
Reincarnated As A MC With The Highest Compatibility Rate

Mark, a military officer, dies in battle and unexpectedly regains consciousness, only to discover he had inhabited the body of a 17-year-old named Dennis. He also realized that this was a different earth. As he recovered memories from Dennis, he made even more shocking discoveries... "Earth's location in space got shifted three years ago?" The circumstances encompassing this revelation, as well as the effects it brought upon the human race, rocked Mark to his core. Dennis, who was orphaned from the earth-shifting incident, had gotten drafted into the Modified Combatant program. This was created to train humans and experiment on them to increase their compatibility rate with the new Ultimate Vestro Battle suit created by government scientists, which had an inbuilt system. This was in a bid to bring out the full potential of the suit so humans would be powerful enough to resist and battle against the extraterrestrial forces plaguing the planet. Despite this being a dangerous endeavour, Dennis agreed to be a part of the program so he could cater to his little brother, who happened to be the only family member he had left. How will Mark, who had now become Dennis, move forward after getting thrown into such a catastrophic world while bearing an insanely high compatibility rate with the suit...? ------- [ Activating Memory data... ] [ Operator recognised ] [ Operator name: Dennis Slark ] [ Level : 1 ] [ Compatibility rate: 99.09% ] [ Cores Harvested: 0 ] --------- "Cores? What is that?"

TimVic · SF
102 Chs

Solo Battle With The Gorritropod

"That's because... it has to be..."

"Pass. I think I'm good," Dennis stated before shoving Scientist Belmos away.

The poor scientist fell to his back, causing the syringe to slip out of his hands and roll across the floor.

"You little..." He nearly cursed after seeing how the syringe almost got damaged but managed to control himself.

"That's very expensive," Scientist Belmos uttered while hurriedly moving to pick the syringe up.

"If you're going to administer anything, I'd like it to go through Mr Ansel first. Until then, stay away," Dennis stated with an inhospitable tone.

Scientist Belmos gritted his teeth in frustration, 'What is up with this kid? When did he grow enough spine to make such a bold declaration... Not to mention how he awoke like he was never asleep.'

Scientist Belmos tightened his grip on the syringe, causing his arm to tremble slightly in annoyance.


After a few seconds, he placed the syringe back in his coat pocket and turned around to leave.

Dennis, who was still lying on the cold metallic bed like nothing had just happened, slowly shut his eyes back.

He was truly asleep when the scientist had walked in, but Dennis had long mastered the art of light sleep and environment awareness. So long as he wasn't knocked unconscious or unconscious due to other external factors, he would be able to sense movement around him.

No one could sneak up on Dennis as he was, and he was even more on guard since he was currently in a laboratory.


The next morning arrived in a flash, and Dennis could be seen driving out of the Modified Combatants Research Facility.

He had greeted Mr Ansel and the rest goodbye after they had reached an agreement that he would be checking in with them every two weeks as opposed to the monthly interval they had been having his checkups.

Dennis had initially thought that it would be a problem, but Mr Ansel seemed to have gotten proper permits. Dennis wasn't just coming to the facility for a checkup. He was also the precedent used to better the UVS and gather data that would help the rest of the MCs before they equipped a real UVS.

During the time he spent there, the scientists had managed to uncover a couple of things that would have posed a threat to the others through Dennis and were now working to take care of the problem.

Dennis recalled Mr Ansel, mentioning that they would not risk letting the other MCs equip a fully installed UVS until after passing their final exam.

Dennis had found his statement shocking because he knew that his UVS was the real deal... Even though some of its features were still locked because they didn't want him to gain full access yet.

However, the revelation about the cores was still the most intriguing information he had gotten so far.

While on the bike, Dennis couldn't stop thinking.

'It makes sense that the UVS can evolve in power with the cores of mutated beasts since their corpses play a major role in the creation of the UVS... To think that these mutated beasts were able to mutate and evolve in the first place.

With the help of their cores, they could directly absorb V99 crystals and other energy minerals that spawned on Earth after the shifting incident. Humans aren't fortunate enough to have cores but the UVS is a real game changer,' The wind caused Dennis's hair to swim glamorously across the air as he got lost in his thoughts while sitting atop the fast-moving bike.

'According to Mr Ansel, the speculations surrounding my...'



A loud commotion up ahead suddenly pulled Dennis out of his thoughts.

"Hmm?" His face displayed an expression of intrigue and confusion as he steered in the direction of the commotion.

Up ahead was the start of a busy street with a half-crime Catholic Church, which had its entire roof missing. Atop the halved Church, a creature could be spotted crawling towards the left walls with multiple limbs.

"A mutated beast?" Dennis was instantly shocked the moment he witnessed this sight.

Everyone in the vicinity was running helter-skelter. From what Dennis could tell, a lot of people were in the distasteful-looking church initially.

Dennis looked upwards at the barrier covering the entire shelter, 'Did this one manage to find a way to slip in?'

He was in so much confusion at the moment as his bike zoomed past the location, but he swiftly turned back around and drove towards the heart of the commotion.

A few mangled corpses could be seen scattered around the place, indicating that the creature had already caused casualties before anyone could get there to help.

The creature leapt from the top of the wretched-looking church towards a lady who was trying to escape with a seven-year-old girl.

Thrroomm~ Zhrroom~

Dennis fired up his bike with intensity at that moment, calculating the creature's descent as its body streaked towards the innocent duo.



They both cried out after noticing the scary, widely open mouth of the creature that had every intention of gobbling them up instantly. 


He leapt off the bike just when he was a few feet away, causing the unhinged vehicle to whizz towards the descending creature.


The bike, which was moving at unprecedented speed, heavily slammed into the mutated beast.


Both the creature and the bike kept spiralling across the air for more than ten feet before ramming into the ground up ahead and sliding across it.

Dennis landed on his feet and scurried towards the lady and her kid.

"Move now!" He yelled while helping the lady up.

"Thank you..." She mouthed amidst horrified tears.

Dennis nodded while watching them leave the premises swiftly. He knew the bike wouldn't keep the mutated beast down for long since they were said to be very tough bastards.

He hurriedly tapped the black watch strapped to his left wrist.

[ Emergency Signal Activated ].

Sending a message at that moment to explain the current situation would have affected his focus, so he just activated an emergency signal.

The signal would lead the military to his location alongside the instructors in the Modified Combatants training facility.

Meanwhile, Dennis was well aware that waiting for the military to arrive with help wouldn't be the best choice since there were already casualties. If he left things as they were, the beast would wreak more havoc, so he decided he was going to stall it for as long as he could.


A bone-chilling growl slowly rang out from up ahead, announcing that the mutated beast had once more taken to its feet.

'I've already encountered your type before... That won't work on me,' Dennis said internally as he stood in place while the mutated beast gazed in his direction intently.

Its body was a fusion of a white, hairy gorilla and a spider. Sticky webs clung to its massive form as it seemed to be preparing to attack.

The creature was the same breed as the one in Bathe Cuda extraterrestrial training centre.

'What are the odds of facing a Gorritropod again? Coincidence?' Dennis wondered while taking note of the creature's physical features.

The only difference was that this one wasn't trapped like the other. This situation gave Dennis an extremely unsettling feeling.

Its eight prickly legs suddenly began swinging forward as it dashed at Dennis at this moment.

Thrrihh~ thrrihh~

A bunch of thick clustered webs shot out at a fast pace before the creature reached Dennis.


Dennis dove towards the right, dodging the first, but the second one was only a few feet away from hitting him.

Landing with both hands, Dennis threw himself upwards with all his might.

His body flipped forward twice in mid-air as he ascended more than six feet in the air, evading the second web slingshot.

The Gorritropod's massive muscular arms were swinging towards Dennis in mid-air at that point as the creature seemed to have caught him in a position that was impossible to dodge.

Dennis immediately reached out both feet to meet with the fist of the muscular ape arm shooting at him.


Immediately after contact was made, he made use of the force to catapult his entire body backwards.


Since the soles of his boots were the point of contact, the shock of the impact was negated, and he successfully put a lot of distance between himself and the creature.

Dennis flipped once in mid-air and landed on his feet before turning around to head towards the direction of the halved church entrance.

"Ghrrrhhhhhh!" The Gorritropod growled loudly, almost as if complaining in annoyance about the tiny being that managed to escape its jaws more than a couple of times.

It gave chase crazily.

Dennis managed to get to the entrance and sped in before the beast could get to him. However, since the Gorritropod's massive body couldn't go through the entry point, it climbed up the side of the building once more.


It broke through a part of the first-floor ceiling, landing a few feet away from Dennis, who was still trying to head for the stairway.


A web slingshot tapped onto Dennis's back at this moment.


Before he could react, he got yanked across the air by the mutated beast.