Ming's soul

The sea realm absorbed the changes and stabilized as the light began to dim with the shake stopping as if nothing happened

Qing Ming let out a breath of exasperation and exhaustion, after calming himself with a short-series mediation and focused his attention back on the sea realm

The consciousness saw no major changes that affected his sea realm but a scroll had appeared

A Mysterious aura of majesty and space as if all beings are below it emerged as the scroll seems to be restricted the runes in a language that shines with divinity.

Qing Ming instantly recognized the scroll, it was precisely the only item that separated him from itinerant cultivators

He obtained it in a ruin of a Human immortal and realized its value but regardless of his methods, there was no way to use it so its existence vanished from his mind since then

The scroll suddenly emitted brilliance as words and memories started to appear within his soul

Scenes of the world's Heaven and Earth, creation, and destruction of life and worlds. Seeing all this in the palm of his hands, Qing Ming's mind started to feel splendor contrast from his ambitionless self

Everything concerning the world's Dao integrated with his sea realm as the scroll lost its glimmer

Panting with difficulty, Qing Ming accessed his new-found memories and discovered the name of the scroll

| Dimensional Scroll |

The name seemed ordinary and boastful as the scroll's appearance looked worn-out and nothing compared to its previous divine presence but no one would say so when it shows it's might

The information Qing Ming gained surprisingly were sealed, the only thing that remained was comprehension of the world's law that lingered in his sea realm fading like wind without purpose

Realizing the opportunity, Qing Ming ignored all external surroundings and meditated

The law that remained was absorbed by him while the Qi in the mortal world began to rush towards Qing Ming as a vortex appeared before his dantian.

"Law energy is only available to Nascent Soul realm Sages and experts of their levels are one with their Dao and can form their domains," Qing Ming noticed the deep intricacy of the law he was absorbing

In the Immortal World, he reached half-step Nascent Soul but was only a match for sects cultivators at Late-stage Core formation due to his Martial cultivation and techniques being weaker than the disciples of the sect and more importantly...

Qing Ming didn't have a Dao's heart

Cultivators' Dao heart represents their 'way', it contains their entire experience and affiliations that revolve in their heart, body, cultivation, technique, and soul.

The birth of Heart Demons emerges to assess the strength of one's Dao heart and many falls before reaching Nascent Soul stage, that is why they are called Sages for they have survived the trials of mortals and ascended spiritually and physically

Qing Ming's condition was abnormal in the Immortal World and no one could discern his problem and decided it was due to his lack of talent

But this was impossible, he reached Core formation at the age of 100 which is normal for the sect's disciples but amazing for itinerant cultivators as they have only resources that they obtained by plundering or other methods

To breakthrough Nascent soul stage, one must face the Heart Demon trial and accumulate Qi to break through from their mortal shell as their soul can leave their physical body

Law energy is a higher form of Qi that surpasses Immortal Qi let alone the Turbid Qi in the mortal world.

Qing Ming's heart began to pound, who didn't wish for power, it was only because of Qing Ming's inability to cultivate his Dao that he forbade his ambition, stuck at Half-step Nascent Soul at the age of 2,000

While he became perturbed by his thoughts, the Law energy began to dissipate into nothingness as though they escaped to another space

Letting a sigh of regret, Qing Ming knew he couldn't do anything about it. His realm was too low and while he lived a long life, it was little compared to Sages that lived for 5,000 years and beyond

This night he couldn't continue to meditate and decided to take a shower before sleeping. The stress on his consciousness made him sweat and strength seeped out his body as he shut his down before falling down

. . . . . .

"Did you all investigate his background" In a building located underground of Shanghai, groups of cloaked figures appeared in the shadows as a candle blew in the middle of the group

"Yes, there are no signs of any backing of that lad Qing Ming and his cultivation has been detected to be Apprentice Warrior 2nd Stage" Saying this, everyone had weird expressions as if whether they should be surprised or laughing but none was happy about it

"How can an early-stage Apprentice Warrior be capable of withstanding Wu Hou's Core formation's Aura suppression." They all let out gasps of surprise and chatter in the building began to get rowdy

"Enough, we found our cue in this situation and we must rid of that brat before officially joining the Ying Family, there is still a year before the 'Carp leaping into the Dragon's gate Tournament' with his potential, he can rank within the top 100".

The tournament only attracts martial artists in Shanghai but this is one of China's largest cities and the number of practitioners is like ants in a sea

There are no criteria for entering the tournament and it aims only to assess one's cultivation base, martial technique comprehension, sub-profession, and martial prowess. The rankings are indeterminate as in history, as some reached high placing specializing in one area

Qing Ming's threat in cultivation base in nigh impossible as reaching Half-step Core formation within a year is like ascending to Immortality in one's lifetime.

Practitioners below the age of 30 years can participate but average geniuses nurtured by their backgrounds can forcefully raise their disciple's stage to that level and top-notch geniuses can breakthrough faster without their cultivation stabilizing

However, Qing Ming's predicament won't limit him in sub-profession and martial technique comprehension. A strong soul can help in alchemy and inscription and raising their level in a short time is doable while martial techniques can be taught to him directly, borrowing the ideas of ancestors and mixing them with his comprehension

The limited distribution of Leaping Tears is enough to make families and clans who failed, eyes bloodshot with envy.

Everyone gathered not only set Qing Ming as their target but also many potential threats with no background or low cultivation base to ensure their disciples succeed

"We shall place him top 40 amongst our list" As everyone conversed, a hoarse voice incapable of determining the gender of the person echoed across the room. Aura released indicating Martial Grandmaster, suppressing the representatives mainly Martial Masters proving his leadership amongst the gathering

Everyone turned their head and faced the figure cloaked covering its existence. A singularity exclaimed, "Why is such a genius ranked so low?" Many were also surprised by this and started to convince the leader

"We indeed set up a contribution system but it is not something you can exploit against me" A humph voiced in discontent and the aura ruptured the space albeit repaired in an instant

The representative's faces went pale as they realized their standings and stopped chattering. They are merely representatives and their worth can easily be replaced

The contribution system existed to motivate the clans and families of weaker status to attack talented seeds. Even those with confidence decided to participate for some benefits offered and some hope to recruit their target into their clan

"While the child may be talent, the world within Shanghai has many surpassing his deed of only withstanding someone's pressure and the current ranking is already pushing it," The cloaked leader said coldly

"Then who shall take the task of assassinating the little brat" Everyone began to get rowdy again and in the background, a sneer appeared eventually fading from existence

. . . . . .

Next day in the morning

The bright sunlight shone through the windows of Qing Ming's house and arose him from his deep slumber

Struggling to open his eyes he began to make his way to the bathroom and prepared himself for the day

Unknowingly his consciousness began to seep into his sea realm and detected the changes made before he slept

A mini-vortex appeared in his dantian as extremely thin Qi strands were absorbed and purified the Turbid Qi

Immediately awaking from his languid state, he realized that his Qi cultivation reached a new level "The minuscule strand of Law energy I absorbed actually pushed me to the 7th stage of Qi condensation" Surprised by this outcome Qing Ming focused his attention on his dantian

"This seems to be related to the law I cultivated from the scroll, the quality of this state of continuous absorption might actually rank high in the Immortal World."

Retracting his attention out the sea realm, he began to ready himself as he left the house and walked towards a large building no smaller than Immortal Union

| Mercenaries Guild |