
Reds Reset

The line between life and death is thin. With the numerous religions giving some glimmer of hope, people started hanging onto their thin rope. In an attempt to ease their minds about the unknown. But what if death is not the end? What if Death is only the beginning? Red lives in a vulnerable world, one where Windows to other planes of existence open often. Monsters and dangerous creatures reside in each, and the awakened are humanities only hope. Our story starts with Death and ends with Glory. Follow Red as he breaks through Worlds, practicing and growing stronger with each experience. The chosen Champion of the mysterious God.

Fairn · ファンタジー
197 Chs

Link's Flaws

Link froze for a bit, he was shocked. Chloe's demand came out of nowhere, he did not know how she knew he learned The Story of Genes or what he would tell her.

"What do you mean?" He asked, feigning ignorance.

"You know what i meant, your body and strength are abnormal, you have extremely fast reflexes and your senses are oddly heightened. That's exactly what the legend describes the benefits of the technique." Chloe rolled her eyes, these were the only memories she had with her mother, which is why she was so sure that her guess is correct.

"Chloe, I'm sure there's a misunderstanding, I have a couple of skills that allow me to acquire something like that temporarily, it has nothing to do with The Story of Genes." Link tried his best to put on an innocent face, he knew that the secrets he carries must not be known to others. Being able to learn all skills and spells in a matter of seconds, having the ability to feed and acquire the Mana and skills of Magical Beasts, his system and its benefits..etc.

Link wouldn't even tell Chloe about one of his secrets, that was not a gamble he wanted to take, he didn't tell his family so why consider a stranger as someone trustable.

Chloe squinted her eyes, showing obvious signs of mistrust, she was not sure if Link was telling the truth or not, but she decided not to push it.

"Then I'll save my questions for another time then" Chloe said, standing up and walking away.

<Not telling her was a good idea>

"I know, i don't plan on getting hunted by people trying to use me or get killed for being a potential threat." Link shrugged.

After Link got all the information he needed, he left the library heading to the Mission Hall.

After all his work he finally managed to accumulate 520 Points, he was planning on buying a new Level 3 Advanced Beast Core and consuming both back at his room.


"Hey Link, need anything" Raol greeted Link with a smile, he was slowly getting close to the kid.

"Good evening" Link smiled "I'm here to purchase a Level 3 Mana beast Core, 500 Points"

"Wait, are you sure you'd want to put all your Points there?" Raol asked "I mean, you've been collecting them for a long time now, was this your goal?"

"Yeah, I need the Cores for something" Link explained.

"Ok, suit yourself" Raol responded, grabbing Link's card.


"Finally" Link cheered, tapping his left pocket, feeling the two Cores in there "I finally did it"

Inside his room, Link looked at his inventory excitedly, he moved his hand and pressed Consume.

<New Active Skill: Bite>

<Bite: Gives the User the ability to consume the energy of whomever the skill was used upon. (+ 5 HP)>

<New Permanent Mana Points: +100>

"Bite? What am I, a dog?" Link muttered, though happy for finally gaining a new skill in so long.

<Like Raol said, the Core belongs to a Blood Bat, the skill isn't that much of a surprise>

"I know" Link sighed "What about the 100 Mana Points? It's a Level 3 Advanced Core, what does that say about the Core i consumed of that Deer creature?" Link asked.

<Not sure, but that only means the creature was in a different league, but that only raises more questions>

"What was it doing in the second Area? How did that Snake manage to kill and feed on it?" Link said.

<Well, a Level 2 creature killing a Level god knows what is impossible. Something must have happened, but we can do nothing about it so let's move on>

"Agreed" Link said, pressing Consume on the Core he won in the tournament.

<New Active Skill: Ambush>

<Ambush: Allows the User to conceal his scent and aura for a perfect Ambush. (Duration: 1 minute)>

<New Permanent Mana Points: +100>

"This one is not bad, and I got 2 skills back to back. Is lady luck finally smiling upon me?" Link smiled, he was in a good mood.

The tournament was over and class started like normal, Bai started instructing each and every student trying to fix their flaws.

Bai seems to be a very good instructor, he remembered all the fights and managed to know exactly which students needed help in what part.

As for Link though, Bai seemed to not be paying him much attention and focusing on the rest, when one day he approached him.

"Link, how about we spar?" Bai asked.

Link looked to be a bit confused, he felt like the question came out of nowhere, but he agreed. As all the students were practicing on the other side of the hall, Link and Bai moved to the part with the Rings.

"Alright, give me all you got" Bai said, clutching a two handed sword.

Link nodded, in his hand was the Dagger he picked for training. He looked at Bai for a bit and thought "He's a big guy, looking at that sword I'm guessing he won't be fast enough to counter all my attacks, so I should focus on speed." Link took a deep breath "I'm lucky speed is all i got"

Link activated the skill 'Air Boost' making him faster, he ran towards Bai with shocking speed, using all his 15 Agility Points and his new body. Within a second Link was in front of Bai, aiming his Dagger at his neck.


Bai moved his giant sword handle back, using it to block Link's Dagger, but in the next second Link slashed 3 to four times, his Dagger blurred as the sounds of weapons colliding with each other echoed. Students started to notice and look over, seeing what was happening with shock.

"Is that Link?"

"Yeah, how is he that fast?"

"He's fighting instructor Bai, that's so cool"

One by one they dropped their weapons, focusing on the fight.

Link looked at Bai's face, seeing him as calm as ever, even though Link was fast he still was unable to land a hit, Bai moved his weapon smoothly, blocking each strike with mind blowing precision.

Link attacked one more time and jumped back, while in mid air he cast 'Wind Blade' sending it towards Bai, he kept casting them over and over again as he circled around him, trying to land at least one, but Bai was like a snake, he moved around blocking each and every projectile using nothing but his sword.

"How is he that precise?" Link thought.

"My turn" Bai spoke, vanishing from his spot.

"What the hell?" Link looked around.


A sword came at him from the side, Link moved to block but the power of the strike sent him barreling to the side, blood appearing on the corners of his lips.

"This guy is taking this too seriously!" Link thought, he was getting a bit pissed off.

Link stood up, wiping the blood off and ran towards Bai. He attacked as fast as he could, to the untrained eye Link was nothing but a blur, sparks flew as both weapons collided over and over again.

Bai deflected a strike, took a step back and swung his sword. The air currents shifted by the weight of the attack.


Link Blinked, missing the attack and appearing right in front of Bai's face, he had his sword mid swing so he could do nothing about Link's action.


Link pulled his head back and headbutted Bai right in the face, making his nose bleed.

"Kid, you're really good." Bai spoke, holding his nose. All he wanted was to test Link out and see his full abilities, but the skills and movement Link performed could easily class him around a Level 2 Basic Mage, Bai was impressed.

"I held back a lot and look what happened to me, I haven't seen my own blood in years" Bai smiled "That's enough for today, good work. Now i know what you need help with"

Link frowned, he now understood why Bai didn't pay him any attention before, it was because he did not see Link go all out to notice his flaws.

As Link was lost in thought, the students were in an uproar.

"Instructor Bai was injured"

"What is happening"

"Instructor Bai is one of the strongest warriors of our kingdom, did he get injured on purpose?"

"I don't think so, he seemed to be holding back but Link caught him off guard"

"What was that skill? He teleported"

"Not sure, maybe 'Jump'?"

"Yeah, what can't Link do"


"Did you notice anything?" A short girl spoke, she had a device in her hands while she spoke to an old man.

"Not much, the kid is a genius but something is off about his spell casting" The old man said.

"Elaborate please" The girl looked up, it was Abby.

"It looks like he doesn't cast the spells, but they form by themselves somehow, i'm not sure" The old man held an eye glass looking towards Link.

"What about his body? He seems to be too strong for a 14 year old boy" Abby said.

"He took a strike from Bai that should have knocked him down for a bit, but he didn't even fall and stood up straight away, he has monstrous strength for his age."


Thank you for the votes and comments, please keep it up <3


Currently :


--Beast Souls

<Wind Wolf's Beast Soul> <Dagger> <Intermediate Level 1>

<Sky Turtle's Beast Soul> <Armor> <Basic Level 3>

<Ruby Python's Beast Soul> <Glove> <Basic Level 2>


-- Status :

<User: Link>

<Race: Human>

<Level 6>

<2 375/3 200 exp>

<HP: 26/30>

<MP: 800/840>

<Strength: 10>

<Agility: 15>

<Stamina: 10>


-- Skills :

<Rock Skin> <Passive Skill>

<Shadow Walk> <Active Skill>

<Counter Instinct> <Active Skill> <2>

<Blink> <Active Skill> <1>

<Shadow Eater> <Passive Skill>

<Wind Blade> <Active Skill> <1>

<Wind Affinity> <Passive Skill>

<The Story of Genes> <0 / 800> <2> <Apex Predator>

<Consume> <Active Skill>

<Instinct> <Passive Skill>

<Mana Shield> <Active Skill>

<Heal> <Active Skill>

<Air Boost> <Active Skill>

<Bite> <Active Skill>

<Ambush> <Active Skill>


-- Quests :

<Main Quests :>

<Reach Level 10>


Sorry for the late uplaod, something happen irl

i'll keep uploading 1 or if i have the time 2 chapters a day. <3

Fairncreators' thoughts