
Reincarnated As Muichiro Tokito

What happens when someone reincarnates as Muichiro Tokito in Demon Slayer, but things in this world are different from the original story. Please note I'm just writing this for fun. P.S: English is my 3rd language so there will be quite a few of mistakes but it should be readable. [Cover is not mine] Discord: https://discord.gg/7Zws4xjx8T

FallenEclipse · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
33 Chs

Kinda Cute

"Here I am. Once again injured her death in a fucking bed. It hasn't even been three months since I was last in this position." Muichiro was currently sulking laying on a bed inside of the butterfly estate.

He hated being here. Not so much in the estate but more so in the bed. It felt like yesterday when he was in a bed completely immobilized luckily he could move this time. Being forced by a hunch of children to stay in a bed all day and drink shit medicine was bull.

"Language, Mui." Makomo spoke up from the side. She was sitting on a chair reading a book while Sabito was on the floor playing some card game by himself.

"I've been forced to stay in this bed for over a month now, my left eye is now blind, let's not forget my sword has been taken away from me. I think I have some right to be mad, no?" Muichiro took some milk tea that he had and drank it then nodded his head in approval.

"It could have been worse, Mui."

"Well yeah. As long as you come out alive then it can automatically be worse."

"How's your eye though? You gonna retire early?"

Muichiro almost spat out his drink hearing Makomo's statement. But he would never disrespect milk tea like that and spit it out, "Why would I. It's only one eye, the other is perfectly fine. And who said I even needed my sight to fight."

"True true. But at least you are not crippled." Sabito said with a shrug. Muichiro hummed and reached for the mochi on the nightstand. Makomo snapped her fingers, "Oh yeah, the master what's to see you when you can at least walk."

Muichiro hummed and ate his mochi not paying attention to what she said in the slightest. She sighed wrote it down on a piece of paper for him later.

'What a pain. Now I need to find a way to restore my fucking eye. That's going to take a while.' Muichiro rested his chin on the bed eating more mochi.

[Yo! I can help ya know!]

'Okay, then help.'

[Well... you need to unlock the system functions for me to do that]






[What's the "Hm" for?!]


[S-Stop it!]



Three Days Later

"I'm bored." Muichiro mumbled laying on his bed. His elbow was on his lap with his chin on his palm. He had a book in his other hand with.. well... it was completely blank. It was quite literally just staring at a black page.

He threw it over his head and heard a scream. Muichiro took his sword from under his bed and unsheathed the blade, "Oh, he sharpened it. What to do, what to do?" Muichiro stood up changed into his corps uniform. He didn't wear his haori and just held his sword.

Muichiro left the estate and walked around for a while looking for something to do.

[Don't you want to wear an eyepatch or something? I don't know.]

'No. I don't really care so it's whatever. I'll find a way to fix it later. My combat strength doesn't decrease since mostly use my other senses when fighting.' Muichiro reached into his pocket and took out a piece of paper.

Mui, you are probably wandering around right now looking for something to do, but you need to go to the master's estate. He asked to speak to you when you are able to walk.


"Oh yeah. Where is that place again? I'll figure it out." Muichiro closed his eyes and spun around for a few seconds. When he stopped he opened his eyes and walked in the direction he was facing. Nothing at all can go wrong with this.

Many Wrong Directions Later

Muichiro was standing in front of a tree looking around. He was lost, it was pretty obvious. He just picked a random direction and started walking, what did he really expect. And let's not even get into how many times he got sidetracked. He got sidetracked while being sidetracked like seven times!

"I think I'm lost."

[No shit. What gave you that idea, master. Was it the fact that you have been walking around for God knows how long]

'Pretty much.' Muichiro looked down at the water and sighed. He just wanted to go drink milk tea and eat food. He doesn't even know the way back so he can't really retrace his steps. He turned around and saw a girl with pink hair fading into green right in front of his face.

"Hi! Aren't you the one that killed Lower Moon 1 a month again?!" She lowered herself to match Muichiro's height.

'Why is she so close? More importantly, why am I not upset.' Muichiro was a person who liked her personal space so he doesn't like it when people are all up in his face. So it was odd when he wasn't mad that she was in his face. Her face was barely three inches away from his.

"Yes, that's me. Do I know you?"

"We have never officially met before. My name is Kanroji Mitsuri. You are?"

"Tokito Muichiro." Muichiro's answered. Mitsuri's eyes wandered to his left eye causing her to freeze. She felt a bit guilty that he lost an eye. She thought it was somehow her fault because she arrived too late.

Muichiro could feel her aura and frowned a bit.

"Anyway, why are you here. Shouldn't you be recovering, I remember Shinobu-chan said it would take a while for you to completely heal."

"I was told to go to Ubuyashiki Estate for something about something I can't remember. But I got lost and sidetracked a few (many) times on the way."

"Oh! I can take you there, just follow me!" She didn't wait for a reply and started to walk away. Muichiro looked at her and blinked, he hummed and followed close behind her.

The silence wasn't awkward surprisingly more so calming. Mitsuri fiddled with her fingers and said "So, uh. I wanted to say sorry, you know, about your eye. I know you are probably going to say something like "it's not my fault" like what Shinobu-chan said. I hope we can get along and be good friends... wah."

She looked back and didn't see Muichiro.

"Whattt!" Mitsuri looked around and saw him standing a good bit away from her. He was just staring up at the sky mumbling to himself. She remembered what Sabito said about him having a low attention span and sighed.

Mitsuri walked over and took his hand before walking forward. Muichiro didn't look at her or even speak to her, he just kept looking at the clouds walking behind like a lost puppy.

Mitsuri looked back at him but looked forward when she felt her face heat up over so slightly, 'He's kinda cute, and he seems nice. Why am I thinking this?!?!' She bit her bottom lip and held his hand tighter.

'His hands are so warm.'

At Ubuyashiki Estate

Sabito and Makomo were standing in front of an estate with "smiles" on their faces and sweating buckets. Almost all of the pillars were standing next to them. The pillars were getting impatient.

They have been there for a long ass time waiting for Muichiro, but he has yet to arrive. Kagaya Ubuyashiki was sitting on the engawa of his estate with tea in his hands.

The Sound Pillar, Tengen Uzui said "Why are we here again?" Shinobu smiled and looked up at him "We are waiting for someone, Uzui-san. Just be patient." Although she said this to him it was mostly for herself as well.

"How very unflamboyant of them. We've been here for a while, I could be with my wives doing ANYTHING else."

Shinobu still smiled, she couldn't help but agree with him. She could be doing other things but instead, she was waiting here. Due to her respect for Kagaya, she didn't voice any of her complaints. The Wind Pillar, Shinazugawa Sanemi stood to the side grumbled to himself. Seeing him mad about something was a very common sight so no one was bothered with it too much.

Rengoku Kyojuro said "Well, if he really did defeat Lower Moon 1 after a week in the corps he must be very strong! Not very punctual though." He had his usual smile at was honestly creeping Sabito out.

'Why does he smile so much? Does he smile while slaying demons? God, I don't even want to think about that.' He shuffled away from Kyojuro a bit.

Kagaya smiled and said "Sabito-san, Makomo-san, would you mind if I ask you a question?"



"How is Muichiro-san? I hope he is doing well, the last word I got about him was when he passed the final selection."

Sabito pushed Makomo forward slightly making an irk appear on her forehead. She sighed and said "He is going well. He's very strong and smart too, he figured out how Lower Moon 1's blood demon art worked very fast and even how to counter it. He also likes milk tea and mochi."

"Like doesn't even describe it." Sabito mumble.

"That's good, he seems to be doing well. I heard his left eye has gone blind, how is he dealing with it?" Kagaya asked.

Makomo and Sabito looked at each other then back at Kagaya "Uh, he doesn't seem to care that much. He said it was only an eye and that he doesn't really need sight to fight."

"Confident! Oh, is that him?" Kyojuro pointed to the side and everyone looked to where he pointed. They saw Mitsuri walking over holding Muichiro's hand. Her face had a slight tint of red while Muichiro was just looking at the clouds without a care in the world.

Iguro grumbled causing Shinobu to snicker. He glared at her but Shinobu was already facing away pretending she didn't notice his glare.

Mitsuri walked over with Muichiro still in hand "Hi everyone! Sorry for being late, I just got back from a mission. I bumped into Muichiro-san on the way. He apparently got lost on his way here."

"Ah, Mitsuri-chan, it's good you made it, and thank you for bringing Muichiro-san. My children, since you all are eager to get back to your duties I shall make this quick. I would like Muichiro-san to be the ninth pillar. If you are wondering, he is thirteen as of last month and trained for only two months. He is a very skilled and talented swordsman." Ubuyashiki said.

All of the Hashira looked at Muichiro who was just poking the ground with his sword. They looked back at Ubuyashiki "He may not seem like much but I have no doubt in my mind he will be even stronger in the years to come."