

Axel, a man. a thing. a... well, he doesn't know what he is. wakes up inside an egg with a system window in his face asking him to select a pokemon. Not even knowing where to start he is caught off guard when the window changes, and a big red random button appears. thankful, he smashes it like your sister. and ends up as a Gible. Luckily for him he's out of the woods and meet his trainer after hatching. Disclaimer: This is a little side project of of mine and update are irregular! I don't own anything but the oc. cover pic is not mine either so you if you are the creator and wish me to remove it, let me know. thanks.

McTripp · アニメ·コミックス
6 Chs

Chapter 5: Invitation.




"mmmhhggga, five more minutes!" *Snuggle snuggle*

"Cynthia! get your butt out of bed right this instant young lady!" Carolina called from the door.

*Yawn* "Grandma, It's like 6 in the morning let me sleep a bit more! please!" Cynthia said as she pulled the covers up to shield her face.


Carolina sighed shaking her head. "Your Gible has been in the training grounds since 4:30am, you need to get up and make sure he eats some breakfast. And get him out of there! ever since you took him to that training ground he has practically made it his home."

"I know grandma but he likes it there, Gible is trying to gain strength, he is just frustrated by how weak he is at the moment... not that he's actually weak but he thinks that he is and that will be good for his growth." Cynthia replied after getting out of bed and washing her face in the bathroom.

She followed Carolina as they made their way down to the kitchen where Cynthia knocked up a quick feed for Gible. "Well, while I am worried about Gible, I'm more worried about you Cynthia, I may have given you Gibles egg earlier then normal, as dragon type Pokémon take longer to grow, but you still need to put in more effort then you have been so far and nurture your bond with Gible."

"I know grandma, we get along just fine don't worry. Gible even learned Sandstorm after we played around with his Sand tomb move, well... that's probably why he got up so early, he was excited yesterday but we only learnt it at the end of the training session so I called a stop to anymore practice." Cynthia said as she headed towards the training grounds.

"Well try to stay by his side more! and you should exercise as well! you've been eating too much icecream, your gonna get fat!" Carolina shouted.

"I'm not fat Grandma!"


"Morning Gible~" Cynthia called out happily as I was training my Ancient Power move inside the sandstorm.

"GibGible!" 'Yo What's up sleepyhead.' I called back.

"Come quick, I've got some breakfast for you." She said and made her way to the side of the training grounds where there was a bench set up for observing.

My eyes gleamed at the mention of food and i dropped the Ancient Power move and ran towards Cyn and jumped into her lap.

"Gible Gible!!" 'Thank God! I was starving!' I said happily while rubbing my headbody against her stomach making her laugh with a smile.

"Here you go Gible, Dig in." She said, placing my pokemon food down on the seat next to her.

Not needing to be told twice I jumped over to the other side of the bench and proceeded to fill my belly.

"Gible GibGible." 'God only knows why these pokepellets taste so good.' I said happily while munching my food.

"Thinking about it now Gible would you like a name? It's something that sets you apart from other Gible, and makes you special.' Cynthia said to me and explained as I lifted my head to stare at her.

Nodding I went back to eating as she started listing names while I shook my head when she looked at me to see if I liked them.

Finally she gave up after when I was starting to come to terms with fact that I might need to accept a new name. It was at this time that she asked me while looking a little crestfallen. "Huh, you don't seem to like any of my names. well then, what name do you like?"

'Ahh! Is this it? an opportunity?' "Gible!" I shouted as I hopped of the seat and wrote my name on the ground.


Then I sat and looked at it while rubbing my chinbody as a few more names flashed through my mind so I got up and wrote them down too. all the while Cynthia was just looking at me in amazement. Truly her naming skills horrible and if it were left up to her, I'd have been named after a icecream flavour....







*Superman!* (jokes jokes I'm not doing it so don't vote you asshats.)


Looking back up at Cynthia I see her dumbfounded expression. "How did you..."

"Cynthia! You've got a letter!" Carolina interrupted.

Walking up to us, she handed the letter to Cynthia while waiting next to her with a mirthful smile on her face. "Well hurry up and open it." she coaxed.

"Yes, yes okay grandma, just give me a second." Cynthia sighed at her grandma but I could see the light of curiosity and excitement in her eyes.

Opening the letter she read it out loud for us.


[ Dear Cynthia.

You are invited to attend this year's special conference for promising young trainers.

This event will be held in Pallet Town by Professor Oak and we will have many visiting Professors and other guests coming to give instruction, personal advice and tips. There will also be many other events and youngsters for you to get acquainted with.

We happily await your arrival for Professor Oaks summer camp!

Kind regards.

Professor Oaks lab assistant.

Jerry Lintfield. ]

Hearing the message I start getting fired up! it's gonna be me first trip to the outside world and I'm looking forward to it. Hopefully we will find some other pokemon that I can challenge.

Thinking of this I do a quick check of me stat's.


Name: N/A

Species: Gible. (Shiny*)

Gender: Male.

Age: 11 Day's.

Talent: S

Rank: Juvenile stage.

Bloodline: Garchomp/Charizard.

Nature: Rash.

Abilities: Sand Veil (2% Mastery).

Hidden Abilities: Rough Skin (1% Mastery).

Hp: 68->76

Atk: 74->83

Def: 49->56

Spc Atk: 42->48

Spc Def: 46->50

Spd: 52->60


Egg Moves: Dragon Rush(i)46%. Outrage(i)23%. Ancient Power(p)5%.

Moves: Sand tomb(h)1%. Tackle(i)88%. Sandstorm(i)11%.


Out of all my moves only Sand tomb has reached (h) Honed and Ancient Power has reached (p) Practiced. As those are the two moves that don't take a massive toll on me unlike Outrage and Dragon Rush. where as I just don't want to use tackle, I mean, like it's a shit move anyway and I've got Dragon Rush which is a super version of it right?


A/N: Yo! What's up peoples, so I need help with a name, like should he just keep his name as Axel or have a cool sounding name? check out the names In the chappy and vote on the one you would like. poll closes in 7 days. Thanks for reading and God bless you wonderful sexy mofos.

Side note, whenever I catch a dog pokemon in the games I always name them BattleWolf. I can't help it, I got that knife and fork itis. And when it faints, I'm like. "BattleWolf!! NOOOOO!!!!!" LOL!!!! 😆 🤣

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