
Reincarnated As Muichiro Tokito

What happens when someone reincarnates as Muichiro Tokito in Demon Slayer, but things in this world are different from the original story. Please note I'm just writing this for fun. P.S: English is my 3rd language so there will be quite a few of mistakes but it should be readable. [Cover is not mine] Discord: https://discord.gg/7Zws4xjx8T

FallenEclipse · アニメ·コミックス
33 Chs

Some Bitch Named Becky

Muichiro laid on a futon inside of a room within Mitsuri's estate. His haori was on a stand in the corner of the room along with his sword. He blinked slowly and moved the cover off of his body and sat up.

The shoji panels behind him were open letting the cool breeze pass through his hair, making it flutter slightly. Muichiro rubbed his eyes then slapped his face lightly a few times trying to wake himself up.

He was in Mitsuri's estate because it would take a while to build his, and she offered. Who was he to decline the offer of a free place to stay. Ever since joining the corps he mostly slept in trees or on rooftops, it obviously wasn't very pleasant.

Muichiro groaned and stood up stumbling slightly. He walked outside onto the engawa sitting on the edge, his feet hovered over the ground a bit.

He sighed loudly making a frown form on his lips "I think I have a fever. What a bloody pain." He muttered to himself. There was a gust of wind causing his long hair to be swept up in the current. He closed his eyes enjoying the peace just listening to the wind and the glass.

The sight could make almost anyone feel calm. Muichiro got up and cracked his neck before going to go take a bath.

Sometime Later, At Butterfly Estate

Muichiro was in his slayer uniform with his sword and haori on his lap while Shinobu examined him. He reached for some juice on the table next to them only for her to slap away his hand. This made a light sigh expect his lips as he tapped on his sword.

Muichiro hoped that he could train for a bit before he started to go on missions again, but this damn cold was stopping him. Usually, he couldn't care and just train anyway but Shinobu didn't want him to train until he is back to peak condition. And he wasn't in the mood or good health to afford pissing off this menace to society.

He risks his life six days a week fighting against demons for God's sack, yet, he didn't want to mess with her the way he is now. That's just asking to go to Valhalla early.

Shinobu took a small step make and only then did she give Muichiro the juice "Well Tokito-san, all of your injuries from your last fight are all surprisingly healed. I thought it would take more time but guess not. But you seem to have a fever. You need to stop drinking your milk tea for a while."

Muichiro looked at her staring straight into her eyes. He put the juice down and his hands went to his lap "No." Shinobu's eye twitched slightly seeing hearing this. She knew he had an obsession with milk tea.

"Do you want to keep your fever, Tokito-san?"

"If it costs giving up milk tea then I shall not. Milk tea is the very essence of life. Without milk tea, there is no point in getting out of my futon. So, I say nay!" He grabbed his sword and haori before performing a backflip out of the window and running away from her estate.

Shinobu blinked and sighed, like three times. She sat down in her chair and shook her head. She was utterly speechless at Muichiro, she wondered how this obsession with milk tea came about. Milk tea of all things?! She knows it's good but this was just stupid.

She looked back at the window and saw Muichiro coming through it. He fell on the floor and stood up dusting himself lightly. Muichiro walked over to the juice and gulped it all down in a few seconds before slamming the cup onto the table and jumped through the window once again. Shinobu just stared at the glass cup and sighed, again!

Sometime Later, With Muichiro

Muichiro was in a forest near Mitsuri's estate drinking milk tea in a tree. He wasn't going to give up milk tea, not even for a day. Muichiro finished and jumped off the tree and landing on the ground. "Time to train."

Time Skip! Two Months

"What was I doing again? Uhm? Oh yes, a mission." Muichiro was standing on the roof of a random house looking at the night sky. He has been doing missions none stop for a week now, or was it two weeks? He forgot so it must not have been that important.

Muichiro killed a LOT of demons during his missions. He forgot to keep counting after a mission, he also forgot the number but he likes to think it's quite a lot. Or maybe it wasn't, who knows.

Because he didn't.

Muichiro stood up and gazed at the night sky. He had bags under his eyes due to the lack of sleep, and when he did sleep it wasn't in a good place. He was able to rent a bedroom a few times so he wasn't completely sleep deprived.

Muichiro looked around for a few seconds before running forward. He hopped from roof to roof barely making a single sound. The few people that were able to catch a glimpse by accident were baffled, but some just thought they were seeing things, and some just mind their business.

After runny for a bit Muichiro reached the edge of the town. He kicked off of a rooftop into the air. 'Demon. Demon. Demon. Where is lil old demon... oh, there it is.'

Muichiro looked down and saw a demon, it looked "normal" in demon terms. Muichiro sighed, the demon looked very weak and it seemed to be newly turned as well.

'Let's do this quickly. I saw a night cafe earlier, I haven't even since yesterday.' Muichiro held his sword and straightened his body before diving downwards.

He land next to the demon and slashed cutting his head off. It couldn't even track his movements, much less dodge his attack. Its head landed a bit away but Muichiro was already walking away.

He swept his sword to the side getting the blood off before putting it back into its sheath. Muichiro hummed vanishing from his spot. His first thought after that was "Weak little ding dong." then his second thought was "Time for milk tea."

Maybe he can find a place to stay for the night. Muichiro walked through the town full of people, although it was night. He wanted to go back to the cafe before he ends up forgetting where it is.

He stopped in front of an ally way and saw a cardboard box a bit away. Tilting his head, Muichiro walked towards it quite a bit curious as to what was inside. He sensed three very small auras inside of the cardboard box.

He couched down and took its cover off, Muichiro was surprised when he saw three baby cats with pure white fur. Two of them had blue cat eyes while the other had green. Muichiro looked at them and she looked up at him.

"Cute." Muichiro put his hand in the box and watched as all of them moved to it. They either rubbed their heads on his hand or licked it. He let them do what they wanted and examined the box.

It seemed to be in very good condition which he meant that it was placed here recently. He looked at the cover and saw a note on the inside that read;

Whoever finds these things can keep them. I don't want them anywhere near my family, do what you want. I don't care. Either keep them or leave them, it's not my problem.

"What the fuck." Muichiro's face twisted into disgust after reading it. Who would just put three kittens into a box and leave them in a dark ally? If you don't want them at least directly give them to someone, or drop them off at a pet store so the people there can tend to them.

There weren't ever any holes in the box. How long does it take to cut out a few wholes a box? He frowned and took his hand away from the kitties wiping it with a handkerchief. Muichiro ripped off the note, he crumpled it and threw it away.

He reached with both hands patting all of the kittens causing them to pur. Muichiro took his hands away again and used his sword to make square holes in the cover.

He put it on the box and held it in his arms. If they didn't want them he would gladly take them, they were cute and fluffy. What more could he want. He has never had a pet before, even in his past life. He always wanted one but his parents would say no, and when didn't have to deal with them anymore he became too business. It should be a good experience.

Sometime Later

Muichiro was sitting at a table outside of a cafe under an umbrella. The box was on his lap as he patted the kittens. They were a bit dirty so he would have to get them a bath when he gets home, that'll be something.

Not many people were outside because it was very late and a bit cold out, so most of the people were inside. Muichiro luckily didn't have to wait long for a woman to come over, she had brown hair with black eyes and was on the shorter side.

Muichiro didn't like her already, her aura was off. She was human but not a nice one, she seemed to be VERY prideful.

"What do you want, kid?" She didn't even look at him. Muichiro just blinked and turned to a man behind him "Sir, may I have the time?"

The man was a bit surprised but nodded his head "Sure, it's eleven thirty-two p.m." Muichiro nodded. "Thanks." He got up with the box and walked away.

Muichiro was already pissed about earlier and he knew he needed sleep. He was a volcano ready to explode, and he wasn't in the mood to deal with some random bitch named Becky.