
Regain Immortality

In the ancient realm of Murim, where martial arts and cultivation dictate power, the legendary Immortal Emperor Xianwu Yongsheng faces ultimate betrayal. On the brink of ascension to the Immortal Realm, he is murdered by trusted allies. Miraculously reborn 1000 years in the past, at the dawn of his cultivation journey, Xianwu seizes this second chance to reclaim his power, seek vengeance, and fulfill his destiny. patreon.com/regain_immortality

detalafol · Eastern
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13 Chs

Driven by the wind

Before embarking on their journey to the nearby major city, Lingyun City, Xianwu, Lan Hua, Feng, and Jianyu gather for a moment of farewell, the air around them filled with a mixture of anticipation and the solemnity of parting.

Feng clasps Xianwu's shoulder, a mix of pride and concern in his eyes, the early morning sun casting a warm glow on his determined face. "Make sure you come back in one piece, okay? We'll be holding down the fort," he says, his voice a blend of jest and earnestness.

Jianyu, with a rare seriousness that seems to deepen the usual contemplative look in his eyes, adds, "Remember, you're not alone in this. We're all part of the Azure Cloud Sect. If you need us, we'll be there," he states, the sincerity in his tone reinforcing the unbreakable bond they share.

Xianwu offers them a reassuring smile, the bond of friendship evident in his gaze, his eyes reflecting the same determination that has always driven him. "I'll be careful. You two keep training. I want to see some progress when I get back," he responds, his confidence and camaraderie uplifting the spirits of his friends.

As Xianwu and Lan Hua set off, the early morning light casts long shadows on the path ahead, signaling the beginning of a journey filled with unknown challenges. A subtle shift is felt in their dynamic; Lan Hua, usually composed and focused, finds herself stealing glances at Xianwu, a hint of unspoken curiosity and admiration in her eyes.

"Lingyun City is known for its bustling markets and ancient library," Lan Hua remarks, breaking the silence that had settled between them. Her voice carries a note of excitement, mixed with a tinge of nostalgia for the adventures that await. "It's a place where information flows as freely as the winds."

Xianwu, intrigued by the description and the prospect of new discoveries, responds, "Sounds like the perfect place to start our investigation. And maybe pick up a few new techniques along the way." His words, filled with a blend of curiosity and determination, echo the spirit of a true cultivator always in search of growth.

The conversation flows easily between them, but an undercurrent of anticipation runs beneath their words, a shared understanding of the significance of their mission. After several hours of travel, the landscape around them gradually shifts, the dense forest giving way to open fields and distant mountains, a testament to the vast and diverse world of Murim.

Lan Hua seizes a moment of quiet to broach a subject that had been on her mind, the curiosity that had been brewing since their departure now finding its voice. "Xianwu, your rise within the sect... it's been nothing short of meteoric. How did you manage to grow so strong, so quickly?" she asks, her tone casual but probing, the question highlighting the mystery that surrounds Xianwu's rapid ascension.

Xianwu, sensing the depth of her inquiry, opts for a deflective humor, aware of the complexities and secrets his answer entails. "Oh, you know, a bit of luck, a lot of hard work, and maybe a few too many bowls of Elder Zheng's 'special' porridge," he quips, a light-hearted attempt to sidestep the deeper implications of her question.

Lan Hua laughs, the sound soft and melodic, though her curiosity is not entirely satisfied. "Luck, huh? I suppose some of us are just more 'fortunate' than others," she muses, the question of Xianwu's mysterious abilities lingering unspoken between them, a puzzle that adds yet another layer to their journey's intrigue.

As dusk settles and they reach the midpoint of their journey to Lingyun City, the decision to rest becomes a necessity. The decision to take turns keeping watch underlines the ever-present dangers of their world, even for those as skilled as they are. However, late into Lan Hua's watch, a disquieting sensation grips her—a feeling alien to someone of her prowess within the sect. Without hesitation, she rouses Xianwu, who instantly senses the anomaly as well.

In that moment, three shadowy figures approached them. The one in the center began with a disdainful tone, "So this is him? Then our mission is as good as accomplished."

A woman to his left chimed in, her voice laced with malice, "He doesn't look half bad. Maybe I'll take him with me after we've shattered his foundation."

Xianwu felt the unmistakable presence of Demonic Qi swirling around them, triggering a flurry of questions in his mind. Why were they targeting him, diverging so drastically from his past life's experiences? And who were they, with cultivation levels clearly beyond the ordinary?

Lan Hua called out boldly, seeking answers, "Who are you, and what do you want with us?"

The figure to the right spoke to the woman, his words dripping with greed, "But what a beauty we have here. If you claim him, I want her."

The leader demanded silence, focusing on the task at hand. "Enough. We focus on our mission now. There will be time for 'fun' afterward."

Xianwu turned to Lan Hua, urgency in his voice, "You need to leave, now. I'll handle them."

Internally, he was adamant about keeping her from discovering the full extent of his power, not just for the strategic advantage but also for her safety. Yet, Lan Hua stood her ground, her resolve unwavering.

"I'm not leaving you to face them alone," she retorted, her determination clear. The standoff between them was tense, each aware of the danger posed by their adversaries, yet bound by a shared duty to protect each other and uncover the mystery of their attackers' intentions.

The woman charged at them, aiming a vicious punch at Lan Hua's face. Lan Hua barely managed to dodge in time. "Don't make her ugly," one of the men shouted. "She still has to serve me with her pretty face. But break her legs so she can't run away."

As he spoke, the woman unleashed a flurry of quick blows, each aimed with deadly precision, forcing Lan Hua into a defensive stance. Seeing Lan Hua in danger, Xianwu tried to intervene, only to be blocked by the middle figure, who appeared to be the leader of the trio. "You'll have to go through me if you want to help her," he taunted, a smirk on his lips.

Xianwu responded with a series of powerful kicks and punches, but the man parried them effortlessly. "I really don't see why we should kill you. A mere ant like you isn't worth my time." With those words, he delivered a devastating blow to Xianwu's abdomen, sending him flying back several hundred metres. The pain Xianwu felt was unlike anything he'd experienced since his return; he'd never felt so powerless.

Lan Hua's situation was dire; the only reason she wasn't already defeated was because her opponent had chosen to toy with her instead of finishing her off quickly. Exhausted, Lan Hua once again demanded, "Who are you?"

"Girl, you don't need to know. All you need to understand is that your end comes today. However, if you swear eternal service to me, I might let you live," the man glared at Lan Hua, making his intentions clear.

"I'd rather die!" Lan Hua shouted defiantly.

"What a waste of beauty. But so be it, let's finish this," he sighed, preparing to deliver the final blow.

At that moment, Xianwu, driven by a surge of determination, lunged from the direction he had been thrown, catching the leader off guard and knocking him to the ground. "Dare to harm her and you will wish you were never born," Xianwu threatened, his voice cold with anger.

Knowing he could no longer hold back, Xianwu leapt forward and landed in front of the woman. He unleashed three swift blows, each landing with precision and force, showing his true skill for the first time since his rebirth.

Xianwu called upon the Celestial Ascension Technique, a profound ability that allowed him to harness the power of the heavens and the stars. A surge of qi flooded through him, raising his strength to unfathomable heights. Concentrating all this newfound power in his fist, he struck his opponent with such force that she was sent flying past her companions in a blur.

The two remaining attackers were seething with rage, unable to comprehend how Xianwu dared to overpower one of their own. "How dare you kill her!" one spat, his voice laced with anger and disbelief.

Their demonic powers awakened in response, the air around them crackling with dark energy as they prepared to retaliate. "You will pay for this," the other growled, stepping forward with a menacing aura.

A series of exchanges followed, with Xianwu deftly dodging and countering each of their attacks. His movements, powered by the celestial energy, seemed to give him an advantage as he skilfully navigated through their onslaught.

"You think your demonic tricks can overpower the celestial force?" Xianwu taunted, his confidence growing with each successful parry and strike. "The stars themselves lend me their strength."