
Regain Immortality

In the ancient realm of Murim, where martial arts and cultivation dictate power, the legendary Immortal Emperor Xianwu Yongsheng faces ultimate betrayal. On the brink of ascension to the Immortal Realm, he is murdered by trusted allies. Miraculously reborn 1000 years in the past, at the dawn of his cultivation journey, Xianwu seizes this second chance to reclaim his power, seek vengeance, and fulfill his destiny. patreon.com/regain_immortality

detalafol · 東方
13 Chs

At death's door

"Prepare to suffer!" one of the attackers bellowed, drawing swords that immediately became shrouded in Demonic Qi. The aura emanating from them was menacing, forcing Lan Hua to retreat a few steps.

"Xianwu, how can I assist you?" she asked, despite knowing she might not be of much help in this moment. To the demonic cultivators, she seemed but a flicker of light, easily snuffed out.

"Keep yourself safe and stay back," his voice echoed in her mind, a clear directive that took her by surprise.

"You can communicate through ThoughtLink already?" she responded, astounded.

"We'll discuss that later. For now, we have to deal with this," Xianwu's focus was unyielding, even within the mental connection.

As the demonic cultivators advanced, a palpable tension filled the air. Xianwu, standing resolute, summoned a sword from the very essence of Celestial Qi, its blade gleaming with a light that seemed to pierce the encroaching darkness. The demonic cultivators, their own swords wreathed in sinister energy, moved in for the attack, confident in their dark prowess.

The moment their swords met, a cascade of sparks erupted, illuminating the twilight like a starburst. Xianwu's celestial blade sang against the demonic steel, a symphony of power and resistance. Each strike, parried with precision, sent ripples of energy through the air, the ground beneath them cracking under the sheer force. Xianwu, channeling the might of the cosmos, pushed back with a strength that belied his mortal frame, his every movement in harmony with the ancient rhythms of the stars.

The demonic cultivators, taken aback by the ferocity and resilience of Xianwu's counter, doubled their efforts. Their blades moved faster, a blur of shadows seeking to overwhelm. Yet, Xianwu matched them step for step, his sword a beacon in the growing gloom, its light unwavering.

"You seem confident, but your end is near," taunted one of the demonic cultivators, as their blades met with a clash that resonated through the air.

"We'll see about that," Xianwu countered, each strike of his celestial sword pushing them back, the tide seemingly in his favor.

"We must do it," one whispered urgently to the other.

"Agreed." Together, they chanted, "Oh Demon God, hear your servants and grant us the power to annihilate our foes and offer them to you." The ground beneath them writhed, and tendrils shot towards Xianwu with lethal intent.

Xianwu parried the tentacles with swift strikes of his sword, but their numbers and speed were overwhelming. Amidst this fierce exchange, the demonic cultivators, having completed their summoning, charged at him, swords drawn and dripping with dark energy.

"Your time is up!" they mocked, confident in their imminent victory.

Lan Hua, driven by concern and courage, dashed towards them, only to be thrown back by a tentacle's forceful swipe.

As the battle reached its climax, Xianwu knew the time had come. Drawing deeply on the celestial energies coursing through him, he prepared to unleash the Celestial Shockwave. The air around him became still, charged with anticipation. With a roar that seemed to echo through the heavens, Xianwu lifted his sword skywards, channeling every ounce of his power into the blade.

The ground shook, the sky darkened, and for a moment all was silent. Then, with a force that seemed to tear the very fabric of reality, Xianwu brought his sword down. A shockwave of pure celestial qi erupted, radiating outwards in a blinding explosion of light. The demonic tendrils disintegrated upon contact, their dark essence consumed by the unfathomable power of the stars.

The demonic cultivators caught in the path of the shockwave were tossed through the air like leaves in a storm. One crashed into a rock, leaving an imprint of its defeat etched in stone, while the other crashed into a tree, uprooting it with the sheer force of its impact.

As the light of the shockwave faded, Xianwu stood amidst the aftermath, his breathing heavy but his resolve unbroken.

Lan Hua rushed to Xianwu's side, her expression a mixture of concern and awe. As he steadied himself, she reached out, her touch gentle. "Xianwu, that was... incredible. But, are you alright?" she asked, her voice laced with worry.

Xianwu offered a weary smile, trying to reassure her. "I'm fine, Lan Hua. Just a bit drained. That took more out of me than I expected," he admitted, his voice softer than usual. Internally, he seethed at the necessity of using so much power against the demonic cultivators, knowing the Celestial Shockwave would be beyond his reach for weeks, if not months.

Lan Hua knelt beside him, searching his face for signs of further distress. "I've never seen anything like that before. Your connection to the celestial forces... How did you learn to wield such power?" Her curiosity was piqued, not just by the display of strength, but by the mystery that seemed to envelop Xianwu.

Xianwu hesitated, knowing that the truth could complicate matters. "It's... hard to explain. I've had some unique experiences that helped me develop my abilities," he said, intentionally vague.

"But to command the stars themselves, it's unheard of," Lan Hua pressed, her eyes seeking his, looking for the truth. "There's more to you than meets the eye, isn't there?"

Xianwu looked away, a hint of conflict in his gaze. He knew too well the risks of revealing his knowledge of the future. "Everyone has their secrets, Lan Hua. Mine are just... a bit more complicated."

Lan Hua sighed, sensing the barriers he was putting up. "I understand. We all have our paths to walk, and our burdens to bear," she said softly, offering him a supportive smile. "Just know, you don't have to carry yours alone."

Xianwu's heart warmed at her words, grateful for her understanding and support. "Thank you, Lan Hua. That means a lot to me." He looked at her, a genuine appreciation in his eyes.

As they sat in the quiet aftermath, Lan Hua's presence was a comforting constant. Despite the unanswered questions swirling between them, a silent agreement was forged—a commitment to face whatever challenges lay ahead, together.

The serene aftermath is abruptly shattered, not by the wind or rustling leaves, but by a series of slow, mocking claps. A voice, dripping with disdain, slices through the tranquility. "What a lovely sight. Is this some sort of romance blooming on the battlefield?" From the dense forest emerges a figure, his presence commanding yet ominous. Xianwu and Lan Hua, sensing the disruption, instinctively adopt defensive stances, their eyes narrowing in unison.

The figure halts at the edge of the clearing, his smirk widening as he surveys the scene before him. "Oh, don't look so hostile. I'm merely here to clean up after those incompetents who failed their simple task of dispatching two mere 'children,'" he says, his voice laced with mockery.

As he steps into the light, his features become clear: sharp and angular, with a sardonic smile that doesn't reach his cold, mirth-filled eyes. An aura of malevolence envelops him, chilling the air around.

"Who are you?" Xianwu demands, his stance unwavering, though the air between them crackles with tension.

The figure's smile turns chilling. "My apologies, where are my manners? I am what you might call an ender of tales, a harbinger of your demise," he declares theatrically, his tone veering between jest and threat.

With a casual flick of his wrist, Xianwu and Lan Hua find themselves lifted off the ground, immobilized by an invisible force that renders them helpless.

Lan Hua struggles against the unseen bindings, her frustration evident. "Release us!" she demands, her voice a mix of anger and defiance.

The figure tutted, shaking his head as if scolding a child. "Patience, my dear. All in good time,"

The stranger's gaze shifted past them, towards the direction of the previous attackers, dispatched by Xianwu's shockwave. "To eliminate them all single-handedly is no small feat, oh venerable Immortal Emperor Xianwu. But this ends now." Drawing his sword, it was a weapon of dark beauty, its blade a reflection of the abyss itself, etched with runes that seemed to writhe and shift in the moonlight.

As the name "Immortal Emperor Xianwu" escaped the stranger's lips, Xianwu froze, his mind racing. How does he know? Who is this person, and is this the end? The questions spiraled through his mind, leaving him grappling for answers.

Lan Hua's gaze flicked to Xianwu, confusion and fear mingling in her eyes. Why did he call Xianwu the Immortal Emperor? she wondered, but the pressing danger allowed no time for contemplation.

The cultivator before them raised his sword, poised to deliver a final, devastating blow. The air thickened with anticipation, the night itself holding its breath as the blade's descent threatened to close the chapter on their lives.