
reincarnated as a forest i controle it all

please do not expect GRAMMER or eanything of the sort this includes SPELLING

Daoist6zSfYk · ファンタジー
39 Chs

an intresting class

"the next day"

so you ss the elite class some youre leasons shall be tought by me now {systme what is a skill that they all have} [ well they all have combonation magic and magic infusion]

{thanks systme } now leason 1 magic infusion

they all seemed shocked one of them said huu how do you even know if eany of us have that skill

ren said calm down do remember he is a grand magus he probaly has a skill that lets him

i soon said well youre correct about that now

magic infusion a powerful skill that can be used in combat or every day life there are 2 types of magic that cant be used with this skill can saphite

tell me she said is one of them ark magic yes you are correct now chandler tell me the other one

is it anti magic no sorry its accualy its a difficult one its healing magic however it can be used just not with a weapon now lets continue {systme do they all have a type of magic} [yes so youre idea may work] well plese take out youre preferd weapon the looked confused but did now go ahead and infuse them with a magic of youre choice one of them seemed nervous i went over

and asked him whats wrong turns out he only has healing magic hmmm well tell me what magic you want on them he said dark and holy very well now for (magic infusion dark magic) and (magic infusion holy magic) there done he said thanks now tell me what did you infuse them with in order of ranking

1. ren preferd weapon sword infused with

the 4 main elements

2.lucy preferd weapon spear infused with

fire magic

3. nejn preferd weapon dual daggers infused with

holy and dark magic

4.yelorone preferd weapon bow infused with

water magic

5.saphite preferd weapon magic staff infused with earth magic

6.chandler preferd weapon fists infused with

anti magic

7.ensyn preferd weapon katana infused with

posion magic

8.enroly preferd weapon magic wand infused with

wind magic

9. leroy preferd weapon dual fans infused with

gem stone and wind magic

10. enore preferd weapon chains infused with

earth magic

"1 houre pass"

well class dismised youre next class it combat class